
annotate libs/assimp/LWOFileData.h @ 0:b2f14e535253

initial commit
author John Tsiombikas <nuclear@member.fsf.org>
date Sat, 01 Feb 2014 19:58:19 +0200
rev   line source
nuclear@0 1 /*
nuclear@0 2 Open Asset Import Library (assimp)
nuclear@0 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
nuclear@0 4
nuclear@0 5 Copyright (c) 2006-2012, assimp team
nuclear@0 6 All rights reserved.
nuclear@0 7
nuclear@0 8 Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms,
nuclear@0 9 with or without modification, are permitted provided that the
nuclear@0 10 following conditions are met:
nuclear@0 11
nuclear@0 12 * Redistributions of source code must retain the above
nuclear@0 13 copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
nuclear@0 14 following disclaimer.
nuclear@0 15
nuclear@0 16 * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
nuclear@0 17 copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
nuclear@0 18 following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other
nuclear@0 19 materials provided with the distribution.
nuclear@0 20
nuclear@0 21 * Neither the name of the assimp team, nor the names of its
nuclear@0 22 contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
nuclear@0 23 derived from this software without specific prior
nuclear@0 24 written permission of the assimp team.
nuclear@0 25
nuclear@0 37
nuclear@0 38 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
nuclear@0 39 */
nuclear@0 40
nuclear@0 41 /** @file LWOFileData.h
nuclear@0 42 * @brief Defines chunk constants used by the LWO file format
nuclear@0 43
nuclear@0 44 The chunks are taken from the official LightWave SDK headers.
nuclear@0 45
nuclear@0 46 */
nuclear@0 47 #ifndef AI_LWO_FILEDATA_INCLUDED
nuclear@0 48 #define AI_LWO_FILEDATA_INCLUDED
nuclear@0 49
nuclear@0 50 // STL headers
nuclear@0 51 #include <vector>
nuclear@0 52 #include <list>
nuclear@0 53
nuclear@0 54 // public ASSIMP headers
nuclear@0 55 #include "assimp/mesh.h"
nuclear@0 56
nuclear@0 57 // internal headers
nuclear@0 58 #include "IFF.h"
nuclear@0 59 #include "LWOAnimation.h"
nuclear@0 60
nuclear@0 61 namespace Assimp {
nuclear@0 62 namespace LWO {
nuclear@0 63
nuclear@0 64 #define AI_LWO_FOURCC_LWOB AI_IFF_FOURCC('L','W','O','B')
nuclear@0 65 #define AI_LWO_FOURCC_LWO2 AI_IFF_FOURCC('L','W','O','2')
nuclear@0 66 #define AI_LWO_FOURCC_LXOB AI_IFF_FOURCC('L','X','O','B')
nuclear@0 67
nuclear@0 68 // chunks specific to the LWOB format
nuclear@0 69 #define AI_LWO_SRFS AI_IFF_FOURCC('S','R','F','S')
nuclear@0 70 #define AI_LWO_FLAG AI_IFF_FOURCC('F','L','A','G')
nuclear@0 71 #define AI_LWO_VLUM AI_IFF_FOURCC('V','L','U','M')
nuclear@0 72 #define AI_LWO_VDIF AI_IFF_FOURCC('V','D','I','F')
nuclear@0 73 #define AI_LWO_VSPC AI_IFF_FOURCC('V','S','P','C')
nuclear@0 74 #define AI_LWO_RFLT AI_IFF_FOURCC('R','F','L','T')
nuclear@0 75 #define AI_LWO_BTEX AI_IFF_FOURCC('B','T','E','X')
nuclear@0 76 #define AI_LWO_CTEX AI_IFF_FOURCC('C','T','E','X')
nuclear@0 77 #define AI_LWO_DTEX AI_IFF_FOURCC('D','T','E','X')
nuclear@0 78 #define AI_LWO_LTEX AI_IFF_FOURCC('L','T','E','X')
nuclear@0 79 #define AI_LWO_RTEX AI_IFF_FOURCC('R','T','E','X')
nuclear@0 80 #define AI_LWO_STEX AI_IFF_FOURCC('S','T','E','X')
nuclear@0 81 #define AI_LWO_TTEX AI_IFF_FOURCC('T','T','E','X')
nuclear@0 82 #define AI_LWO_TFLG AI_IFF_FOURCC('T','F','L','G')
