
view test/vis/test.c @ 14:1b8a3a6088b6

simplified find_min
author John Tsiombikas <nuclear@member.fsf.org>
date Sun, 02 Nov 2014 10:56:08 +0200
parents 56a08d00bb41
line source
1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include <stdlib.h>
3 #include <string.h>
4 #include <ctype.h>
5 #include <math.h>
6 #include <assert.h>
7 #include <alloca.h>
9 #ifndef __APPLE__
10 #include <GL/glut.h>
11 #else
12 #include <GLUT/glut.h>
13 #endif
14 #include <rbtree.h>
15 #include <drawtext.h>
17 #define FONTSZ 18
19 void init_gl(int argc, char **argv);
20 float rbvis_width(struct rbnode *tree);
21 void rbvis_draw(struct rbnode *tree, float x, float y);
23 void draw_roundbox(float xsz, float ysz, float rad, int segm, const float *col, float border, const float *bcol);
24 void draw_fillet(float rad, int segm);
26 struct rbtree *tree;
27 int num_nodes;
28 struct dtx_font *font;
29 char input_buffer[64];
30 int win_xsz, win_ysz;
32 int main(int argc, char **argv)
33 {
34 int i;
36 init_gl(argc, argv);
38 if(argv[1]) {
39 if(!isdigit(argv[1][0])) {
40 fprintf(stderr, "pass a fucking number, not: %s\n", argv[1]);
41 return 1;
42 }
43 num_nodes = atoi(argv[1]);
44 }
46 if(!(font = dtx_open_font("linux-libertine.ttf", FONTSZ))) {
47 fprintf(stderr, "failed to open font\n");
48 return 1;
49 }
51 if(!(tree = rb_create(RB_KEY_INT))) {
52 return 1;
53 }
55 for(i=0; i<num_nodes; i++) {
56 rb_inserti(tree, i, 0);
57 }
59 glutMainLoop();
60 return 0;
61 }
63 #define NWIDTH 28.0
64 #define NHEIGHT 24.0
65 #define PADDING 0
66 #define DY (NHEIGHT + NHEIGHT / 2.0)
68 #define VIS(node) ((struct visinfo*)(node)->data)
70 void disp(void);
71 void reshape(int x, int y);
72 void keyb(unsigned char key, int x, int y);
73 void draw_rect(float x, float y, float width, float height, const char *text, int red);
74 void draw_link(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, int red);
76 void init_gl(int argc, char **argv)
77 {
78 glutInitWindowSize(1280, 720);
79 glutInit(&argc, argv);
82 glutCreateWindow("foo");
84 dtx_use_font(font, FONTSZ);
86 glutDisplayFunc(disp);
87 glutReshapeFunc(reshape);
88 glutKeyboardFunc(keyb);
90 glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
91 glEnable(GL_MULTISAMPLE);
92 }
94 void disp(void)
95 {
96 struct rbnode *root = rb_root(tree);
98 glClearColor(0.57, 0.64, 0.59, 1.0);
101 glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
102 glLoadIdentity();
104 if(input_buffer[0]) {
105 char *prompt = "select node: ";
106 char *buf = alloca(strlen(prompt) + strlen(input_buffer));
108 glPushMatrix();
109 glTranslatef(10, 10, -0.9);
110 glColor3f(0, 0, 0);
111 sprintf(buf, "%s%s", prompt, input_buffer);
112 dtx_string(buf);
113 glPopMatrix();
114 }
116 if(root) {
117 rbvis_draw(root, rbvis_width(root->left) + NWIDTH, 550);
118 }
120 glutSwapBuffers();
121 assert(glGetError() == GL_NO_ERROR);
122 }
125 float rbvis_width(struct rbnode *tree)
126 {
127 if(!tree)
128 return NWIDTH;
130 return NWIDTH + rbvis_width(tree->left) + rbvis_width(tree->right) + PADDING * 3.0;
