
diff libovr/Src/OVR_Profile.cpp @ 1:e2f9e4603129

added LibOVR and started a simple vr wrapper.
author John Tsiombikas <nuclear@member.fsf.org>
date Sat, 14 Sep 2013 16:14:59 +0300
line diff
     1.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/libovr/Src/OVR_Profile.cpp	Sat Sep 14 16:14:59 2013 +0300
     1.3 @@ -0,0 +1,671 @@
     1.4 +/************************************************************************************
     1.5 +
     1.6 +PublicHeader:   None
     1.7 +Filename    :   OVR_Profile.cpp
     1.8 +Content     :   Structs and functions for loading and storing device profile settings
     1.9 +Created     :   February 14, 2013
    1.10 +Notes       :
    1.11 +   
    1.12 +   Profiles are used to store per-user settings that can be transferred and used
    1.13 +   across multiple applications.  For example, player IPD can be configured once 
    1.14 +   and reused for a unified experience across games.  Configuration and saving of profiles
    1.15 +   can be accomplished in game via the Profile API or by the official Oculus Configuration
    1.16 +   Utility.
    1.17 +
    1.18 +Copyright   :   Copyright 2013 Oculus VR, Inc. All Rights reserved.
    1.19 +
    1.20 +Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Oculus license
    1.21 +agreement provided at the time of installation or download, or which
    1.22 +otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
    1.23 +
    1.24 +************************************************************************************/
    1.25 +
    1.26 +#include "OVR_Profile.h"
    1.27 +#include "OVR_JSON.h"
    1.28 +#include "Kernel/OVR_Types.h"
    1.29 +#include "Kernel/OVR_SysFile.h"
    1.30 +#include "Kernel/OVR_Allocator.h"
    1.31 +#include "Kernel/OVR_Array.h"
    1.32 +
    1.33 +#ifdef OVR_OS_WIN32
    1.34 +#include <Shlobj.h>
    1.35 +#else
    1.36 +#include <dirent.h>
    1.37 +#include <sys/stat.h>
    1.38 +
    1.39 +#ifdef OVR_OS_LINUX
    1.40 +#include <unistd.h>
    1.41 +#include <pwd.h>
    1.42 +#endif
    1.43 +
    1.44 +#endif
    1.45 +
    1.46 +#define PROFILE_VERSION 1.0
    1.47 +
    1.48 +namespace OVR {
    1.49 +
    1.50 +//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1.51 +// Returns the pathname of the JSON file containing the stored profiles
    1.52 +String GetBaseOVRPath(bool create_dir)
    1.53 +{
    1.54 +    String path;
    1.55 +
    1.56 +#if defined(OVR_OS_WIN32)
    1.57 +
    1.58 +    TCHAR data_path[MAX_PATH];
    1.59 +    SHGetFolderPath(0, CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA, NULL, 0, data_path);
    1.60 +    path = String(data_path);
    1.61 +    
    1.62 +    path += "/Oculus";
    1.63 +
    1.64 +    if (create_dir)
    1.65 +    {   // Create the Oculus directory if it doesn't exist
    1.66 +        WCHAR wpath[128];
    1.67 +        OVR::UTF8Util::DecodeString(wpath, path.ToCStr());
    1.68 +
    1.69 +        DWORD attrib = GetFileAttributes(wpath);
    1.70 +        bool exists = attrib != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES && (attrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY);
    1.71 +        if (!exists)
    1.72 +        {   
    1.73 +            CreateDirectory(wpath, NULL);
    1.74 +        }
    1.75 +    }
    1.76 +        
    1.77 +#elif defined(OVR_OS_MAC)
    1.78 +
    1.79 +    const char* home = getenv("HOME");
    1.80 +    path = home;
