
changeset 23:f8e5a1491275

win32 file change notification attempt1 (failed)
author John Tsiombikas <>
date Thu, 13 Feb 2014 13:17:07 +0200 (2014-02-13)
parents 174ddb6bf92a
children ce04fa12afdd
files libresman-static.vcproj libresman.vcproj src/filewatch_linux.c src/filewatch_win32.c src/rbtree.c src/resman.c src/resman_impl.h
diffstat 7 files changed, 198 insertions(+), 77 deletions(-) [+]
line diff
     1.1 --- a/libresman-static.vcproj	Wed Feb 12 22:32:30 2014 +0200
     1.2 +++ b/libresman-static.vcproj	Thu Feb 13 13:17:07 2014 +0200
     1.3 @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
     1.4  			OutputDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(ConfigurationName)"
     1.5  			IntermediateDirectory="$(ConfigurationName)-static"
     1.6  			ConfigurationType="4"
     1.7 -			CharacterSet="1"
     1.8 +			CharacterSet="2"
     1.9  			>
    1.10  			<Tool
    1.11  				Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
    1.12 @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
    1.13  			OutputDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(ConfigurationName)-static"
    1.14  			IntermediateDirectory="$(ConfigurationName)"
    1.15  			ConfigurationType="4"
    1.16 -			CharacterSet="1"
    1.17 +			CharacterSet="2"
    1.18  			WholeProgramOptimization="1"
    1.19  			>
    1.20  			<Tool
    1.21 @@ -159,6 +159,26 @@
    1.22  				>
    1.23  			</File>
    1.24  			<File
    1.25 +				RelativePath=".\src\filewatch.h"
    1.26 +				>
    1.27 +			</File>
    1.28 +			<File
    1.29 +				RelativePath=".\src\filewatch_linux.c"
    1.30 +				>
    1.31 +			</File>
    1.32 +			<File
    1.33 +				RelativePath=".\src\filewatch_win32.c"
    1.34 +				>
    1.35 +			</File>
    1.36 +			<File
    1.37 +				RelativePath=".\src\rbtree.c"
    1.38 +				>
    1.39 +			</File>
    1.40 +			<File
    1.41 +				RelativePath=".\src\rbtree.h"
    1.42 +				>
    1.43 +			</File>
    1.44 +			<File
    1.45  				RelativePath=".\src\resman.c"
    1.46  				>
    1.47  			</File>
    1.48 @@ -167,6 +187,10 @@
    1.49  				>
    1.50  			</File>
    1.51  			<File
    1.52 +				RelativePath=".\src\resman_impl.h"
    1.53 +				>
    1.54 +			</File>
    1.55 +			<File
    1.56  				RelativePath=".\src\threadpool.c"
    1.57  				>
    1.58  			</File>
     2.1 --- a/libresman.vcproj	Wed Feb 12 22:32:30 2014 +0200
     2.2 +++ b/libresman.vcproj	Thu Feb 13 13:17:07 2014 +0200
     2.3 @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
     2.4  			OutputDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(ConfigurationName)"
     2.5  			IntermediateDirectory="$(ConfigurationName)"
     2.6  			ConfigurationType="2"
     2.7 -			CharacterSet="1"
     2.8 +			CharacterSet="2"
     2.9  			>
    2.10  			<Tool
    2.11  				Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
    2.12 @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
    2.13  			OutputDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(ConfigurationName)"
    2.14  			IntermediateDirectory="$(ConfigurationName)"
    2.15  			ConfigurationType="2"
    2.16 -			CharacterSet="1"
    2.17 +			CharacterSet="2"
    2.18  			WholeProgramOptimization="1"
    2.19  			>
    2.20  			<Tool
    2.21 @@ -185,6 +185,26 @@
    2.22  				>
    2.23  			</File>
    2.24  			<File
    2.25 +				RelativePath=".\src\filewatch.h"
