
view src/ @ 58:3d13924b22e6

implementing polygon split
author John Tsiombikas <>
date Sun, 12 Sep 2010 00:19:04 +0100
parents 6a30f27fa1e6
children eb97f9c92e1d
line source
1 #include <stdlib.h>
2 #include <math.h>
3 #include <float.h>
4 #include <assert.h>
5 #include <map>
6 #include "scene.h"
7 #include "ogl.h"
9 #define CHECK_AABB(aabb) \
10 assert(aabb.max[0] >= aabb.min[0] && aabb.max[1] >= aabb.min[1] && aabb.max[2] >= aabb.min[2])
13 #define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
14 #define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
17 static int flatten_kdtree(const KDNode *node, KDNodeGPU *kdbuf, int *count);
18 static void draw_kdtree(const KDNode *node, int level = 0);
19 static bool build_kdtree(KDNode *kd, const Face *faces, int level = 0);
20 static float eval_cost(const Face *faces, const int *face_idx, int num_faces, const AABBox &aabb, int axis);
21 static void free_kdtree(KDNode *node);
22 static void print_item_counts(const KDNode *node, int level);
23 static int split_face(const Face *inface, int axis, Face *face1, Face *face2);
26 static int accel_param[NUM_ACCEL_PARAMS] = {
27 64, // max tree depth
28 MAX_NODE_FACES, // max items per node (0 means ignore limit)
29 5, // estimated traversal cost
30 15 // estimated interseciton cost
31 };
34 void set_accel_param(int p, int v)
35 {
36 assert(p >= 0 && p < NUM_ACCEL_PARAMS);
37 accel_param[p] = v;
38 }
41 #define FEQ(a, b) (fabs((a) - (b)) < 1e-8)
42 bool Face::operator ==(const Face &f) const
43 {
44 for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
45 for(int j=0; j<3; j++) {
46 if(!FEQ(v[i].pos[j], f.v[i].pos[j])) {
47 return false;
48 }
49 if(!FEQ(v[i].normal[j], f.v[i].normal[j])) {
50 return false;
51 }
52 }
53 if(!FEQ(normal[i], f.normal[i])) {
54 return false;
55 }
56 }
57 return true;
58 }
60 float AABBox::calc_surface_area() const
61 {
62 float area1 = (max[0] - min[0]) * (max[1] - min[1]);
63 float area2 = (max[3] - min[3]) * (max[1] - min[1]);
64 float area3 = (max[0] - min[0]) * (max[3] - min[3]);
66 return 2.0f * (area1 + area2 + area3);
67 }
69 KDNode::KDNode()
70 {
71 left = right = 0;
72 cost = 0.0;
73 }
76 Scene::Scene()
77 {
78 facebuf = 0;
79 num_faces = -1;
80 kdtree = 0;
81 kdbuf = 0;
82 }
84 Scene::~Scene()
85 {
86 delete [] facebuf;
87 delete [] kdbuf;
88 free_kdtree(kdtree);
89 }
91 bool Scene::add_mesh(Mesh *m)
92 {
93 // make sure triangles have material ids
94 for(size_t i=0; i<m->faces.size(); i++) {
95 m->faces[i].matid = m->matid;
96 }
98 try {
99 meshes.push_back(m);
100 }
101 catch(...) {
102 return false;
103 }
105 // invalidate facebuffer and count
106 delete [] facebuf;
107 facebuf = 0;
108 num_faces = -1;
110 return true;
111 }
113 bool Scene::add_light(const Light &lt)
114 {
115 try {
116 lights.push_back(lt);
117 }
118 catch(...) {
119 return false;
120 }
121 return true;
122 }
124 int Scene::get_num_meshes() const
125 {
126 return (int)meshes.size();
127 }
129 int Scene::get_num_lights() const
130 {
131 return (int)lights.size();
132 }