    1.81 +    path += "/Library/Preferences/Oculus";
    1.82 +
    1.83 +    if (create_dir)
    1.84 +    {   // Create the Oculus directory if it doesn't exist
    1.85 +        DIR* dir = opendir(path);
    1.86 +        if (dir == NULL)
    1.87 +        {
    1.88 +            mkdir(path, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO);
    1.89 +        }
    1.90 +        else
    1.91 +        {
    1.92 +            closedir(dir);
    1.93 +        }
    1.94 +    }
    1.95 +
    1.96 +#else
    1.97 +
    1.98 +    passwd* pwd = getpwuid(getuid());
    1.99 +    const char* home = pwd->pw_dir;
   1.100 +    path = home;
   1.101 +    path += "/.config/Oculus";
   1.102 +
   1.103 +    if (create_dir)
   1.104 +    {   // Create the Oculus directory if it doesn't exist
   1.105 +        DIR* dir = opendir(path);
   1.106 +        if (dir == NULL)
   1.107 +        {
   1.108 +            mkdir(path, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO);
   1.109 +        }
   1.110 +        else
   1.111 +        {
   1.112 +            closedir(dir);
   1.113 +        }
   1.114 +    }
   1.115 +
   1.116 +#endif
   1.117 +
   1.118 +    return path;
   1.119 +}
   1.120 +
   1.121 +String GetProfilePath(bool create_dir)
   1.122 +{
   1.123 +    String path = GetBaseOVRPath(create_dir);
   1.124 +    path += "/Profiles.json";
   1.125 +    return path;
   1.126 +}
   1.127 +
   1.128 +//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   1.129 +// ***** ProfileManager
   1.130 +
   1.131 +ProfileManager::ProfileManager()
   1.132 +{
   1.133 +    Changed = false;
   1.134 +    CacheDevice = Profile_Unknown;
   1.135 +}
   1.136 +
   1.137 +ProfileManager::~ProfileManager()
   1.138 +{
   1.139 +    // If the profiles have been altered then write out the profile file
   1.140 +    if (Changed)
   1.141 +        SaveCache();
   1.142 +
   1.143 +    ClearCache();
   1.144 +}
   1.145 +
   1.146 +ProfileManager* ProfileManager::Create()
   1.147 +{
   1.148 +    return new ProfileManager();
   1.149 +}
   1.150 +
   1.151 +Profile* ProfileManager::CreateProfileObject(const char* user,
   1.152 +                                             ProfileType device,
   1.153 +                                             const char** device_name)
   1.154 +{
   1.155 +    Lock::Locker lockScope(&ProfileLock);
   1.156 +
   1.157 +    Profile* profile = NULL;
   1.158 +    switch (device)
   1.159 +    {
   1.160 +        case Profile_RiftDK1:
   1.161 +            *device_name = "RiftDK1";
   1.162 +            profile = new RiftDK1Profile(user);
   1.163 +            break;
   1.164 +        case Profile_RiftDKHD:
   1.165 +        case Profile_Unknown:
   1.166 +            break;
   1.167 +    }
   1.168 +
   1.169 +    return profile;
   1.170 +}
   1.171 +
   1.172 +
   1.173 +// Clear the local profile cache
   1.174 +void ProfileManager::ClearCache()
   1.175 +{
   1.176 +    Lock::Locker lockScope(&ProfileLock);
   1.177 +
   1.178 +    ProfileCache.Clear();
   1.179 +    CacheDevice = Profile_Unknown;
   1.180 +}
   1.181 +
   1.182 +
   1.183 +// Poplulates the local profile cache.  This occurs on the first access of the profile
   1.184 +// data.  All profile operations are performed against the local cache until the
   1.185 +// ProfileManager is released or goes out of scope at which time the cache is serialized
   1.186 +// to disk.