nuclear@0 83 #define AI_LWO_TSIZ AI_IFF_FOURCC('T','S','I','Z')
nuclear@0 84 #define AI_LWO_TCTR AI_IFF_FOURCC('T','C','T','R')
nuclear@0 85 #define AI_LWO_TFAL AI_IFF_FOURCC('T','F','A','L')
nuclear@0 86 #define AI_LWO_TVEL AI_IFF_FOURCC('T','V','E','L')
nuclear@0 87 #define AI_LWO_TCLR AI_IFF_FOURCC('T','C','L','R')
nuclear@0 88 #define AI_LWO_TVAL AI_IFF_FOURCC('T','V','A','L')
nuclear@0 89 #define AI_LWO_TAMP AI_IFF_FOURCC('T','A','M','P')
nuclear@0 90 #define AI_LWO_TIMG AI_IFF_FOURCC('T','I','M','G')
nuclear@0 91 #define AI_LWO_TAAS AI_IFF_FOURCC('T','A','A','S')
nuclear@0 92 #define AI_LWO_TREF AI_IFF_FOURCC('T','R','E','F')
nuclear@0 93 #define AI_LWO_TOPC AI_IFF_FOURCC('T','O','P','C')
nuclear@0 94 #define AI_LWO_SDAT AI_IFF_FOURCC('S','D','A','T')
nuclear@0 95 #define AI_LWO_TFP0 AI_IFF_FOURCC('T','F','P','0')
nuclear@0 96 #define AI_LWO_TFP1 AI_IFF_FOURCC('T','F','P','1')
nuclear@0 97
nuclear@0 98
nuclear@0 99 /* top-level chunks */
nuclear@0 100 #define AI_LWO_LAYR AI_IFF_FOURCC('L','A','Y','R')
nuclear@0 101 #define AI_LWO_TAGS AI_IFF_FOURCC('T','A','G','S')
nuclear@0 102 #define AI_LWO_PNTS AI_IFF_FOURCC('P','N','T','S')
nuclear@0 103 #define AI_LWO_BBOX AI_IFF_FOURCC('B','B','O','X')
nuclear@0 104 #define AI_LWO_VMAP AI_IFF_FOURCC('V','M','A','P')
nuclear@0 105 #define AI_LWO_VMAD AI_IFF_FOURCC('V','M','A','D')
nuclear@0 106 #define AI_LWO_POLS AI_IFF_FOURCC('P','O','L','S')
nuclear@0 107 #define AI_LWO_PTAG AI_IFF_FOURCC('P','T','A','G')
nuclear@0 108 #define AI_LWO_ENVL AI_IFF_FOURCC('E','N','V','L')
nuclear@0 109 #define AI_LWO_CLIP AI_IFF_FOURCC('C','L','I','P')
nuclear@0 110 #define AI_LWO_SURF AI_IFF_FOURCC('S','U','R','F')
nuclear@0 111 #define AI_LWO_DESC AI_IFF_FOURCC('D','E','S','C')
nuclear@0 112 #define AI_LWO_TEXT AI_IFF_FOURCC('T','E','X','T')
nuclear@0 113 #define AI_LWO_ICON AI_IFF_FOURCC('I','C','O','N')
nuclear@0 114
nuclear@0 115 /* polygon types */
nuclear@0 116 #define AI_LWO_FACE AI_IFF_FOURCC('F','A','C','E')
nuclear@0 117 #define AI_LWO_CURV AI_IFF_FOURCC('C','U','R','V')
nuclear@0 118 #define AI_LWO_PTCH AI_IFF_FOURCC('P','T','C','H')
nuclear@0 119 #define AI_LWO_MBAL AI_IFF_FOURCC('M','B','A','L')
nuclear@0 120 #define AI_LWO_BONE AI_IFF_FOURCC('B','O','N','E')
nuclear@0 121 #define AI_LWO_SUBD AI_IFF_FOURCC('S','U','B','D')
nuclear@0 122
nuclear@0 123 /* polygon tags */
nuclear@0 124 #define AI_LWO_SURF AI_IFF_FOURCC('S','U','R','F')
nuclear@0 125 #define AI_LWO_PART AI_IFF_FOURCC('P','A','R','T')
nuclear@0 126 #define AI_LWO_SMGP AI_IFF_FOURCC('S','M','G','P')
nuclear@0 127
nuclear@0 128 /* envelopes */
nuclear@0 129 #define AI_LWO_PRE AI_IFF_FOURCC('P','R','E',' ')
nuclear@0 130 #define AI_LWO_POST AI_IFF_FOURCC('P','O','S','T')
nuclear@0 131 #define AI_LWO_KEY AI_IFF_FOURCC('K','E','Y',' ')
nuclear@0 132 #define AI_LWO_SPAN AI_IFF_FOURCC('S','P','A','N')
nuclear@0 133 #define AI_LWO_TCB AI_IFF_FOURCC('T','C','B',' ')
nuclear@0 134 #define AI_LWO_HERM AI_IFF_FOURCC('H','E','R','M')
nuclear@0 135 #define AI_LWO_BEZI AI_IFF_FOURCC('B','E','Z','I')
nuclear@0 136 #define AI_LWO_BEZ2 AI_IFF_FOURCC('B','E','Z','2')
nuclear@0 137 #define AI_LWO_LINE AI_IFF_FOURCC('L','I','N','E')
nuclear@0 138 #define AI_LWO_STEP AI_IFF_FOURCC('S','T','E','P')
nuclear@0 139
nuclear@0 140 /* clips */
nuclear@0 141 #define AI_LWO_STIL AI_IFF_FOURCC('S','T','I','L')
nuclear@0 142 #define AI_LWO_ISEQ AI_IFF_FOURCC('I','S','E','Q')