134 int Scene::get_num_faces() const
135 {
136 if(num_faces >= 0) {
137 return num_faces;
138 }
140 num_faces = 0;
141 for(size_t i=0; i<meshes.size(); i++) {
142 num_faces += meshes[i]->faces.size();
143 }
144 return num_faces;
145 }
147 int Scene::get_num_materials() const
148 {
149 return (int)matlib.size();
150 }
152 int Scene::get_num_kdnodes() const
153 {
154 return kdtree_nodes(kdtree);
155 }
157 Mesh **Scene::get_meshes()
158 {
159 if(meshes.empty()) {
160 return 0;
161 }
162 return &meshes[0];
163 }
165 const Mesh * const *Scene::get_meshes() const
166 {
167 if(meshes.empty()) {
168 return 0;
169 }
170 return &meshes[0];
171 }
173 Light *Scene::get_lights()
174 {
175 if(lights.empty()) {
176 return 0;
177 }
178 return &lights[0];
179 }
181 const Light *Scene::get_lights() const
182 {
183 if(lights.empty()) {
184 return 0;
185 }
186 return &lights[0];
187 }
189 Material *Scene::get_materials()
190 {
191 if(matlib.empty()) {
192 return 0;
193 }
194 return &matlib[0];
195 }
197 const Material *Scene::get_materials() const
198 {
199 if(matlib.empty()) {
200 return 0;
201 }
202 return &matlib[0];
203 }
205 const Face *Scene::get_face_buffer() const
206 {
207 if(facebuf) {
208 return facebuf;
209 }
211 int num_meshes = get_num_meshes();
213 printf("constructing face buffer with %d faces (out of %d meshes)\n", get_num_faces(), num_meshes);
214 facebuf = new Face[num_faces];
215 Face *fptr = facebuf;
217 for(int i=0; i<num_meshes; i++) {
218 for(size_t j=0; j<meshes[i]->faces.size(); j++) {
219 *fptr++ = meshes[i]->faces[j];
220 }
221 }
222 return facebuf;
223 }
225 const KDNodeGPU *Scene::get_kdtree_buffer() const
226 {
227 if(kdbuf) {
228 return kdbuf;
229 }
231 if(!kdtree) {
232 ((Scene*)this)->build_kdtree();
233 }
235 int num_nodes = get_num_kdnodes();
236 kdbuf = new KDNodeGPU[num_nodes];
238 int count = 0;
240 // first arrange the kdnodes into an array (flatten)
241 flatten_kdtree(kdtree, kdbuf, &count);
243 return kdbuf;
244 }
246 static int flatten_kdtree(const KDNode *node, KDNodeGPU *kdbuf, int *count)
247 {
248 const size_t max_node_items = sizeof kdbuf[0].face_idx / sizeof kdbuf[0].face_idx[0];
249 int idx = (*count)++;
251 // copy the node
252 kdbuf[idx].aabb = node->aabb;
253 kdbuf[idx].num_faces = 0;
255 for(size_t i=0; i<node->face_idx.size(); i++) {
256 if(i >= max_node_items) {
257 fprintf(stderr, "WARNING too many faces per leaf node!\n");
258 break;
259 }
260 kdbuf[idx].face_idx[i] = node->face_idx[i];
261 kdbuf[idx].num_faces++;
262 }
264 // recurse to the left/right (if we're not in a leaf node)
265 if(node->left) {
266 assert(node->right);
268 kdbuf[idx].left = flatten_kdtree(node->left, kdbuf, count);
269 kdbuf[idx].right = flatten_kdtree(node->right, kdbuf, count);
270 } else {
271 kdbuf[idx].left = kdbuf[idx].right = -1;
272 }
274 return idx;
275 }
277 void Scene::draw_kdtree() const
278 {
279 glPushAttrib(GL_ENABLE_BIT);
280 glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
281 glDepthMask(0);
283 glBegin(GL_LINES);
284 ::draw_kdtree(kdtree, 0);
285 glEnd();