    2.26 +				>
    2.27 +			</File>
    2.28 +			<File
    2.29 +				RelativePath=".\src\filewatch_linux.c"
    2.30 +				>
    2.31 +			</File>
    2.32 +			<File
    2.33 +				RelativePath=".\src\filewatch_win32.c"
    2.34 +				>
    2.35 +			</File>
    2.36 +			<File
    2.37 +				RelativePath=".\src\rbtree.c"
    2.38 +				>
    2.39 +			</File>
    2.40 +			<File
    2.41 +				RelativePath=".\src\rbtree.h"
    2.42 +				>
    2.43 +			</File>
    2.44 +			<File
    2.45  				RelativePath=".\src\resman.c"
    2.46  				>
    2.47  			</File>
    2.48 @@ -193,6 +213,10 @@
    2.49  				>
    2.50  			</File>
    2.51  			<File
    2.52 +				RelativePath=".\src\resman_impl.h"
    2.53 +				>
    2.54 +			</File>
    2.55 +			<File
    2.56  				RelativePath=".\src\threadpool.c"
    2.57  				>
    2.58  			</File>
     3.1 --- a/src/filewatch_linux.c	Wed Feb 12 22:32:30 2014 +0200
     3.2 +++ b/src/filewatch_linux.c	Thu Feb 13 13:17:07 2014 +0200
     3.3 @@ -44,6 +44,10 @@
     3.4  {
     3.5  	int fd;
     3.7 +	if(res->nfd > 0) {
     3.8 +		return 0;	/* already started a watch for this resource */
     3.9 +	}
    3.10 +
    3.11  	if((fd = inotify_add_watch(rman->inotify_fd, res->name, IN_MODIFY)) == -1) {
    3.12  		return -1;
    3.13  	}
     4.1 --- a/src/filewatch_win32.c	Wed Feb 12 22:32:30 2014 +0200
     4.2 +++ b/src/filewatch_win32.c	Thu Feb 13 13:17:07 2014 +0200
     4.3 @@ -2,110 +2,171 @@
     4.4  #ifdef WIN32
     4.5  #include <stdio.h>
     4.6  #include <assert.h>
     4.7 -#include <unistd.h>
     4.8 -#include <fcntl.h>
     4.9 -#include <sys/inotify.h>
    4.10 +#include <malloc.h>
    4.11  #include "filewatch.h"
    4.12  #include "resman.h"
    4.13  #include "resman_impl.h"
    4.14 +#include "dynarr.h"
    4.15 +
    4.16 +struct watch_dir {
    4.17 +	HANDLE handle;
    4.18 +	int nref;
    4.19 +};
    4.21  static void reload_modified(struct rbnode *node, void *cls);
    4.23  int resman_init_file_monitor(struct resman *rman)
    4.24  {
    4.25 -	int fd;
    4.26 -
    4.27 -	if((fd = inotify_init()) == -1) {
    4.28 +	if(!(rman->watch_handles = dynarr_alloc(0, sizeof *rman->watch_handles))) {
    4.29  		return -1;
    4.30  	}
    4.31 -	/* set non-blocking flag, to allow polling by reading */
    4.32 -	fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, fcntl(fd, F_GETFL) | O_NONBLOCK);
    4.33 -	rman->inotify_fd = fd;
    4.35 -	/* create the fd->resource map */
    4.36 -	rman->nresmap = rb_create(RB_KEY_INT);
    4.37 -	/* create the modified set */
    4.38 -	rman->modset = rb_create(RB_KEY_INT);
    4.39 +	/* create the handle->resource map */
    4.40 +	rman->nresmap = rb_create(RB_KEY_ADDR);
    4.41 +	/* create the watched dirs set */
    4.42 +	rman->watchdirs = rb_create(RB_KEY_STRING);
    4.43  	return 0;
    4.44  }
    4.46  void resman_destroy_file_monitor(struct resman *rman)
    4.47  {
    4.48 +	dynarr_free(rman->watch_handles);
    4.49 +
    4.50  	rb_free(rman->nresmap);
    4.51 -	rb_free(rman->modset);
    4.52 -
    4.53 -	if(rman->inotify_fd >= 0) {
    4.54 -		close(rman->inotify_fd);
    4.55 -		rman->inotify_fd = -1;
    4.56 -	}
    4.57 +	rb_free(rman->watchdirs);
    4.58  }
    4.60  int resman_start_watch(struct resman *rman, struct resource *res)
    4.61  {
    4.62 -	int fd;
    4.63 +	char *path;
    4.64 +	HANDLE handle;