   1.187 +void ProfileManager::LoadCache(ProfileType device)
   1.188 +{
   1.189 +    Lock::Locker lockScope(&ProfileLock);
   1.190 +
   1.191 +    ClearCache();
   1.192 +
   1.193 +    String path = GetProfilePath(false);
   1.194 +
   1.195 +    Ptr<JSON> root = *JSON::Load(path);
   1.196 +    if (!root || root->GetItemCount() < 3)
   1.197 +        return;
   1.198 +
   1.199 +    // First read the file type and version to make sure this is a valid file
   1.200 +    JSON* item0 = root->GetFirstItem();
   1.201 +    JSON* item1 = root->GetNextItem(item0);
   1.202 +    JSON* item2 = root->GetNextItem(item1);
   1.203 +
   1.204 +    if (OVR_strcmp(item0->Name, "Oculus Profile Version") == 0)
   1.205 +    {   // In the future I may need to check versioning to determine parse method
   1.206 +    }
   1.207 +    else
   1.208 +    {
   1.209 +        return;
   1.210 +    }
   1.211 +
   1.212 +    DefaultProfile = item1->Value;
   1.213 +
   1.214 +    // Read the number of profiles
   1.215 +    int   profileCount = (int)item2->dValue;
   1.216 +    JSON* profileItem  = item2;
   1.217 +
   1.218 +    for (int p=0; p<profileCount; p++)
   1.219 +    {
   1.220 +        profileItem = profileItem->GetNextItem(profileItem);
   1.221 +        if (!profileItem)
   1.222 +            break;
   1.223 +        
   1.224 +        // Read the required Name field
   1.225 +        const char* profileName;
   1.226 +        JSON* item = profileItem->GetFirstItem();
   1.227 +        
   1.228 +        if (item && (OVR_strcmp(item->Name, "Name") == 0))
   1.229 +        {   
   1.230 +            profileName = item->Value;
   1.231 +        }
   1.232 +        else
   1.233 +        {
   1.234 +            return;   // invalid field
   1.235 +        }
   1.236 +
   1.237 +        const char*   deviceName  = 0;
   1.238 +        bool          deviceFound = false;
   1.239 +        Ptr<Profile>  profile     = *CreateProfileObject(profileName, device, &deviceName);
   1.240 +
   1.241 +        // Read the base profile fields.
   1.242 +        if (profile)
   1.243 +        {
   1.244 +            while (item = profileItem->GetNextItem(item), item)
   1.245 +            {
   1.246 +                if (item->Type != JSON_Object)
   1.247 +                {
   1.248 +                    profile->ParseProperty(item->Name, item->Value);
   1.249 +                }
   1.250 +                else
   1.251 +                {   // Search for the matching device to get device specific fields
   1.252 +                    if (!deviceFound && OVR_strcmp(item->Name, deviceName) == 0)
   1.253 +                    {
   1.254 +                        deviceFound = true;
   1.255 +
   1.256 +                        for (JSON* deviceItem = item->GetFirstItem(); deviceItem;
   1.257 +                             deviceItem = item->GetNextItem(deviceItem))
   1.258 +                        {
   1.259 +                            profile->ParseProperty(deviceItem->Name, deviceItem->Value);
   1.260 +                        }
   1.261 +                    }
   1.262 +                }
   1.263 +            }
   1.264 +        }
   1.265 +
   1.266 +        // Add the new profile
   1.267 +        if (deviceFound)
   1.268 +            ProfileCache.PushBack(profile);
   1.269 +    }
   1.270 +
   1.271 +    CacheDevice = device;
   1.272 +}
   1.273 +
   1.274 +
   1.275 +// Serializes the profiles to disk.