nuclear@0 143 #define AI_LWO_ANIM AI_IFF_FOURCC('A','N','I','M')
nuclear@0 144 #define AI_LWO_XREF AI_IFF_FOURCC('X','R','E','F')
nuclear@0 145 #define AI_LWO_STCC AI_IFF_FOURCC('S','T','C','C')
nuclear@0 146 #define AI_LWO_TIME AI_IFF_FOURCC('T','I','M','E')
nuclear@0 147 #define AI_LWO_CONT AI_IFF_FOURCC('C','O','N','T')
nuclear@0 148 #define AI_LWO_BRIT AI_IFF_FOURCC('B','R','I','T')
nuclear@0 149 #define AI_LWO_SATR AI_IFF_FOURCC('S','A','T','R')
nuclear@0 150 #define AI_LWO_HUE AI_IFF_FOURCC('H','U','E',' ')
nuclear@0 151 #define AI_LWO_GAMM AI_IFF_FOURCC('G','A','M','M')
nuclear@0 152 #define AI_LWO_NEGA AI_IFF_FOURCC('N','E','G','A')
nuclear@0 153 #define AI_LWO_IFLT AI_IFF_FOURCC('I','F','L','T')
nuclear@0 154 #define AI_LWO_PFLT AI_IFF_FOURCC('P','F','L','T')
nuclear@0 155
nuclear@0 156 /* surfaces */
nuclear@0 157 #define AI_LWO_COLR AI_IFF_FOURCC('C','O','L','R')
nuclear@0 158 #define AI_LWO_LUMI AI_IFF_FOURCC('L','U','M','I')
nuclear@0 159 #define AI_LWO_DIFF AI_IFF_FOURCC('D','I','F','F')
nuclear@0 160 #define AI_LWO_SPEC AI_IFF_FOURCC('S','P','E','C')
nuclear@0 161 #define AI_LWO_GLOS AI_IFF_FOURCC('G','L','O','S')
nuclear@0 162 #define AI_LWO_REFL AI_IFF_FOURCC('R','E','F','L')
nuclear@0 163 #define AI_LWO_RFOP AI_IFF_FOURCC('R','F','O','P')
nuclear@0 164 #define AI_LWO_RIMG AI_IFF_FOURCC('R','I','M','G')
nuclear@0 165 #define AI_LWO_RSAN AI_IFF_FOURCC('R','S','A','N')
nuclear@0 166 #define AI_LWO_TRAN AI_IFF_FOURCC('T','R','A','N')
nuclear@0 167 #define AI_LWO_TROP AI_IFF_FOURCC('T','R','O','P')
nuclear@0 168 #define AI_LWO_TIMG AI_IFF_FOURCC('T','I','M','G')
nuclear@0 169 #define AI_LWO_RIND AI_IFF_FOURCC('R','I','N','D')
nuclear@0 170 #define AI_LWO_TRNL AI_IFF_FOURCC('T','R','N','L')
nuclear@0 171 #define AI_LWO_BUMP AI_IFF_FOURCC('B','U','M','P')
nuclear@0 172 #define AI_LWO_SMAN AI_IFF_FOURCC('S','M','A','N')
nuclear@0 173 #define AI_LWO_SIDE AI_IFF_FOURCC('S','I','D','E')
nuclear@0 174 #define AI_LWO_CLRH AI_IFF_FOURCC('C','L','R','H')
nuclear@0 175 #define AI_LWO_CLRF AI_IFF_FOURCC('C','L','R','F')
nuclear@0 176 #define AI_LWO_ADTR AI_IFF_FOURCC('A','D','T','R')
nuclear@0 177 #define AI_LWO_SHRP AI_IFF_FOURCC('S','H','R','P')
nuclear@0 178 #define AI_LWO_LINE AI_IFF_FOURCC('L','I','N','E')
nuclear@0 179 #define AI_LWO_LSIZ AI_IFF_FOURCC('L','S','I','Z')
nuclear@0 180 #define AI_LWO_ALPH AI_IFF_FOURCC('A','L','P','H')
nuclear@0 181 #define AI_LWO_AVAL AI_IFF_FOURCC('A','V','A','L')
nuclear@0 182 #define AI_LWO_GVAL AI_IFF_FOURCC('G','V','A','L')
nuclear@0 183 #define AI_LWO_BLOK AI_IFF_FOURCC('B','L','O','K')
nuclear@0 184 #define AI_LWO_VCOL AI_IFF_FOURCC('V','C','O','L')
nuclear@0 185
nuclear@0 186 /* texture layer */
nuclear@0 187 #define AI_LWO_TYPE AI_IFF_FOURCC('T','Y','P','E')
nuclear@0 188 #define AI_LWO_CHAN AI_IFF_FOURCC('C','H','A','N')
nuclear@0 189 #define AI_LWO_NAME AI_IFF_FOURCC('N','A','M','E')
nuclear@0 190 #define AI_LWO_ENAB AI_IFF_FOURCC('E','N','A','B')
nuclear@0 191 #define AI_LWO_OPAC AI_IFF_FOURCC('O','P','A','C')
nuclear@0 192 #define AI_LWO_FLAG AI_IFF_FOURCC('F','L','A','G')
nuclear@0 193 #define AI_LWO_PROJ AI_IFF_FOURCC('P','R','O','J')
nuclear@0 194 #define AI_LWO_STCK AI_IFF_FOURCC('S','T','C','K')
nuclear@0 195 #define AI_LWO_TAMP AI_IFF_FOURCC('T','A','M','P')
nuclear@0 196
nuclear@0 197 /* texture coordinates */