    4.65 +	struct watch_dir *wdir;
    4.67 -	if((fd = inotify_add_watch(rman->inotify_fd, res->name, IN_MODIFY)) == -1) {
    4.68 -		return -1;
    4.69 +	/* construct an absolute path for the directory containing this file */
    4.70 +	path = res->name;
    4.71 +	if(path[0] != '/' && path[1] != ':') {	/* not an absolute path */
    4.72 +		char *src, *dest, *lastslash;
    4.73 +		int cwdsz = GetCurrentDirectory(0, 0);
    4.74 +		int pathsz = strlen(path) + cwdsz + 1;
    4.75 +
    4.76 +		path = malloc(pathsz + 1);
    4.77 +		GetCurrentDirectory(pathsz, path);
    4.78 +
    4.79 +		/* now copy the rest of the path, until the last slash, while converting path separators */
    4.80 +		src = res->name;
    4.81 +		dest = path + strlen(path);
    4.82 +
    4.83 +		lastslash = dest;
    4.84 +		*dest++ = '\\';
    4.85 +		while(*src) {
    4.86 +			if(src[-1] == '\\') {
    4.87 +				/* skip any /./ parts of the path */
    4.88 +				if(src[0] == '.' && (src[1] == '/' || src[1] == '\\')) {
    4.89 +					src += 2;
    4.90 +					continue;
    4.91 +				}
    4.92 +				/* normalize any /../ parts of the path */
    4.93 +				if(src[0] == '.' && src[1] == '.' && (src[2] == '/' || src[2] == '\\')) {
    4.94 +					src += 3;
    4.95 +					dest = strrchr(src - 2, '\\');
    4.96 +					assert(dest);
    4.97 +					dest++;
    4.98 +					continue;
    4.99 +				}
   4.100 +			}
   4.101 +
   4.102 +			if(*src == '/' || *src == '\\') {
   4.103 +				lastslash = dest;
   4.104 +				*dest++ = '\\';
   4.105 +				src++;
   4.106 +			} else {
   4.107 +				*dest++ = *src++;
   4.108 +			}
   4.109 +		}
   4.110 +
   4.111 +		*lastslash = 0;
   4.112  	}
   4.113 -	printf("started watching file \"%s\" for modification (fd %d)\n", res->name, fd);
   4.114 -	rb_inserti(rman->nresmap, fd, res);
   4.116 -	res->nfd = fd;
   4.117 +	/* check to see if we already have a watch handle for this directory */
   4.118 +	if((wdir = rb_find(rman->watchdirs, path))) {
   4.119 +		handle = wdir->handle;
   4.120 +		wdir->nref++;
   4.121 +	} else {
   4.122 +		if(!(wdir = malloc(sizeof *wdir))) {
   4.123 +			perror("failed to allocate watchdir");
   4.124 +			free(path);
   4.125 +			return -1;
   4.126 +		}
   4.127 +
   4.128 +		/* otherwise start a new notification */
   4.129 +		if((handle = FindFirstChangeNotification(path, FALSE, FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
   4.130 +			unsigned int err = GetLastError();
   4.131 +			fprintf(stderr, "failed to watch %s for modification (error: %u)\n", path, err);
   4.132 +			free(wdir);
   4.133 +			free(path);
   4.134 +			return -1;
   4.135 +		}
   4.136 +		wdir->handle = handle;
   4.137 +		wdir->nref = 1;
   4.138 +
   4.139 +		rb_insert(rman->watchdirs, path, wdir);
   4.140 +		dynarr_push(rman->watch_handles, &handle);
   4.141 +	}
   4.142 +
   4.143 +	rb_insert(rman->nresmap, handle, res);
   4.144 +	res->nhandle = handle;
   4.145 +	res->watch_path = path;
   4.146  	return 0;
   4.147  }
   4.149  void resman_stop_watch(struct resman *rman, struct resource *res)
   4.150  {
   4.151 -	if(res->nfd > 0) {
   4.152 -		rb_deletei(rman->nresmap, res->nfd);
   4.153 -		inotify_rm_watch(rman->inotify_fd, res->nfd);
   4.154 +	int i, sz;
   4.155 +
   4.156 +	if(res->nhandle) {
   4.157 +		struct watch_dir *wdir = rb_find(rman->watchdirs, res->watch_path);
   4.158 +		if(wdir) {