131 }
133 void rbvis_draw(struct rbnode *tree, float x, float y)
134 {
135 float leftx, rightx, nexty;
136 static const float hxsz = NWIDTH / 2.0;
137 static const float hysz = NHEIGHT / 2.0;
138 char text[16];
140 if(!tree)
141 return;
143 leftx = x - (tree->left ? rbvis_width(tree->left->right) + NWIDTH : rbvis_width(tree->left) / 2.0);
144 rightx = x + (tree->right ? rbvis_width(tree->right->left) + NWIDTH : rbvis_width(tree->right) / 2.0);
146 nexty = y - DY;
148 sprintf(text, "%d", rb_node_keyi(tree));
149 draw_rect(x - hxsz, y - hysz, NWIDTH, NHEIGHT, text, tree->red);
151 rbvis_draw(tree->left, leftx, nexty);
152 rbvis_draw(tree->right, rightx, nexty);
154 if(tree->left)
155 draw_link(x, y, leftx, nexty, tree->left->red);
156 if(tree->right)
157 draw_link(x, y, rightx, nexty, tree->right->red);
158 }
160 void draw_rect(float x, float y, float width, float height, const char *text, int red)
161 {
162 float node_col[] = {0.63, 0.71, 0.82, 1.0};
163 float bord_col[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
165 if(red) {
166 bord_col[0] = 1.0;
167 }
169 glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
170 glPushMatrix();
171 glTranslatef(x + width / 2.0, y + height / 2.0, 0.0);
173 draw_roundbox(width, height, 8, 6, node_col, 1.2, bord_col);
175 glColor3f(0.15, 0.15, 0.15);
176 glTranslatef(-dtx_string_width(text) / 2.0, -dtx_string_height(text) / 2.0, 0.1);
177 dtx_string(text);
178 glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
179 glPopMatrix();
180 }
182 void draw_link(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, int red)
183 {
184 glPushAttrib(GL_LINE_BIT);
185 if(red) {
186 glLineWidth(3);
187 } else {
188 glLineWidth(2);
189 }
191 glBegin(GL_LINES);
192 if(red) {
193 glColor3f(0.8, 0.36, 0.3);
194 } else {
195 glColor3f(0, 0, 0);
196 }
197 glVertex3f(x0, y0, -0.8);
198 glVertex3f(x1, y1, -0.8);
199 glEnd();
201 glPopAttrib();
202 }
204 void draw_roundbox(float xsz, float ysz, float rad, int segm, const float *col, float border, const float *bcol)
205 {
206 float hin_xsz, hin_ysz;
208 if(border > 0.0f) {
209 glPushMatrix();
210 glTranslatef(0, 0, -0.001);
211 draw_roundbox(xsz + 2 * border, ysz + 2 * border, rad + border, segm, bcol, 0.0, bcol);
212 glPopMatrix();
213 }
215 /* half inner size */
216 hin_xsz = (xsz - 2.0 * rad) / 2.0;
217 hin_ysz = (ysz - 2.0 * rad) / 2.0;
219 glColor4fv(col);
221 glBegin(GL_QUADS);
222 /* center */
223 glVertex2f(-hin_xsz, -hin_ysz);
224 glVertex2f(hin_xsz, -hin_ysz);
225 glVertex2f(hin_xsz, hin_ysz);
226 glVertex2f(-hin_xsz, hin_ysz);
227 /* right */
228 glVertex2f(hin_xsz, -hin_ysz);
229 glVertex2f(hin_xsz + rad, -hin_ysz);
230 glVertex2f(hin_xsz + rad, hin_ysz);
231 glVertex2f(hin_xsz, hin_ysz);
232 /* top */
233 glVertex2f(-hin_xsz, hin_ysz);
234 glVertex2f(hin_xsz, hin_ysz);
235 glVertex2f(hin_xsz, hin_ysz + rad);
236 glVertex2f(-hin_xsz, hin_ysz + rad);
237 /* left */
238 glVertex2f(-hin_xsz - rad, -hin_ysz);
239 glVertex2f(-hin_xsz, -hin_ysz);
240 glVertex2f(-hin_xsz, hin_ysz);
241 glVertex2f(-hin_xsz - rad, hin_ysz);
