
changeset 3:852a745503cf

http header parsing, not tested
author John Tsiombikas <nuclear@member.fsf.org>
date Thu, 16 Apr 2015 15:20:16 +0300 (2015-04-16)
parents 7bb4c2a0a360
children 9e054c002489
files src/http.c src/http.h src/main.c
diffstat 3 files changed, 256 insertions(+), 99 deletions(-) [+]
line diff
     1.1 --- a/src/http.c	Wed Apr 15 23:44:22 2015 +0300
     1.2 +++ b/src/http.c	Thu Apr 16 15:20:16 2015 +0300
     1.3 @@ -1,10 +1,98 @@
     1.4 +#include <stdio.h>
     1.5 +#include <stdlib.h>
     1.6 +#include <string.h>
     1.7 +#include <ctype.h>
     1.8 +#include <alloca.h>
     1.9  #include "http.h"
    1.11 +
    1.12 +const char *http_method_str[] = {
    1.13 +	"<unknown>",
    1.14 +	"OPTIONS",
    1.15 +	"GET",
    1.16 +	"HEAD",
    1.17 +	"POST",
    1.18 +	"PUT",
    1.19 +	"DELETE",
    1.20 +	"TRACE",
    1.21 +	"CONNECT",
    1.22 +	0
    1.23 +};
    1.24 +
    1.25 +
    1.26 +/* HTTP 1xx message strings */
    1.27 +const char *http_msg1xx[] = {
    1.28 +	"Continue",					/* 100 */
    1.29 +	"Switching Protocols"		/* 101 */
    1.30 +};
    1.31 +
    1.32 +/* HTTP 2xx message strings */
    1.33 +const char *http_msg2xx[] = {
    1.34 +	"OK",						/* 200 */
    1.35 +	"Created",					/* 201 */
    1.36 +	"Accepted",					/* 202 */
    1.37 +	"Non-Authoritative Information",	/* 203 */
    1.38 +	"No Content",				/* 204 */
    1.39 +	"Reset Content",			/* 205 */
    1.40 +	"Partial Content"			/* 206 */
    1.41 +};
    1.42 +
    1.43 +/* HTTP 3xx message strings */
    1.44 +const char *http_msg3xx[] = {
    1.45 +	"Multiple Choices",			/* 300 */
    1.46 +	"Moved Permanently",		/* 301 */
    1.47 +	"Found",					/* 302 */
    1.48 +	"See Other",				/* 303 */
    1.49 +	"Not Modified",				/* 304 */
    1.50 +	"Use Proxy",				/* 305 */
    1.51 +	"<unknown>",				/* 306 is undefined? */
    1.52 +	"Temporary Redirect"		/* 307 */
    1.53 +};
    1.54 +
    1.55 +/* HTTP 4xx error strings */
    1.56 +const char *http_msg4xx[] = {
    1.57 +	"Bad Request",				/* 400 */
    1.58 +	"Unauthorized",				/* 401 */
    1.59 +	"What the Fuck?",			/* 402 */
    1.60 +	"Forbidden",				/* 403 */
    1.61 +	"Not Found",				/* 404 */
    1.62 +	"Method Not Allowed",		/* 405 */
    1.63 +	"Not Acceptable",			/* 406 */
    1.64 +	"Proxy Authentication Required",	/* 407 */
    1.65 +	"Request Time-out",			/* 408 */
    1.66 +	"Conflict",					/* 409 */
    1.67 +	"Gone",						/* 410 */
    1.68 +	"Length Required",			/* 411 */
    1.69 +	"Precondition Failed",		/* 412 */
    1.70 +	"Request Entity Too Large", /* 413 */
    1.71 +	"Request-URI Too Large",	/* 414 */
    1.72 +	"Unsupported Media Type",	/* 415 */
    1.73 +	"Request range not satisfiable", /* 416 */
    1.74 +	"Expectation Failed"		/* 417 */
    1.75 +};
    1.76 +
    1.77 +/* HTTP 5xx error strings */
    1.78 +const char *http_msg5xx[] = {
    1.79 +	"Internal Server Error",	/* 500 */
    1.80 +	"Not Implemented",			/* 501 */
    1.81 +	"Bad Gateway",				/* 502 */