287 glDepthMask(1);
288 glPopAttrib();
289 }
291 static float palette[][3] = {
292 {0, 1, 0},
293 {1, 0, 0},
294 {0, 0, 1},
295 {1, 1, 0},
296 {0, 0, 1},
297 {1, 0, 1}
298 };
299 static int pal_size = sizeof palette / sizeof *palette;
301 static void draw_kdtree(const KDNode *node, int level)
302 {
303 if(!node) return;
305 draw_kdtree(node->left, level + 1);
306 draw_kdtree(node->right, level + 1);
308 glColor3fv(palette[level % pal_size]);
310 glVertex3fv(node->aabb.min);
311 glVertex3f(node->aabb.max[0], node->aabb.min[1], node->aabb.min[2]);
312 glVertex3f(node->aabb.max[0], node->aabb.min[1], node->aabb.min[2]);
313 glVertex3f(node->aabb.max[0], node->aabb.max[1], node->aabb.min[2]);
314 glVertex3f(node->aabb.max[0], node->aabb.max[1], node->aabb.min[2]);
315 glVertex3f(node->aabb.min[0], node->aabb.max[1], node->aabb.min[2]);
316 glVertex3f(node->aabb.min[0], node->aabb.max[1], node->aabb.min[2]);
317 glVertex3fv(node->aabb.min);
319 glVertex3f(node->aabb.min[0], node->aabb.min[1], node->aabb.max[2]);
320 glVertex3f(node->aabb.max[0], node->aabb.min[1], node->aabb.max[2]);
321 glVertex3f(node->aabb.max[0], node->aabb.min[1], node->aabb.max[2]);
322 glVertex3fv(node->aabb.max);
323 glVertex3fv(node->aabb.max);
324 glVertex3f(node->aabb.min[0], node->aabb.max[1], node->aabb.max[2]);
325 glVertex3f(node->aabb.min[0], node->aabb.max[1], node->aabb.max[2]);
326 glVertex3f(node->aabb.min[0], node->aabb.min[1], node->aabb.max[2]);
328 glVertex3fv(node->aabb.min);
329 glVertex3f(node->aabb.min[0], node->aabb.min[1], node->aabb.max[2]);
330 glVertex3f(node->aabb.max[0], node->aabb.min[1], node->aabb.min[2]);
331 glVertex3f(node->aabb.max[0], node->aabb.min[1], node->aabb.max[2]);
332 glVertex3f(node->aabb.max[0], node->aabb.max[1], node->aabb.min[2]);
333 glVertex3fv(node->aabb.max);
334 glVertex3f(node->aabb.min[0], node->aabb.max[1], node->aabb.min[2]);
335 glVertex3f(node->aabb.min[0], node->aabb.max[1], node->aabb.max[2]);
336 }
338 bool Scene::build_kdtree()
339 {
340 assert(kdtree == 0);
342 const Face *faces = get_face_buffer();
343 int num_faces = get_num_faces();
345 printf("Constructing kd-tree out of %d faces ...\n", num_faces);
347 int icost = accel_param[ACCEL_PARAM_COST_INTERSECT];
348 int tcost = accel_param[ACCEL_PARAM_COST_TRAVERSE];
349 printf(" max items per leaf: %d\n", accel_param[ACCEL_PARAM_MAX_NODE_ITEMS]);
350 printf(" SAH parameters - tcost: %d - icost: %d\n", tcost, icost);
352 free_kdtree(kdtree);
353 kdtree = new KDNode;
355 /* Start the construction of the kdtree by adding all faces of the scene
356 * to the new root node. At the same time calculate the root's AABB.
357 */
358 kdtree->aabb.min[0] = kdtree->aabb.min[1] = kdtree->aabb.min[2] = FLT_MAX;
359 kdtree->aabb.max[0] = kdtree->aabb.max[1] = kdtree->aabb.max[2] = -FLT_MAX;
361 for(int i=0; i<num_faces; i++) {
362 const Face *face = faces + i;
364 // for each vertex of the face ...
365 for(int j=0; j<3; j++) {
366 const float *pos = face->v[j].pos;
368 // for each element (xyz) of the position vector ...
