vrtris - tetris in virtual reality

vrtris screenshot


VRtris is a tetris game in VR. Put on your HMD, grab a cool drink (ideally with some kind of straw), and enjoy retro puzzle gaming at its finest!

Alternatively you can build this as a regular OpenGL tetris game (gltris), by choosing to disable VR at compile-time.

How to run in VR mode

To run vrtris in VR, either create a configuration file called vrtris.conf with the line vr = true, or run it with the command line argument -vr.


While it's possible to play with the left analog stick of the oculus touch, it's much more playable with digital inputs (d-pad on a gamepad, or keyboard).



Oculus Touch (or other vendor equivalent)

When not running in VR mode, vrtris starts in a window by default. To take it fullscreen hit Alt+F11. Alternatively you can put fullscreen = true in the vrtris.conf file, or start it with the command line argument -f.

ESC or Q exits the game.


This game is still under development. The basic gameplay works, but it's not done yet.


Copyright (C) 2019-2020 John Tsiombikas <nuclear@mutantstargoat.org>

This program is free software. Feel free to use, modify and/or redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, or at your option, any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. See COPYING for details.


The latest official release of vrtris is version 0.1, and it includes source code and pre-compiled binaries for GNU/Linux and Windows. It's available as a gzipped tarball, or a zip archive, pick whichever is more convenient, they are exactly the same.

Or if you prefer, you can grab the current source code from the git repository:

git clone https://github.com/jtsiomb/vrtris


VRtris depends on a number of libraries. Recursive dependencies are shown indented, and optional dependencies are marked with (opt).

Note about the Oculus SDK optional dependency of libgoatvr:
Libgoatvr transparently supports both the current Oculus SDK (1.x) which sadly is MS-Windows only, and the old Oculus SDK, which was the last release for GNU/Linux systems. Unfortunately the old SDK only supports the Oculus Rift DK1 and DK2, not the later consumer version. So those are the only Oculus HMDs that work on GNU/Linux.


After building and installing all dependencies, just run make

If you wish to build without VR support (which removes the dependency to libgoatvr and all it's subdeps), change the vrbuild variable at the top of the Makefile to false, before building.

To build on windows you need the MinGW port of GCC. Microsoft compilers are not supported. Simply install msys2, grab the source, build and install all dependencies, then type make.

To cross-compile for windows from UNIX, make sure you have the i686-w64-mingw32- toolchain installed (debian package mingw-w64) and run make cross.