    1.82 +	"Service Unavailable",		/* 503 */
    1.83 +	"Gateway Time-out",			/* 504 */
    1.84 +	"HTTP Version not supported"	/* 505 */
    1.85 +};
    1.86 +
    1.87 +
    1.88 +static enum http_method parse_method(const char *s);
    1.89 +
    1.90 +
    1.91  int http_parse_header(struct http_req_header *hdr, const char *buf, int bufsz)
    1.92  {
    1.93  	int i, nlines = 0;
    1.94 -	char *endhdr;
    1.95  	char *rqline = 0;
    1.96 +	char *method, *uri, *version, *ptr;
    1.97 +	const char *startln, *endln;
    1.98 +
    1.99 +	memset(hdr, 0, sizeof *hdr);
   1.101  	for(i=1; i<bufsz; i++) {
   1.102  		if(buf[i] == '\n' && buf[i - 1] == '\r') {
   1.103 @@ -14,13 +102,96 @@
   1.104  				rqline[i - 1] = 0;
   1.105  			}
   1.106  			++nlines;
   1.107 +
   1.108 +			if(i > 4 && buf[i - 2] == '\n' && buf[i - 3] == '\r') {
   1.109 +				hdr->body_offset = i + 1;
   1.110 +				break;
   1.111 +			}
   1.112  		}
   1.113  	}
   1.115 -	if(!rqline)
   1.116 -		return -1;
   1.117 +	if(!rqline) {
   1.118 +		return HTTP_HDR_PARTIAL;
   1.119 +	}
   1.121 +	ptr = rqline;
   1.122 +	while(*ptr && isspace(*ptr)) ++ptr;
   1.123 +	method = ptr;
   1.125 +	/* parse the request line */
   1.126 +	while(*ptr && !isspace(*ptr)) ++ptr;
   1.127 +	while(*ptr && isspace(*ptr)) *ptr++ = 0;
   1.128 +
   1.129 +	uri = ptr;
   1.130 +	while(*ptr && !isspace(*ptr)) ++ptr;
   1.131 +	while(*ptr && isspace(*ptr)) *ptr++ = 0;
   1.132 +
   1.133 +	version = ptr;
   1.134 +	while(*ptr && !isspace(*ptr)) ++ptr;
   1.135 +	while(*ptr && isspace(*ptr)) *ptr++ = 0;
   1.136 +
   1.137 +	hdr->method = parse_method(method);
   1.138 +	hdr->uri = strdup(uri);
   1.139 +	if(sscanf(version, "HTTP/%d.%d", &hdr->ver_major, &hdr->ver_minor) != 2) {
   1.140 +		fprintf(stderr, "warning: failed to parse HTTP version \"%s\"\n", version);
   1.141 +		hdr->ver_major = 1;
   1.142 +		hdr->ver_minor = 1;
   1.143 +	}
   1.144 +
   1.145 +	if(!(hdr->hdrfields = malloc(nlines * sizeof *hdr->hdrfields))) {
   1.146 +		perror("failed to allocate memory for the header fields");
   1.147 +		return HTTP_HDR_NOMEM;
   1.148 +	}
   1.149 +	hdr->num_hdrfields = 0;
   1.150 +
   1.151 +	startln = buf;
   1.152 +	endln = buf;
   1.153 +	for(i=1; i<hdr->body_offset; i++) {
   1.154 +		if(buf[i] == '\n' && buf[i - 1] == '\r') {
   1.155 +			int linesz;
   1.156 +			endln = buf + i - 1;
   1.157 +			linesz = endln - startln - 1;
   1.158 +
   1.159 +			if(startln > buf) {	/* skip first line */
   1.160 +				int idx = hdr->num_hdrfields++;
   1.161 +				hdr->hdrfields[idx] = malloc(linesz + 1);
   1.162 +				memcpy(hdr->hdrfields[idx], startln, linesz);
   1.163 +				hdr->hdrfields[idx][linesz] = 0;
   1.164 +			}
   1.165 +			startln = endln = buf + i + 1;
   1.166 +		}
   1.167 +	}
   1.168 +
   1.169 +	return HTTP_HDR_OK;
   1.170 +}
   1.171 +
   1.172 +void http_print_header(struct http_req_header *hdr)
   1.173 +{
   1.174 +	int i;
   1.175 +