nuclear@0 198 #define AI_LWO_TMAP AI_IFF_FOURCC('T','M','A','P')
nuclear@0 199 #define AI_LWO_AXIS AI_IFF_FOURCC('A','X','I','S')
nuclear@0 200 #define AI_LWO_CNTR AI_IFF_FOURCC('C','N','T','R')
nuclear@0 201 #define AI_LWO_SIZE AI_IFF_FOURCC('S','I','Z','E')
nuclear@0 202 #define AI_LWO_ROTA AI_IFF_FOURCC('R','O','T','A')
nuclear@0 203 #define AI_LWO_OREF AI_IFF_FOURCC('O','R','E','F')
nuclear@0 204 #define AI_LWO_FALL AI_IFF_FOURCC('F','A','L','L')
nuclear@0 205 #define AI_LWO_CSYS AI_IFF_FOURCC('C','S','Y','S')
nuclear@0 206
nuclear@0 207 /* image map */
nuclear@0 208 #define AI_LWO_IMAP AI_IFF_FOURCC('I','M','A','P')
nuclear@0 209 #define AI_LWO_IMAG AI_IFF_FOURCC('I','M','A','G')
nuclear@0 210 #define AI_LWO_WRAP AI_IFF_FOURCC('W','R','A','P')
nuclear@0 211 #define AI_LWO_WRPW AI_IFF_FOURCC('W','R','P','W')
nuclear@0 212 #define AI_LWO_WRPH AI_IFF_FOURCC('W','R','P','H')
nuclear@0 213 #define AI_LWO_VMAP AI_IFF_FOURCC('V','M','A','P')
nuclear@0 214 #define AI_LWO_AAST AI_IFF_FOURCC('A','A','S','T')
nuclear@0 215 #define AI_LWO_PIXB AI_IFF_FOURCC('P','I','X','B')
nuclear@0 216
nuclear@0 217 /* procedural */
nuclear@0 218 #define AI_LWO_PROC AI_IFF_FOURCC('P','R','O','C')
nuclear@0 219 #define AI_LWO_COLR AI_IFF_FOURCC('C','O','L','R')
nuclear@0 220 #define AI_LWO_VALU AI_IFF_FOURCC('V','A','L','U')
nuclear@0 221 #define AI_LWO_FUNC AI_IFF_FOURCC('F','U','N','C')
nuclear@0 222 #define AI_LWO_FTPS AI_IFF_FOURCC('F','T','P','S')
nuclear@0 223 #define AI_LWO_ITPS AI_IFF_FOURCC('I','T','P','S')
nuclear@0 224 #define AI_LWO_ETPS AI_IFF_FOURCC('E','T','P','S')
nuclear@0 225
nuclear@0 226 /* gradient */
nuclear@0 227 #define AI_LWO_GRAD AI_IFF_FOURCC('G','R','A','D')
nuclear@0 228 #define AI_LWO_GRST AI_IFF_FOURCC('G','R','S','T')
nuclear@0 229 #define AI_LWO_GREN AI_IFF_FOURCC('G','R','E','N')
nuclear@0 230 #define AI_LWO_PNAM AI_IFF_FOURCC('P','N','A','M')
nuclear@0 231 #define AI_LWO_INAM AI_IFF_FOURCC('I','N','A','M')
nuclear@0 232 #define AI_LWO_GRPT AI_IFF_FOURCC('G','R','P','T')
nuclear@0 233 #define AI_LWO_FKEY AI_IFF_FOURCC('F','K','E','Y')
nuclear@0 234 #define AI_LWO_IKEY AI_IFF_FOURCC('I','K','E','Y')
nuclear@0 235
nuclear@0 236 /* shader */
nuclear@0 237 #define AI_LWO_SHDR AI_IFF_FOURCC('S','H','D','R')
nuclear@0 238 #define AI_LWO_DATA AI_IFF_FOURCC('D','A','T','A')
nuclear@0 239
nuclear@0 240
nuclear@0 241 /* VMAP types */
nuclear@0 242 #define AI_LWO_TXUV AI_IFF_FOURCC('T','X','U','V')
nuclear@0 243 #define AI_LWO_RGB AI_IFF_FOURCC('R','G','B',' ')
nuclear@0 244 #define AI_LWO_RGBA AI_IFF_FOURCC('R','G','B','A')
nuclear@0 245 #define AI_LWO_WGHT AI_IFF_FOURCC('W','G','H','T')
nuclear@0 246
nuclear@0 247 #define AI_LWO_MNVW AI_IFF_FOURCC('M','N','V','W')
nuclear@0 248 #define AI_LWO_MORF AI_IFF_FOURCC('M','O','R','F')
nuclear@0 249 #define AI_LWO_SPOT AI_IFF_FOURCC('S','P','O','T')
nuclear@0 250 #define AI_LWO_PICK AI_IFF_FOURCC('P','I','C','K')
nuclear@0 251
nuclear@0 252 // MODO extension - per-vertex normal vectors
nuclear@0 253 #define AI_LWO_MODO_NORM AI_IFF_FOURCC('N', 'O', 'R', 'M')
nuclear@0 254
nuclear@0 255
nuclear@0 256 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
nuclear@0 257 /** \brief Data structure for a face in a LWO file
nuclear@0 258 *
nuclear@0 259 * \note We can't use the code in SmoothingGroups.inl here - the mesh
nuclear@0 260 * structures of 3DS/ASE and LWO are too different.