   1.276 +void ProfileManager::SaveCache()
   1.277 +{
   1.278 +    String path = GetProfilePath(true);
   1.279 + 
   1.280 +    Lock::Locker lockScope(&ProfileLock);
   1.281 +
   1.282 +    // TODO: Since there is only a single device type now, a full tree overwrite
   1.283 +    // is sufficient but in the future a selective device branch replacement will
   1.284 +    // be necessary
   1.285 +
   1.286 +    Ptr<JSON> root = *JSON::CreateObject();
   1.287 +    root->AddNumberItem("Oculus Profile Version", PROFILE_VERSION);
   1.288 +    root->AddStringItem("CurrentProfile", DefaultProfile);
   1.289 +    root->AddNumberItem("ProfileCount", (double) ProfileCache.GetSize());
   1.290 +
   1.291 +    // Generate a JSON subtree for each profile
   1.292 +    for (unsigned int i=0; i<ProfileCache.GetSize(); i++)
   1.293 +    {
   1.294 +        Profile* profile = ProfileCache[i];
   1.295 +
   1.296 +        JSON* json_profile = JSON::CreateObject();
   1.297 +        json_profile->Name = "Profile";
   1.298 +        json_profile->AddStringItem("Name", profile->Name);
   1.299 +        const char* gender;
   1.300 +        switch (profile->GetGender())
   1.301 +        {
   1.302 +            case Profile::Gender_Male:   gender = "Male"; break;
   1.303 +            case Profile::Gender_Female: gender = "Female"; break;
   1.304 +            default: gender = "Unspecified";
   1.305 +        }
   1.306 +        json_profile->AddStringItem("Gender", gender);
   1.307 +        json_profile->AddNumberItem("PlayerHeight", profile->PlayerHeight);
   1.308 +        json_profile->AddNumberItem("IPD", profile->IPD);
   1.309 +
   1.310 +        if (profile->Type == Profile_RiftDK1)
   1.311 +        {
   1.312 +            RiftDK1Profile* riftdk1 = (RiftDK1Profile*)profile;
   1.313 +            JSON* json_riftdk1 = JSON::CreateObject();
   1.314 +            json_profile->AddItem("RiftDK1", json_riftdk1);
   1.315 +
   1.316 +            const char* eyecup = "A";
   1.317 +            switch (riftdk1->EyeCups)
   1.318 +            {
   1.319 +                case RiftDK1Profile::EyeCup_A: eyecup = "A"; break;
   1.320 +                case RiftDK1Profile::EyeCup_B: eyecup = "B"; break;
   1.321 +                case RiftDK1Profile::EyeCup_C: eyecup = "C"; break;
   1.322 +            }
   1.323 +            json_riftdk1->AddStringItem("EyeCup", eyecup);
   1.324 +            json_riftdk1->AddNumberItem("LL", riftdk1->LL);
   1.325 +            json_riftdk1->AddNumberItem("LR", riftdk1->LR);
   1.326 +            json_riftdk1->AddNumberItem("RL", riftdk1->RL);
   1.327 +            json_riftdk1->AddNumberItem("RR", riftdk1->RR);
   1.328 +        }
   1.329 +
   1.330 +        root->AddItem("Profile", json_profile);
   1.331 +    }
   1.332 +
   1.333 +    root->Save(path);
   1.334 +}
   1.335 +
   1.336 +// Returns the number of stored profiles for this device type
   1.337 +int ProfileManager::GetProfileCount(ProfileType device)
   1.338 +{
   1.339 +    Lock::Locker lockScope(&ProfileLock);
   1.340 +
   1.341 +    if (CacheDevice == Profile_Unknown)
   1.342 +        LoadCache(device);
   1.343 +
   1.344 +    return (int)ProfileCache.GetSize();
   1.345 +}
   1.346 +
   1.347 +// Returns the profile name of a specific profile in the list.  The returned 
   1.348 +// memory is locally allocated and should not be stored or deleted.  Returns NULL
   1.349 +// if the index is invalid
   1.350 +const char* ProfileManager::GetProfileName(ProfileType device, unsigned int index)
   1.351 +{
   1.352 +    Lock::Locker lockScope(&ProfileLock);
   1.353 +
   1.354 +    if (CacheDevice == Profile_Unknown)
   1.355 +        LoadCache(device);
   1.356 +
   1.357 +    if (index < ProfileCache.GetSize())
   1.358 +    {
   1.359 +        Profile* profile = ProfileCache[index];
   1.360 +        OVR_strcpy(NameBuff, Profile::MaxNameLen, profile->Name);
   1.361 +        return NameBuff;
   1.362 +    }
   1.363 +    else
   1.364 +    {
   1.365 +        return NULL;
   1.366 +    }