   1.176 +	printf("HTTP request header\n");
   1.177 +	printf(" method: %s\n", http_method_str[hdr->method]);
   1.178 +	printf(" uri: %s\n", hdr->uri);
   1.179 +	printf(" version: %d.%d\n", hdr->ver_major, hdr->ver_minor);
   1.180 +	printf(" fields (%d):\n", hdr->num_hdrfields);
   1.181 +
   1.182 +	for(i=0; i<hdr->num_hdrfields; i++) {
   1.183 +		printf("   %s\n", hdr->hdrfields[i]);
   1.184 +	}
   1.185 +	putchar('\n');
   1.186 +}
   1.187 +
   1.188 +void http_destroy_header(struct http_req_header *hdr)
   1.189 +{
   1.190 +	int i;
   1.191 +
   1.192 +	if(hdr->hdrfields) {
   1.193 +		for(i=0; i<hdr->num_hdrfields; i++) {
   1.194 +			free(hdr->hdrfields[i]);
   1.195 +		}
   1.196 +		free(hdr->hdrfields);
   1.197 +	}
   1.198 +	free(hdr->uri);
   1.199  }
   1.201  const char *http_strmsg(int code)
   1.202 @@ -50,3 +221,14 @@
   1.204  	return msgxxx[type][idx];
   1.205  }
   1.206 +
   1.207 +static enum http_method parse_method(const char *s)
   1.208 +{
   1.209 +	int i;
   1.210 +	for(i=0; http_method_str[i]; i++) {
   1.211 +		if(strcmp(s, http_method_str[i]) == 0) {
   1.212 +			return (enum http_method)i;
   1.213 +		}
   1.214 +	}
   1.215 +	return HTTP_UNKNOWN;
   1.216 +}
     2.1 --- a/src/http.h	Wed Apr 15 23:44:22 2015 +0300
     2.2 +++ b/src/http.h	Thu Apr 16 15:20:16 2015 +0300
     2.3 @@ -15,93 +15,24 @@
     2.5  };
     2.7 -const char *http_method_str[] = {
     2.8 -	"<unknown>",
     2.9 -	"OPTIONS",
    2.10 -	"GET",
    2.11 -	"HEAD",
    2.12 -	"POST",
    2.13 -	"PUT",
    2.14 -	"DELETE",
    2.15 -	"TRACE",
    2.16 -	"CONNECT",
    2.17 -	0
    2.18 -};
    2.19 -
    2.20 -
    2.21  struct http_req_header {
    2.22  	enum http_method method;
    2.23  	char *uri;
    2.24  	int ver_major, ver_minor;	/* http version */
    2.25  	char **hdrfields;
    2.26  	int num_hdrfields;
    2.27 +	int body_offset;
    2.28  };
    2.30 +#define HTTP_HDR_OK			0
    2.31 +#define HTTP_HDR_INVALID	-1
    2.32 +#define HTTP_HDR_NOMEM		-2
    2.33 +#define HTTP_HDR_PARTIAL	-3
    2.35  int http_parse_header(struct http_req_header *hdr, const char *buf, int bufsz);
    2.36 +void http_print_header(struct http_req_header *hdr);
    2.37 +void http_destroy_header(struct http_req_header *hdr);
    2.39  const char *http_strmsg(int code);
    2.41 -
    2.42 -/* HTTP 1xx message strings */
    2.43 -const char *http_msg1xx[] = {
    2.44 -	"Continue",					/* 100 */
    2.45 -	"Switching Protocols"		/* 101 */
    2.46 -};
    2.47 -
    2.48 -/* HTTP 2xx message strings */
    2.49 -const char *http_msg2xx[] = {
    2.50 -	"OK",						/* 200 */
    2.51 -	"Created",					/* 201 */
    2.52 -	"Accepted",					/* 202 */
    2.53 -	"Non-Authoritative Information",	/* 203 */
    2.54 -	"No Content",				/* 204 */
    2.55 -	"Reset Content",			/* 205 */
    2.56 -	"Partial Content"			/* 206 */
    2.57 -};
    2.58 -
    2.59 -/* HTTP 3xx message strings */
    2.60 -const char *http_msg3xx[] = {