nuclear@0 261 */
nuclear@0 262 struct Face : public aiFace
nuclear@0 263 {
nuclear@0 264 //! Default construction
nuclear@0 265 Face()
nuclear@0 266 : surfaceIndex (0)
nuclear@0 267 , smoothGroup (0)
nuclear@0 268 , type (AI_LWO_FACE)
nuclear@0 269 {}
nuclear@0 270
nuclear@0 271 //! Construction from given type
nuclear@0 272 Face(uint32_t _type)
nuclear@0 273 : surfaceIndex (0)
nuclear@0 274 , smoothGroup (0)
nuclear@0 275 , type (_type)
nuclear@0 276 {}
nuclear@0 277
nuclear@0 278 //! Copy construction
nuclear@0 279 Face(const Face& f) : aiFace() {
nuclear@0 280 *this = f;
nuclear@0 281 }
nuclear@0 282
nuclear@0 283 //! Zero-based index into tags chunk
nuclear@0 284 unsigned int surfaceIndex;
nuclear@0 285
nuclear@0 286 //! Smooth group this face is assigned to
nuclear@0 287 unsigned int smoothGroup;
nuclear@0 288
nuclear@0 289 //! Type of face
nuclear@0 290 uint32_t type;
nuclear@0 291
nuclear@0 292
nuclear@0 293 //! Assignment operator
nuclear@0 294 Face& operator=(const LWO::Face& f) {
nuclear@0 295 aiFace::operator =(f);
nuclear@0 296 surfaceIndex = f.surfaceIndex;
nuclear@0 297 smoothGroup = f.smoothGroup;
nuclear@0 298 type = f.type;
nuclear@0 299 return *this;
nuclear@0 300 }
nuclear@0 301 };
nuclear@0 302
nuclear@0 303 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
nuclear@0 304 /** \brief Base structure for all vertex map representations
nuclear@0 305 */
nuclear@0 306 struct VMapEntry
nuclear@0 307 {
nuclear@0 308 VMapEntry(unsigned int _dims)
nuclear@0 309 : dims(_dims)
nuclear@0 310 {}
nuclear@0 311
nuclear@0 312 virtual ~VMapEntry() {}
nuclear@0 313
nuclear@0 314 //! allocates memory for the vertex map
nuclear@0 315 virtual void Allocate(unsigned int num)
nuclear@0 316 {
nuclear@0 317 if (!rawData.empty())
nuclear@0 318 return; // return if already allocated
nuclear@0 319
nuclear@0 320 const unsigned int m = num*dims;
nuclear@0 321 rawData.reserve(m + (m>>2u)); // 25% as extra storage for VMADs
nuclear@0 322 rawData.resize(m,0.f);
nuclear@0 323 abAssigned.resize(num,false);
nuclear@0 324 }
nuclear@0 325
nuclear@0 326 std::string name;
nuclear@0 327 unsigned int dims;
nuclear@0 328
nuclear@0 329 std::vector<float> rawData;
nuclear@0 330 std::vector<bool> abAssigned;
nuclear@0 331 };
nuclear@0 332
nuclear@0 333 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
nuclear@0 334 /** \brief Represents an extra vertex color channel
nuclear@0 335 */
nuclear@0 336 struct VColorChannel : public VMapEntry
nuclear@0 337 {
nuclear@0 338 VColorChannel()
nuclear@0 339 : VMapEntry(4)
nuclear@0 340 {}
nuclear@0 341
nuclear@0 342 //! need to overwrite this function - the alpha channel must
nuclear@0 343 //! be initialized to 1.0 by default
nuclear@0 344 virtual void Allocate(unsigned int num)
nuclear@0 345 {
nuclear@0 346 if (!rawData.empty())
nuclear@0 347 return; // return if already allocated
nuclear@0 348
nuclear@0 349 register unsigned int m = num*dims;
nuclear@0 350 rawData.reserve(m + (m>>2u)); // 25% as extra storage for VMADs
nuclear@0 351 rawData.resize(m);
nuclear@0 352
nuclear@0 353 for (aiColor4D* p = (aiColor4D*)&rawData[0]; p < (aiColor4D*)&rawData[m-1]; ++p)
nuclear@0 354 p->a = 1.f;
nuclear@0 355
nuclear@0 356 abAssigned.resize(num,false);
nuclear@0 357 }
nuclear@0 358 };
nuclear@0 359
nuclear@0 360 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