   1.367 +}
   1.368 +
   1.369 +bool ProfileManager::HasProfile(ProfileType device, const char* name)
   1.370 +{
   1.371 +    Lock::Locker lockScope(&ProfileLock);
   1.372 +
   1.373 +    if (CacheDevice == Profile_Unknown)
   1.374 +        LoadCache(device);
   1.375 +
   1.376 +    for (unsigned i = 0; i< ProfileCache.GetSize(); i++)
   1.377 +    {
   1.378 +        if (ProfileCache[i] && OVR_strcmp(ProfileCache[i]->Name, name) == 0)
   1.379 +            return true;
   1.380 +    }
   1.381 +    return false;
   1.382 +}
   1.383 +
   1.384 +
   1.385 +// Returns a specific profile object in the list.  The returned memory should be
   1.386 +// encapsulated in a Ptr<> object or released after use.  Returns NULL if the index
   1.387 +// is invalid
   1.388 +Profile* ProfileManager::LoadProfile(ProfileType device, unsigned int index)
   1.389 +{
   1.390 +    Lock::Locker lockScope(&ProfileLock);
   1.391 +
   1.392 +    if (CacheDevice == Profile_Unknown)
   1.393 +        LoadCache(device);
   1.394 +
   1.395 +    if (index < ProfileCache.GetSize())
   1.396 +    {
   1.397 +        Profile* profile = ProfileCache[index];
   1.398 +        return profile->Clone();
   1.399 +    }
   1.400 +    else
   1.401 +    {
   1.402 +        return NULL;
   1.403 +    }
   1.404 +}
   1.405 +
   1.406 +// Returns a profile object for a particular device and user name.  The returned 
   1.407 +// memory should be encapsulated in a Ptr<> object or released after use.  Returns 
   1.408 +// NULL if the profile is not found
   1.409 +Profile* ProfileManager::LoadProfile(ProfileType device, const char* user)
   1.410 +{
   1.411 +    if (user == NULL)
   1.412 +        return NULL;
   1.413 +
   1.414 +    Lock::Locker lockScope(&ProfileLock);
   1.415 +    
   1.416 +    if (CacheDevice == Profile_Unknown)
   1.417 +        LoadCache(device);
   1.418 +
   1.419 +    for (unsigned int i=0; i<ProfileCache.GetSize(); i++)
   1.420 +    {
   1.421 +        if (OVR_strcmp(user, ProfileCache[i]->Name) == 0)
   1.422 +        {   // Found the requested user profile
   1.423 +            Profile* profile = ProfileCache[i];
   1.424 +            return profile->Clone();
   1.425 +        }
   1.426 +    }
   1.427 +
   1.428 +    return NULL;
   1.429 +}
   1.430 +
   1.431 +// Returns a profile with all system default values
   1.432 +Profile* ProfileManager::GetDeviceDefaultProfile(ProfileType device)
   1.433 +{
   1.434 +    const char* device_name = NULL;
   1.435 +    return CreateProfileObject("default", device, &device_name);
   1.436 +}
   1.437 +
   1.438 +// Returns the name of the profile that is marked as the current default user.
   1.439 +const char* ProfileManager::GetDefaultProfileName(ProfileType device)
   1.440 +{
   1.441 +    Lock::Locker lockScope(&ProfileLock);
   1.442 +
   1.443 +    if (CacheDevice == Profile_Unknown)
   1.444 +        LoadCache(device);
   1.445 +
   1.446 +    if (ProfileCache.GetSize() > 0)
   1.447 +    {
   1.448 +        OVR_strcpy(NameBuff, Profile::MaxNameLen, DefaultProfile);
   1.449 +        return NameBuff;
   1.450 +    }
   1.451 +    else
   1.452 +    {
   1.453 +        return NULL;
   1.454 +    }
   1.455 +}
   1.456 +
   1.457 +// Marks a particular user as the current default user.
   1.458 +bool ProfileManager::SetDefaultProfileName(ProfileType device, const char* name)
   1.459 +{
   1.460 +    Lock::Locker lockScope(&ProfileLock);
   1.461 +
   1.462 +    if (CacheDevice == Profile_Unknown)
   1.463 +        LoadCache(device);
   1.464 +// TODO: I should verify that the user is valid
   1.465 +    if (ProfileCache.GetSize() > 0)
   1.466 +    {
   1.467 +        DefaultProfile = name;
   1.468 +        Changed = true;
   1.469 +        return true;
   1.470 +    }
   1.471 +    else
   1.472 +    {
   1.473 +        return false;
   1.474 +    }
   1.475 +}
   1.476 +
   1.477 +
   1.478 +// Saves a new or existing profile.  Returns true on success or false on an
   1.479 +// invalid or failed save.