369 for(int k=0; k<3; k++) {
370 if(pos[k] < kdtree->aabb.min[k]) {
371 kdtree->aabb.min[k] = pos[k];
372 }
373 if(pos[k] > kdtree->aabb.max[k]) {
374 kdtree->aabb.max[k] = pos[k];
375 }
376 }
377 }
379 kdtree->face_idx.push_back(i); // add the face
380 }
382 CHECK_AABB(kdtree->aabb);
384 // calculate the heuristic for the root
385 kdtree->cost = eval_cost(faces, &kdtree->face_idx[0], kdtree->face_idx.size(), kdtree->aabb, 0);
387 // now proceed splitting the root recursively
388 if(!::build_kdtree(kdtree, faces)) {
389 fprintf(stderr, "failed to build kdtree\n");
390 return false;
391 }
393 printf(" tree depth: %d\n", kdtree_depth(kdtree));
394 print_item_counts(kdtree, 0);
395 return true;
396 }
398 struct Split {
399 int axis;
400 float pos;
401 float sum_cost;
402 float cost_left, cost_right;
403 };
405 static void find_best_split(const KDNode *node, int axis, const Face *faces, Split *split)
406 {
407 Split best_split;
408 best_split.sum_cost = FLT_MAX;
410 for(size_t i=0; i<node->face_idx.size(); i++) {
411 const Face *face = faces + node->face_idx[i];
413 float splitpt[2];
414 splitpt[0] = MIN(face->v[0].pos[axis], MIN(face->v[1].pos[axis], face->v[2].pos[axis]));
415 splitpt[1] = MAX(face->v[0].pos[axis], MAX(face->v[1].pos[axis], face->v[2].pos[axis]));
417 for(int j=0; j<2; j++) {
418 if(splitpt[j] <= node->aabb.min[axis] || splitpt[j] >= node->aabb.max[axis]) {
419 continue;
420 }
422 AABBox aabb_left, aabb_right;
423 aabb_left = aabb_right = node->aabb;
424 aabb_left.max[axis] = splitpt[j];
425 aabb_right.min[axis] = splitpt[j];
427 float left_cost = eval_cost(faces, &node->face_idx[0], node->face_idx.size(), aabb_left, axis);
428 float right_cost = eval_cost(faces, &node->face_idx[0], node->face_idx.size(), aabb_right, axis);
429 float sum_cost = left_cost + right_cost - accel_param[ACCEL_PARAM_COST_TRAVERSE]; // tcost is added twice
431 if(sum_cost < best_split.sum_cost) {
432 best_split.cost_left = left_cost;
433 best_split.cost_right = right_cost;
434 best_split.sum_cost = sum_cost;
435 best_split.pos = splitpt[j];
436 }
437 }
438 }
440 assert(split);
441 *split = best_split;
442 split->axis = axis;
443 }
445 static bool build_kdtree(KDNode *kd, const Face *faces, int level)
446 {
447 int opt_max_depth = accel_param[ACCEL_PARAM_MAX_TREE_DEPTH];
448 int opt_max_items = accel_param[ACCEL_PARAM_MAX_NODE_ITEMS];
450 if(kd->face_idx.empty() || level >= opt_max_depth) {
451 return true;
452 }
454 Split best_split;
455 best_split.axis = -1;
456 best_split.sum_cost = FLT_MAX;
458 for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
459 Split split;
460 find_best_split(kd, i, faces, &split);
462 if(split.sum_cost < best_split.sum_cost) {
463 best_split = split;
464 }
465 }
467 if(best_split.axis == -1) {
468 return true; // can't split any more, only 0-area splits available
469 }
471 //printf("current cost: %f, best_cost: %f\n", kd->cost, best_sum_cost);
472 if(best_split.sum_cost > kd->cost && (opt_max_items == 0 || (int)kd->face_idx.size() <= opt_max_items)) {
473 return true; // stop splitting if it doesn't reduce the cost
474 }
476 kd->axis = best_split.axis;
478 // create the two children
479 KDNode *kdleft, *kdright;
480 kdleft = new KDNode;
481 kdright = new KDNode;
483 kdleft->aabb = kdright->aabb = kd->aabb;
485 kdleft->aabb.max[kd->axis] = best_split.pos;
486 kdright->aabb.min[kd->axis] = best_split.pos;
488 kdleft->cost = best_split.cost_left;
489 kdright->cost = best_split.cost_right;
491 // TODO would it be much better if we actually split faces that straddle the splitting plane?