nuclear@0 361 /** \brief Represents an extra vertex UV channel
nuclear@0 362 */
nuclear@0 363 struct UVChannel : public VMapEntry
nuclear@0 364 {
nuclear@0 365 UVChannel()
nuclear@0 366 : VMapEntry(2)
nuclear@0 367 {}
nuclear@0 368 };
nuclear@0 369
nuclear@0 370 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
nuclear@0 371 /** \brief Represents a weight map
nuclear@0 372 */
nuclear@0 373 struct WeightChannel : public VMapEntry
nuclear@0 374 {
nuclear@0 375 WeightChannel()
nuclear@0 376 : VMapEntry(1)
nuclear@0 377 {}
nuclear@0 378 };
nuclear@0 379
nuclear@0 380 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
nuclear@0 381 /** \brief Represents a vertex-normals channel (MODO extension)
nuclear@0 382 */
nuclear@0 383 struct NormalChannel : public VMapEntry
nuclear@0 384 {
nuclear@0 385 NormalChannel()
nuclear@0 386 : VMapEntry(3)
nuclear@0 387 {}
nuclear@0 388 };
nuclear@0 389
nuclear@0 390 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
nuclear@0 391 /** \brief Data structure for a LWO file texture
nuclear@0 392 */
nuclear@0 393 struct Texture
nuclear@0 394 {
nuclear@0 395 // we write the enum values out here to make debugging easier ...
nuclear@0 396 enum BlendType
nuclear@0 397 {
nuclear@0 398 Normal = 0,
nuclear@0 399 Subtractive = 1,
nuclear@0 400 Difference = 2,
nuclear@0 401 Multiply = 3,
nuclear@0 402 Divide = 4,
nuclear@0 403 Alpha = 5,
nuclear@0 404 TextureDispl = 6,
nuclear@0 405 Additive = 7
nuclear@0 406 };
nuclear@0 407
nuclear@0 408 enum MappingMode
nuclear@0 409 {
nuclear@0 410 Planar = 0,
nuclear@0 411 Cylindrical = 1,
nuclear@0 412 Spherical = 2,
nuclear@0 413 Cubic = 3,
nuclear@0 414 FrontProjection = 4,
nuclear@0 415 UV = 5
nuclear@0 416 };
nuclear@0 417
nuclear@0 418 enum Axes
nuclear@0 419 {
nuclear@0 420 AXIS_X = 0,
nuclear@0 421 AXIS_Y = 1,
nuclear@0 422 AXIS_Z = 2
nuclear@0 423 };
nuclear@0 424
nuclear@0 425 enum Wrap
nuclear@0 426 {
nuclear@0 427 RESET = 0,
nuclear@0 428 REPEAT = 1,
nuclear@0 429 MIRROR = 2,
nuclear@0 430 EDGE = 3
nuclear@0 431 };
nuclear@0 432
nuclear@0 433 Texture()
nuclear@0 434 : mClipIdx(UINT_MAX)
nuclear@0 435 , mStrength (1.0f)
nuclear@0 436 , mUVChannelIndex ("unknown")
nuclear@0 437 , mRealUVIndex (UINT_MAX)
nuclear@0 438 , enabled (true)
nuclear@0 439 , blendType (Additive)
nuclear@0 440 , bCanUse (true)
nuclear@0 441 , mapMode (UV)
nuclear@0 442 , majorAxis (AXIS_X)
nuclear@0 443 , wrapAmountH (1.0f)
nuclear@0 444 , wrapAmountW (1.0f)
nuclear@0 445 , wrapModeWidth (REPEAT)
nuclear@0 446 , wrapModeHeight (REPEAT)
nuclear@0 447 , ordinal ("\x00")
nuclear@0 448 {}
nuclear@0 449
nuclear@0 450 //! File name of the texture
nuclear@0 451 std::string mFileName;
nuclear@0 452
nuclear@0 453 //! Clip index
nuclear@0 454 unsigned int mClipIdx;
nuclear@0 455
nuclear@0 456 //! Strength of the texture - blend factor
nuclear@0 457 float mStrength;
nuclear@0 458
nuclear@0 459 uint32_t type; // type of the texture
nuclear@0 460
nuclear@0 461 //! Name of the corresponding UV channel
nuclear@0 462 std::string mUVChannelIndex;
nuclear@0 463 unsigned int mRealUVIndex;
nuclear@0 464
nuclear@0 465 //! is the texture enabled?
nuclear@0 466 bool enabled;
nuclear@0 467
nuclear@0 468 //! blend type
nuclear@0 469 BlendType blendType;
nuclear@0 470
nuclear@0 471 //! are we able to use the texture?