    2.61 -	"Multiple Choices",			/* 300 */
    2.62 -	"Moved Permanently",		/* 301 */
    2.63 -	"Found",					/* 302 */
    2.64 -	"See Other",				/* 303 */
    2.65 -	"Not Modified",				/* 304 */
    2.66 -	"Use Proxy",				/* 305 */
    2.67 -	"<unknown>",				/* 306 is undefined? */
    2.68 -	"Temporary Redirect"		/* 307 */
    2.69 -};
    2.70 -
    2.71 -/* HTTP 4xx error strings */
    2.72 -const char *http_msg4xx[] = {
    2.73 -	"Bad Request",				/* 400 */
    2.74 -	"Unauthorized",				/* 401 */
    2.75 -	"What the Fuck?",			/* 402 */
    2.76 -	"Forbidden",				/* 403 */
    2.77 -	"Not Found",				/* 404 */
    2.78 -	"Method Not Allowed",		/* 405 */
    2.79 -	"Not Acceptable",			/* 406 */
    2.80 -	"Proxy Authentication Required",	/* 407 */
    2.81 -	"Request Time-out",			/* 408 */
    2.82 -	"Conflict",					/* 409 */
    2.83 -	"Gone",						/* 410 */
    2.84 -	"Length Required",			/* 411 */
    2.85 -	"Precondition Failed",		/* 412 */
    2.86 -	"Request Entity Too Large", /* 413 */
    2.87 -	"Request-URI Too Large",	/* 414 */
    2.88 -	"Unsupported Media Type",	/* 415 */
    2.89 -	"Request range not satisfiable", /* 416 */
    2.90 -	"Expectation Failed"		/* 417 */
    2.91 -};
    2.92 -
    2.93 -/* HTTP 5xx error strings */
    2.94 -const char *http_msg5xx[] = {
    2.95 -	"Internal Server Error",	/* 500 */
    2.96 -	"Not Implemented",			/* 501 */
    2.97 -	"Bad Gateway",				/* 502 */
    2.98 -	"Service Unavailable",		/* 503 */
    2.99 -	"Gateway Time-out",			/* 504 */
   2.100 -	"HTTP Version not supported"	/* 505 */
   2.101 -};
   2.102 -
   2.103  #endif	/* HTTP_H_ */
     3.1 --- a/src/main.c	Wed Apr 15 23:44:22 2015 +0300
     3.2 +++ b/src/main.c	Thu Apr 16 15:20:16 2015 +0300
     3.3 @@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
     3.4  #include <stdio.h>
     3.5  #include <stdlib.h>
     3.6  #include <string.h>
     3.7 +#include <ctype.h>
     3.8 +#include <signal.h>
     3.9  #include <errno.h>
    3.10  #include <unistd.h>
    3.11  #include <fcntl.h>
    3.12 @@ -27,8 +29,11 @@
    3.14  int start_server(void);
    3.15  int accept_conn(int lis);
    3.16 +void close_conn(struct client *c);
    3.17  int handle_client(struct client *c);
    3.18 +void do_get_head(struct client *c);
    3.19  void respond_error(struct client *c, int errcode);
    3.20 +void sighandler(int s);
    3.21  int parse_args(int argc, char **argv);
    3.23  static int lis;
    3.24 @@ -41,6 +46,10 @@
    3.25  		return 1;
    3.26  	}
    3.28 +	signal(SIGINT, sighandler);
    3.29 +	signal(SIGTERM, sighandler);
    3.30 +	signal(SIGQUIT, sighandler);
    3.31 +
    3.32  	if((lis = start_server()) == -1) {
    3.33  		return 1;
    3.34  	}
    3.35 @@ -91,6 +100,8 @@
    3.36  			}
    3.37  		}
    3.38  	}
    3.39 +
    3.40 +	return 0;	/* unreachable */
    3.41  }
    3.43  int start_server(void)
    3.44 @@ -150,30 +161,22 @@
    3.45  	free(c->rcvbuf);
    3.46  }
    3.48 -static char *skip_space(char *s, char *endp)