492 for(size_t i=0; i<kd->face_idx.size(); i++) {
493 int fidx = kd->face_idx[i];
494 const Face *face = faces + fidx;
496 if(face->v[0].pos[kd->axis] < best_split.pos ||
497 face->v[1].pos[kd->axis] < best_split.pos ||
498 face->v[2].pos[kd->axis] < best_split.pos) {
499 kdleft->face_idx.push_back(fidx);
500 }
501 if(face->v[0].pos[kd->axis] >= best_split.pos ||
502 face->v[1].pos[kd->axis] >= best_split.pos ||
503 face->v[2].pos[kd->axis] >= best_split.pos) {
504 kdright->face_idx.push_back(fidx);
505 }
506 }
507 kd->face_idx.clear(); // only leaves have faces
509 kd->left = kdleft;
510 kd->right = kdright;
512 return build_kdtree(kd->left, faces, level + 1) && build_kdtree(kd->right, faces, level + 1);
513 }
515 static float eval_cost(const Face *faces, const int *face_idx, int num_faces, const AABBox &aabb, int axis)
516 {
517 int num_inside = 0;
518 int tcost = accel_param[ACCEL_PARAM_COST_TRAVERSE];
519 int icost = accel_param[ACCEL_PARAM_COST_INTERSECT];
521 for(int i=0; i<num_faces; i++) {
522 const Face *face = faces + face_idx[i];
524 for(int j=0; j<3; j++) {
525 if(face->v[j].pos[axis] >= aabb.min[axis] && face->v[j].pos[axis] < aabb.max[axis]) {
526 num_inside++;
527 break;
528 }
529 }
530 }
532 float dx = aabb.max[0] - aabb.min[0];
533 float dy = aabb.max[1] - aabb.min[1];
534 float dz = aabb.max[2] - aabb.min[2];
536 if(dx < 0.0) {
537 fprintf(stderr, "FOO DX = %f\n", dx);
538 abort();
539 }
540 if(dy < 0.0) {
541 fprintf(stderr, "FOO DX = %f\n", dy);
542 abort();
543 }
544 if(dz < 0.0) {
545 fprintf(stderr, "FOO DX = %f\n", dz);
546 abort();
547 }
549 if(dx < 1e-6 || dy < 1e-6 || dz < 1e-6) {
550 return FLT_MAX; // heavily penalize 0-area voxels
551 }
553 float sarea = 2.0 * (dx + dy + dz);//aabb.calc_surface_area();
554 return tcost + sarea * num_inside * icost;
555 }
557 static void free_kdtree(KDNode *node)
558 {
559 if(node) {
560 free_kdtree(node->left);
561 free_kdtree(node->right);
562 delete node;
563 }
564 }
566 int kdtree_depth(const KDNode *node)
567 {
568 if(!node) return 0;
570 int left = kdtree_depth(node->left);
571 int right = kdtree_depth(node->right);
572 return (left > right ? left : right) + 1;
573 }
575 int kdtree_nodes(const KDNode *node)
576 {
577 if(!node) return 0;
578 return kdtree_nodes(node->left) + kdtree_nodes(node->right) + 1;
579 }
581 static void print_item_counts(const KDNode *node, int level)
582 {
583 if(!node) return;
585 for(int i=0; i<level; i++) {
586 fputs(" ", stdout);
587 }
588 printf("- %d (cost: %f)\n", (int)node->face_idx.size(), node->cost);
590 print_item_counts(node->left, level + 1);
591 print_item_counts(node->right, level + 1);
592 }
593 /*
594 #define SWAP(a, b, type) \
595 do { \
596 type tmp = a; \
597 a = b; \
598 b = tmp; \
599 } while(0)
601 static bool clip_face(const Face *inface, float splitpos, int axis, Face *face1, Face *face2)
602 {
603 assert(inface && face1 && face2);
604 assert(inface != face1 && inface != face2);
605 assert(axis >= 0 && axis < 3);
607 std::vector<Vertex> verts;
609 // find the edges that must be split
610 for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
611 verts.push_back(inface->v[i]);
613 float start = inface->v[i].pos[axis];
614 float end = inface->v[(i + 1) % 3].pos[axis];
616 if((splitpos >= start && splitpos < end) || (splitpos >= end && splitpos < start)) {
618 }
619 }
620 }*/