   1.480 +bool ProfileManager::Save(const Profile* profile)
   1.481 +{
   1.482 +    Lock::Locker lockScope(&ProfileLock);
   1.483 +
   1.484 +    if (OVR_strcmp(profile->Name, "default") == 0)
   1.485 +        return false;  // don't save a default profile
   1.486 +
   1.487 +    // TODO: I should also verify that this profile type matches the current cache
   1.488 +    if (CacheDevice == Profile_Unknown)
   1.489 +        LoadCache(profile->Type);
   1.490 +
   1.491 +    // Look for the pre-existence of this profile
   1.492 +    bool added = false;
   1.493 +    for (unsigned int i=0; i<ProfileCache.GetSize(); i++)
   1.494 +    {
   1.495 +        int compare = OVR_strcmp(profile->Name, ProfileCache[i]->Name);
   1.496 +              
   1.497 +        if (compare == 0)
   1.498 +        {   
   1.499 +            // TODO: I should do a proper field comparison to avoid unnecessary
   1.500 +            // overwrites and file saves
   1.501 +
   1.502 +            // Replace the previous instance with the new profile
   1.503 +            ProfileCache[i] = *profile->Clone();
   1.504 +            added   = true;
   1.505 +            Changed = true;
   1.506 +            break;
   1.507 +        }
   1.508 +    }
   1.509 +
   1.510 +    if (!added)
   1.511 +    {
   1.512 +        ProfileCache.PushBack(*profile->Clone());
   1.513 +        if (ProfileCache.GetSize() == 1)
   1.514 +            CacheDevice = profile->Type;
   1.515 +
   1.516 +        Changed = true;
   1.517 +    }
   1.518 +
   1.519 +    return true;
   1.520 +}
   1.521 +
   1.522 +// Removes an existing profile.  Returns true if the profile was found and deleted
   1.523 +// and returns false otherwise.
   1.524 +bool ProfileManager::Delete(const Profile* profile)
   1.525 +{
   1.526 +    Lock::Locker lockScope(&ProfileLock);
   1.527 +
   1.528 +    if (OVR_strcmp(profile->Name, "default") == 0)
   1.529 +        return false;  // don't delete a default profile
   1.530 +
   1.531 +    if (CacheDevice == Profile_Unknown)
   1.532 +        LoadCache(profile->Type);
   1.533 +
   1.534 +    // Look for the existence of this profile
   1.535 +    for (unsigned int i=0; i<ProfileCache.GetSize(); i++)
   1.536 +    {
   1.537 +        if (OVR_strcmp(profile->Name, ProfileCache[i]->Name) == 0)
   1.538 +        {  
   1.539 +            if (OVR_strcmp(profile->Name, DefaultProfile) == 0)
   1.540 +                DefaultProfile.Clear();
   1.541 +            
   1.542 +            ProfileCache.RemoveAt(i);
   1.543 +            Changed = true;
   1.544 +            return true;
   1.545 +        }
   1.546 +    }
   1.547 +
   1.548 +    return false;
   1.549 +}
   1.550 +
   1.551 +
   1.552 +
   1.553 +//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   1.554 +// ***** Profile
   1.555 +
   1.556 +Profile::Profile(ProfileType device, const char* name)
   1.557 +{
   1.558 +    Type         = device;
   1.559 +    Gender       = Gender_Unspecified;
   1.560 +    PlayerHeight = 1.778f;    // 5'10" inch man
   1.561 +    IPD          = 0.064f;
   1.562 +    OVR_strcpy(Name, MaxNameLen, name);
   1.563 +}
   1.564 +
   1.565 +
   1.566 +bool Profile::ParseProperty(const char* prop, const char* sval)
   1.567 +{
   1.568 +    if (OVR_strcmp(prop, "Name") == 0)
   1.569 +    {
   1.570 +        OVR_strcpy(Name, MaxNameLen, sval);