    3.49 -{
    3.50 -	while(s < endp && *s && isspace(*s))
    3.51 -		++s;
    3.52 -	return s;
    3.53 -}
    3.54 -
    3.55  int handle_client(struct client *c)
    3.56  {
    3.57 -	char *reqp, *hdrp, *bodyp, *endp, *eol;
    3.58 -	char req_type[32];
    3.59 +	struct http_req_header hdr;
    3.60  	static char buf[2048];
    3.61 -	int rdsz;
    3.62 +	int rdsz, status;
    3.64  	while((rdsz = recv(c->s, buf, sizeof buf, 0)) > 0) {
    3.65  		if(c->rcvbuf) {
    3.66 +			char *newbuf;
    3.67  			int newsz = c->bufsz + rdsz;
    3.68  			if(newsz > MAX_REQ_LENGTH) {
    3.69  				respond_error(c, 413);
    3.70  				return -1;
    3.71  			}
    3.73 -			char *newbuf = realloc(buf, newsz + 1);
    3.74 -			if(!newbuf) {
    3.75 +			if(!(newbuf = realloc(buf, newsz + 1))) {
    3.76  				fprintf(stderr, "failed to allocate %d byte buffer\n", newsz);
    3.77  				respond_error(c, 503);
    3.78  				return -1;
    3.79 @@ -187,17 +190,41 @@
    3.80  		}
    3.81  	}
    3.83 -	endp = c->rcvbuf + c->bufsz;
    3.84 -	if((reqp = skip_space(buf, endp)) >= endp) {
    3.85 -		return 0;	/* incomplete have to read more ... */
    3.86 +	if((status = http_parse_header(&hdr, c->rcvbuf, c->bufsz)) != HTTP_HDR_OK) {
    3.87 +		http_print_header(&hdr);
    3.88 +		switch(status) {
    3.89 +		case HTTP_HDR_INVALID:
    3.90 +			respond_error(c, 400);
    3.91 +			return -1;
    3.92 +
    3.93 +		case HTTP_HDR_NOMEM:
    3.94 +			respond_error(c, 503);
    3.95 +			return -1;
    3.96 +
    3.97 +		case HTTP_HDR_PARTIAL:
    3.98 +			return 0;	/* partial header, continue reading */
    3.99 +		}
   3.100 +	}
   3.101 +	http_print_header(&hdr);
   3.102 +
   3.103 +	/* we only support GET and HEAD at this point, so freak out on anything else */
   3.104 +	switch(hdr.method) {
   3.105 +	case HTTP_GET:
   3.106 +	case HTTP_HEAD:
   3.107 +		do_get_head(c);
   3.108 +		break;
   3.109 +
   3.110 +	default:
   3.111 +		respond_error(c, 501);
   3.112 +		return -1;
   3.113  	}
   3.115 +	close_conn(c);
   3.116 +	return 0;
   3.117 +}
   3.119 -	/* we only support GET and HEAD at this point, so freak out on anything else */
   3.120 -
   3.121 -	/* TODO: parse header, drop on invalid, determine if the request
   3.122 -	 * is complete and process
   3.123 -	 */
   3.124 +void do_get_head(struct client *c)
   3.125 +{
   3.126  }
   3.128  void respond_error(struct client *c, int errcode)
   3.129 @@ -210,6 +237,23 @@
   3.130  	close_conn(c);
   3.131  }
   3.133 +void sighandler(int s)
   3.134 +{
   3.135 +	if(s == SIGINT || s == SIGTERM || s == SIGQUIT) {
   3.136 +		close(lis);
   3.137 +		while(clist) {
   3.138 +			struct client *c = clist;
   3.139 +			clist = clist->next;
   3.140 +			close_conn(c);
   3.141 +			free(c);
   3.142 +		}
   3.143 +		clist = 0;
   3.144 +
   3.145 +		printf("bye!\n");
   3.146 +		exit(0);
   3.147 +	}
   3.148 +}
   3.149 +
   3.151  static void print_help(const char *argv0)
   3.152  {