
view qvolray.pro @ 28:aeef3c2ae472

the slice widget works fine
author John Tsiombikas <nuclear@member.fsf.org>
date Sat, 14 Apr 2012 16:35:30 +0300
parents c27ce79632db
children 93d889a3726a
line source
1 TEMPLATE = app
2 TARGET = qvolray
3 DEPENDPATH += . src
4 INCLUDEPATH += . src
5 QT += opengl
6 CONFIG += debug
8 contains(QMAKE_CXX, g++) {
9 QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -std=c++0x -pedantic
10 }
12 contains(QMAKE_CXX, clang++) {
13 QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -std=c++0x -pedantic
14 }
16 unix:LIBS += -lGLEW -limago -lvmath
17 win32:LIBS += -lglew32 -llibimago2 -llibvmath -llibpng -lzlib -ljpeglib
19 macx {
20 INCLUDEPATH += /opt/local/include
21 QMAKE_LIBDIR += /opt/local/lib
22 }
24 # the moc needs to run for these headers
25 HEADERS = src/ui.h \
26 src/ui_maingl.h \
27 src/ui_sliceview.h
29 SOURCES = src/main.cc \
30 src/sdr.c \
31 src/volray.cc \
32 src/volume.cc \
33 src/ui.cc \
34 src/ui_maingl.cc \
35 src/ui_sliceview.cc \
36 src/demo.cc