nuclear@0 472 bool bCanUse;
nuclear@0 473
nuclear@0 474 //! mapping mode
nuclear@0 475 MappingMode mapMode;
nuclear@0 476
nuclear@0 477 //! major axis for planar, cylindrical, spherical projections
nuclear@0 478 Axes majorAxis;
nuclear@0 479
nuclear@0 480 //! wrap amount for cylindrical and spherical projections
nuclear@0 481 float wrapAmountH,wrapAmountW;
nuclear@0 482
nuclear@0 483 //! wrapping mode for the texture
nuclear@0 484 Wrap wrapModeWidth,wrapModeHeight;
nuclear@0 485
nuclear@0 486 //! ordinal string of the texture
nuclear@0 487 std::string ordinal;
nuclear@0 488 };
nuclear@0 489
nuclear@0 490 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
nuclear@0 491 /** \brief Data structure for a LWO file clip
nuclear@0 492 */
nuclear@0 493 struct Clip
nuclear@0 494 {
nuclear@0 495 enum Type
nuclear@0 496 {
nuclear@0 498 } type;
nuclear@0 499
nuclear@0 500 Clip()
nuclear@0 501 : type (UNSUPPORTED)
nuclear@0 502 , idx (0)
nuclear@0 503 , negate (false)
nuclear@0 504 {}
nuclear@0 505
nuclear@0 506 //! path to the base texture -
nuclear@0 507 std::string path;
nuclear@0 508
nuclear@0 509 //! reference to another CLIP
nuclear@0 510 unsigned int clipRef;
nuclear@0 511
nuclear@0 512 //! index of the clip
nuclear@0 513 unsigned int idx;
nuclear@0 514
nuclear@0 515 //! Negate the clip?
nuclear@0 516 bool negate;
nuclear@0 517 };
nuclear@0 518
nuclear@0 519
nuclear@0 520 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
nuclear@0 521 /** \brief Data structure for a LWO file shader
nuclear@0 522 *
nuclear@0 523 * Later
nuclear@0 524 */
nuclear@0 525 struct Shader
nuclear@0 526 {
nuclear@0 527 Shader()
nuclear@0 528 : ordinal ("\x00")
nuclear@0 529 , functionName ("unknown")
nuclear@0 530 , enabled (true)
nuclear@0 531 {}
nuclear@0 532
nuclear@0 533 std::string ordinal;
nuclear@0 534 std::string functionName;
nuclear@0 535 bool enabled;
nuclear@0 536 };
nuclear@0 537
nuclear@0 538 typedef std::list < Texture > TextureList;
nuclear@0 539 typedef std::list < Shader > ShaderList;
nuclear@0 540
nuclear@0 541 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
nuclear@0 542 /** \brief Data structure for a LWO file surface (= material)
nuclear@0 543 */
nuclear@0 544 struct Surface
nuclear@0 545 {
nuclear@0 546 Surface()
nuclear@0 547 : mColor (0.78431f,0.78431f,0.78431f)
nuclear@0 548 , bDoubleSided (false)
nuclear@0 549 , mDiffuseValue (1.f)
nuclear@0 550 , mSpecularValue (0.f)
nuclear@0 551 , mTransparency (0.f)
nuclear@0 552 , mGlossiness (0.4f)
nuclear@0 553 , mLuminosity (0.f)
nuclear@0 554 , mColorHighlights (0.f)
nuclear@0 555 , mMaximumSmoothAngle (0.f) // 0 == not specified, no smoothing
nuclear@0 556 , mVCMap ("")
nuclear@0 557 , mVCMapType (AI_LWO_RGBA)
nuclear@0 558 , mIOR (1.f) // vakuum
nuclear@0 559 , mBumpIntensity (1.f)
nuclear@0 560 , mWireframe (false)
nuclear@0 561 , mAdditiveTransparency (0.f)
nuclear@0 562 {}
nuclear@0 563
nuclear@0 564 //! Name of the surface
nuclear@0 565 std::string mName;
nuclear@0 566
nuclear@0 567 //! Color of the surface
nuclear@0 568 aiColor3D mColor;
nuclear@0 569
nuclear@0 570 //! true for two-sided materials
nuclear@0 571 bool bDoubleSided;
nuclear@0 572
nuclear@0 573 //! Various material parameters
nuclear@0 574 float mDiffuseValue,mSpecularValue,mTransparency,mGlossiness,mLuminosity,mColorHighlights;
nuclear@0 575
nuclear@0 576 //! Maximum angle between two adjacent triangles
nuclear@0 577 //! that they can be smoothed - in degrees
nuclear@0 578 float mMaximumSmoothAngle;
nuclear@0 579
nuclear@0 580 //! Vertex color map to be used to color the surface
nuclear@0 581 std::string mVCMap;
nuclear@0 582 uint32_t mVCMapType;
nuclear@0 583
nuclear@0 584 //! Names of the special shaders to be applied to the surface
nuclear@0 585 ShaderList mShaders;
nuclear@0 586
nuclear@0 587 //! Textures - the first entry in the list is evaluated first
nuclear@0 588 TextureList mColorTextures, // color textures are added to both diffuse and specular texture stacks
nuclear@0 589 mDiffuseTextures,
nuclear@0 590 mSpecularTextures,
