Introductory OpenGL tutorials

John Tsiombikas

3 September 2008

I recently started writing a series of introductory tutorials about graphics programming with OpenGL, for the greek linux format magazine.

The articles are written for the complete begginer, who hasn't had any previous exposure to graphics programming. However, familiarity with the C programming language is definitely required.

What I'm aiming for, is to thoroughly explain the underlying theory, in order to provide a stepping stone for someone who would like to eventually delve deeper into graphics algorithms, rather than just present raw examples for doing this and that with OpenGL.

In any case, the first article of the series will be published in the september-october issue of the greek linux format magazine, which should be available during the next few days. Any feedback, is greatly appreciated.

Update: here's the completed set of articles with acompanying source code.

This was initially posted in my old wordpress blog. Visit the original version to see any comments.

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