242 /* bottom */
243 glVertex2f(-hin_xsz, -hin_ysz - rad);
244 glVertex2f(hin_xsz, -hin_ysz - rad);
245 glVertex2f(hin_xsz, -hin_ysz);
246 glVertex2f(-hin_xsz, -hin_ysz);
247 glEnd();
249 glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
251 glPushMatrix();
252 glTranslatef(hin_xsz, hin_ysz, 0);
253 draw_fillet(rad, segm);
254 glPopMatrix();
256 glPushMatrix();
257 glTranslatef(-hin_xsz, hin_ysz, 0);
258 glRotatef(90, 0, 0, 1);
259 draw_fillet(rad, segm);
260 glPopMatrix();
262 glPushMatrix();
263 glTranslatef(-hin_xsz, -hin_ysz, 0);
264 glRotatef(180, 0, 0, 1);
265 draw_fillet(rad, segm);
266 glPopMatrix();
268 glPushMatrix();
269 glTranslatef(hin_xsz, -hin_ysz, 0);
270 glRotatef(270, 0, 0, 1);
271 draw_fillet(rad, segm);
272 glPopMatrix();
273 }
275 void draw_fillet(float rad, int segm)
276 {
277 int i;
279 glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN);
280 glVertex2f(0, 0);
281 for(i=0; i<segm; i++) {
282 float theta = 0.5 * M_PI * (float)i / (float)(segm - 1);
283 float x = cos(theta) * rad;
284 float y = sin(theta) * rad;
285 glVertex2f(x, y);
286 }
287 glEnd();
288 }
291 void reshape(int x, int y)
292 {
293 win_xsz = x;
294 win_ysz = y;
296 glViewport(0, 0, x, y);
298 glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
299 glLoadIdentity();
300 glOrtho(0, x, 0, y, -1, 1);
301 }
303 void keyb(unsigned char key, int x, int y)
304 {
305 static int wposx = -1, wposy;
306 static char *inp_next;
307 static char op;
309 switch(key) {
310 case 27:
311 exit(0);
313 case 'a':
314 rb_inserti(tree, num_nodes++, 0);
315 glutPostRedisplay();
316 break;
318 case 'r':
319 {
320 int x;
321 do {
322 x = rand() % 1024;
323 } while(rb_findi(tree, x));
325 rb_inserti(tree, x, 0);
326 }
327 glutPostRedisplay();
328 break;
330 case 'd':
331 case 'f':
332 op = key;
333 inp_next = input_buffer;
334 *inp_next++ = ' ';
335 *inp_next = 0;
336 glutPostRedisplay();
337 break;
339 case '0':
340 case '1':
341 case '2':
342 case '3':
343 case '4':
344 case '5':
345 case '6':
346 case '7':
347 case '8':
348 case '9':
349 if(inp_next) {
350 *inp_next++ = key;
351 *inp_next = 0;
352 glutPostRedisplay();
353 }
354 break;
356 case '\b':
357 if(inp_next > input_buffer) {
358 *--inp_next = 0;
359 glutPostRedisplay();
360 }
361 break;
363 case '\n':
364 case '\r':
365 if(inp_next) {
366 int x;
367 char *endp;
369 *inp_next = 0;
370 inp_next = 0;
372 if((x = strtol(input_buffer, &endp, 10)), endp == input_buffer) {
373 fprintf(stderr, "invalid input: %s\n", input_buffer);
374 } else if(!rb_findi(tree, x)) {
375 fprintf(stderr, "%d not found in the tree\n", x);
376 } else {
377 if(op == 'd') {
378 printf("deleting: %d\n", x);
379 rb_deletei(tree, x);
380 } else {
381 printf("%d found!\n", x);
382 }
383 }
384 input_buffer[0] = 0;
385 glutPostRedisplay();
386 }
387 break;
389 case 'p':
390 {
391 struct rbnode *node;
393 rb_begin(tree);
394 while((node = rb_next(tree))) {
395 int key = rb_node_keyi(node);
396 printf("%d ", key);
397 }
398 putchar('\n');
399 }
400 break;
401 }
402 }