nuclear@0 591 mOpacityTextures,
nuclear@0 592 mBumpTextures,
nuclear@0 593 mGlossinessTextures,
nuclear@0 594 mReflectionTextures;
nuclear@0 595
nuclear@0 596 //! Index of refraction
nuclear@0 597 float mIOR;
nuclear@0 598
nuclear@0 599 //! Bump intensity scaling
nuclear@0 600 float mBumpIntensity;
nuclear@0 601
nuclear@0 602 //! Wireframe flag
nuclear@0 603 bool mWireframe;
nuclear@0 604
nuclear@0 605 //! Intensity of additive blending
nuclear@0 606 float mAdditiveTransparency;
nuclear@0 607 };
nuclear@0 608
nuclear@0 609 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
nuclear@0 610 #define AI_LWO_VALIDATE_CHUNK_LENGTH(length,name,size) \
nuclear@0 611 if (length < size) \
nuclear@0 612 { \
nuclear@0 613 throw DeadlyImportError("LWO: "#name" chunk is too small"); \
nuclear@0 614 } \
nuclear@0 615
nuclear@0 616
nuclear@0 617 // some typedefs ... to make life with loader monsters like this easier
nuclear@0 618 typedef std::vector < aiVector3D > PointList;
nuclear@0 619 typedef std::vector < LWO::Face > FaceList;
nuclear@0 620 typedef std::vector < LWO::Surface > SurfaceList;
nuclear@0 621 typedef std::vector < std::string > TagList;
nuclear@0 622 typedef std::vector < unsigned int > TagMappingTable;
nuclear@0 623 typedef std::vector < unsigned int > ReferrerList;
nuclear@0 624 typedef std::vector < WeightChannel > WeightChannelList;
nuclear@0 625 typedef std::vector < VColorChannel > VColorChannelList;
nuclear@0 626 typedef std::vector < UVChannel > UVChannelList;
nuclear@0 627 typedef std::vector < Clip > ClipList;
nuclear@0 628 typedef std::vector < Envelope > EnvelopeList;
nuclear@0 629 typedef std::vector < unsigned int > SortedRep;
nuclear@0 630
nuclear@0 631 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
nuclear@0 632 /** \brief Represents a layer in the file
nuclear@0 633 */
nuclear@0 634 struct Layer
nuclear@0 635 {
nuclear@0 636 Layer()
nuclear@0 637 : mFaceIDXOfs (0)
nuclear@0 638 , mPointIDXOfs (0)
nuclear@0 639 , mParent (0x0)
nuclear@0 640 , mIndex (0xffff)
nuclear@0 641 , skip (false)
nuclear@0 642 {}
nuclear@0 643
nuclear@0 644 /** Temporary point list from the file */
nuclear@0 645 PointList mTempPoints;
nuclear@0 646
nuclear@0 647 /** Lists for every point the index of another point
nuclear@0 648 that has been copied from *this* point or UINT_MAX if
nuclear@0 649 no copy of the point has been made */
nuclear@0 650 ReferrerList mPointReferrers;
nuclear@0 651
nuclear@0 652 /** Weight channel list from the file */
nuclear@0 653 WeightChannelList mWeightChannels;
nuclear@0 654
nuclear@0 655 /** Subdivision weight channel list from the file */
nuclear@0 656 WeightChannelList mSWeightChannels;
nuclear@0 657
nuclear@0 658 /** Vertex color list from the file */
nuclear@0 659 VColorChannelList mVColorChannels;
nuclear@0 660
nuclear@0 661 /** UV channel list from the file */
nuclear@0 662 UVChannelList mUVChannels;
nuclear@0 663
nuclear@0 664 /** Normal vector channel from the file */
nuclear@0 665 NormalChannel mNormals;
nuclear@0 666
nuclear@0 667 /** Temporary face list from the file*/
nuclear@0 668 FaceList mFaces;
nuclear@0 669
nuclear@0 670 /** Current face indexing offset from the beginning of the buffers*/
nuclear@0 671 unsigned int mFaceIDXOfs;
nuclear@0 672
nuclear@0 673 /** Current point indexing offset from the beginning of the buffers*/
nuclear@0 674 unsigned int mPointIDXOfs;
nuclear@0 675
nuclear@0 676 /** Parent index */
nuclear@0 677 uint16_t mParent;
nuclear@0 678
nuclear@0 679 /** Index of the layer */
nuclear@0 680 uint16_t mIndex;
nuclear@0 681
nuclear@0 682 /** Name of the layer */
nuclear@0 683 std::string mName;
nuclear@0 684
nuclear@0 685 /** Pivot point of the layer */
nuclear@0 686 aiVector3D mPivot;
nuclear@0 687
nuclear@0 688 /** Skip this layer? */
nuclear@0 689 bool skip;
nuclear@0 690 };
nuclear@0 691
nuclear@0 692 typedef std::list<LWO::Layer> LayerList;
nuclear@0 693
nuclear@0 694
nuclear@0 695 }}
nuclear@0 696
nuclear@0 697
nuclear@0 698 #endif // !! AI_LWO_FILEDATA_INCLUDED
nuclear@0 699