Click on the pictures to see the full resolution image.
termtris on a VT420 terminal with custom graphical blocks. |
termtris for DOS running on a VGA with custom graphical blocks. |
termtris running on a VT100 terminal. |
termtris running on a soviet Электроника МС 6102 terminal. |
termtris running on an HP 700/60 terminal. |
termtris running on a VT220 terminal with custom graphical blocks. |
termtris running on a VT420 terminal. |
termtris running on a bulgarian CM 1604.M1 terminal. |
termtris running on a Facit 4420 terminal (VT52-compatible). |
termtris running on a VT220 terminal. |
termtris running on a VT320 terminal with custom graphical blocks. |