   1.571 +        return true;
   1.572 +    }
   1.573 +    else if (OVR_strcmp(prop, "Gender") == 0)
   1.574 +    {
   1.575 +        if (OVR_strcmp(sval, "Male") == 0)
   1.576 +            Gender = Gender_Male;
   1.577 +        else if (OVR_strcmp(sval, "Female") == 0)
   1.578 +            Gender = Gender_Female;
   1.579 +        else
   1.580 +            Gender = Gender_Unspecified;
   1.581 +
   1.582 +        return true;
   1.583 +    }
   1.584 +    else if (OVR_strcmp(prop, "PlayerHeight") == 0)
   1.585 +    {
   1.586 +        PlayerHeight = (float)atof(sval);
   1.587 +        return true;
   1.588 +    }
   1.589 +    else if (OVR_strcmp(prop, "IPD") == 0)
   1.590 +    {
   1.591 +        IPD = (float)atof(sval);
   1.592 +        return true;
   1.593 +    }
   1.594 +
   1.595 +    return false;
   1.596 +}
   1.597 +
   1.598 +
   1.599 +// Computes the eye height from the metric head height
   1.600 +float Profile::GetEyeHeight()
   1.601 +{
   1.602 +    const float EYE_TO_HEADTOP_RATIO =   0.44538f;
   1.603 +    const float MALE_AVG_HEAD_HEIGHT =   0.232f;
   1.604 +    const float FEMALE_AVG_HEAD_HEIGHT = 0.218f;
   1.605 +     
   1.606 +    // compute distance from top of skull to the eye
   1.607 +    float head_height;
   1.608 +    if (Gender == Gender_Female)
   1.609 +        head_height = FEMALE_AVG_HEAD_HEIGHT;
   1.610 +    else
   1.611 +        head_height = MALE_AVG_HEAD_HEIGHT;
   1.612 +
   1.613 +    float skull = EYE_TO_HEADTOP_RATIO * head_height;
   1.614 +
   1.615 +    float eye_height  = PlayerHeight - skull;
   1.616 +    return eye_height;
   1.617 +}
   1.618 +
   1.619 +
   1.620 +//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   1.621 +// ***** RiftDK1Profile
   1.622 +
   1.623 +RiftDK1Profile::RiftDK1Profile(const char* name) : Profile(Profile_RiftDK1, name)
   1.624 +{
   1.625 +    EyeCups = EyeCup_A;
   1.626 +    LL = 0;
   1.627 +    LR = 0;
   1.628 +    RL = 0;
   1.629 +    RR = 0;
   1.630 +}
   1.631 +
   1.632 +bool RiftDK1Profile::ParseProperty(const char* prop, const char* sval)
   1.633 +{
   1.634 +    if (OVR_strcmp(prop, "EyeCup") == 0)
   1.635 +    {
   1.636 +        switch (sval[0])
   1.637 +        {
   1.638 +            case 'C': EyeCups = EyeCup_C; break;
   1.639 +            case 'B': EyeCups = EyeCup_B; break;
   1.640 +            default:  EyeCups = EyeCup_A; break;
   1.641 +        }
   1.642 +        return true;
   1.643 +    }
   1.644 +    else if (OVR_strcmp(prop, "LL") == 0)
   1.645 +    {
   1.646 +        LL = atoi(sval);
   1.647 +        return true;
   1.648 +    }
   1.649 +    else if (OVR_strcmp(prop, "LR") == 0)
   1.650 +    {
   1.651 +        LR = atoi(sval);
   1.652 +        return true;
   1.653 +    }
   1.654 +    else if (OVR_strcmp(prop, "RL") == 0)
   1.655 +    {
   1.656 +        RL = atoi(sval);
   1.657 +        return true;
   1.658 +    }
   1.659 +    else if (OVR_strcmp(prop, "RR") == 0)
   1.660 +    {
   1.661 +        RR = atoi(sval);
   1.662 +        return true;
   1.663 +    }
   1.664 +    
   1.665 +    return Profile::ParseProperty(prop, sval);
   1.666 +}
   1.667 +
   1.668 +Profile* RiftDK1Profile::Clone() const
   1.669 +{
   1.670 +    RiftDK1Profile* profile = new RiftDK1Profile(*this);
   1.671 +    return profile;
   1.672 +}
   1.673 +
   1.674 +}  // OVR