   4.159 +			if(--wdir->nref <= 0) {
   4.160 +				FindCloseChangeNotification(res->nhandle);
   4.161 +
   4.162 +				/* find the handle in the watch_handles array and remove it */
   4.163 +				sz = dynarr_size(rman->watch_handles);
   4.164 +				for(i=0; i<sz; i++) {
   4.165 +					if(rman->watch_handles[i] == res->nhandle) {
   4.166 +						/* swap the end for it and pop */
   4.167 +						rman->watch_handles[i] = rman->watch_handles[sz - 1];
   4.168 +						rman->watch_handles[sz - 1] = 0;
   4.169 +						dynarr_pop(rman->watch_handles);
   4.170 +						break;
   4.171 +					}
   4.172 +				}
   4.173 +			}
   4.174 +			free(wdir);
   4.175 +		}
   4.176 +
   4.177 +		rb_delete(rman->nresmap, res->nhandle);
   4.178 +		res->nhandle = 0;
   4.179  	}
   4.180  }
   4.182  void resman_check_watch(struct resman *rman)
   4.183  {
   4.184 -	char buf[512];
   4.185 -	struct inotify_event *ev;
   4.186 -	int sz, evsize;
   4.187 +	unsigned int num_handles = dynarr_size(rman->watch_handles);
   4.188 +	for(;;) {
   4.189 +		struct resource *res;
   4.190 +		unsigned int idx = WaitForMultipleObjects(num_handles, rman->watch_handles, FALSE, 0);
   4.191 +		if(idx < WAIT_OBJECT_0 || idx >= WAIT_OBJECT_0 + num_handles) {
   4.192 +			break;
   4.193 +		}
   4.195 -	while((sz = read(rman->inotify_fd, buf, sizeof buf)) > 0) {
   4.196 -		ev = (struct inotify_event*)buf;
   4.197 -		while(sz > 0) {
   4.198 -			if(ev->mask & IN_MODIFY) {
   4.199 -				/* add the file descriptor to the modified set */
   4.200 -				rb_inserti(rman->modset, ev->wd, 0);
   4.201 -			}
   4.202 +		if(!(res = rb_find(rman->nresmap, rman->watch_handles[idx]))) {
   4.203 +			fprintf(stderr, "got modification event from unknown resource!\n");
   4.204 +			continue;
   4.205 +		}
   4.207 -			evsize = sizeof *ev + ev->len;
   4.208 -			sz -= evsize;
   4.209 -			ev += evsize;
   4.210 -		}
   4.211 +		printf("file \"%s\" modified\n", res->name);
   4.212 +		tpool_add_work(rman->tpool, res);
   4.213  	}
   4.214 -
   4.215 -	/* for each item in the modified set, start a new job to reload it */
   4.216 -	rb_foreach(rman->modset, reload_modified, rman);
   4.217 -	rb_clear(rman->modset);
   4.218 -}
   4.219 -
   4.220 -/* this is called for each item in the modified set (see above) */
   4.221 -static void reload_modified(struct rbnode *node, void *cls)
   4.222 -{
   4.223 -	int watch_fd;
   4.224 -	struct resource *res;
   4.225 -	struct resman *rman = cls;
   4.226 -
   4.227 -	watch_fd = rb_node_keyi(node);
   4.228 -
   4.229 -	if(!(res = rb_findi(rman->nresmap, watch_fd))) {
   4.230 -		fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't find resource for watch descriptor: %d\n",
   4.231 -				__FUNCTION__, watch_fd);
   4.232 -		return;
   4.233 -	}
   4.234 -	assert(watch_fd == res->nfd);
   4.235 -
   4.236 -	printf("file \"%s\" modified (fd %d)\n", res->name, rb_node_keyi(node));
   4.237 -
   4.238 -	tpool_add_work(rman->tpool, res);
   4.239  }
   4.241  #else
     5.1 --- a/src/rbtree.c	Wed Feb 12 22:32:30 2014 +0200
     5.2 +++ b/src/rbtree.c	Thu Feb 13 13:17:07 2014 +0200
     5.3 @@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
     5.4  #include <stdio.h>
     5.5  #include <stdlib.h>
     5.6 +#ifndef _MSC_VER
     5.7  #include <stdint.h>
     5.8 +#endif
     5.9  #include <string.h>
    5.10  #include "rbtree.h"
    5.12 @@ -414,7 +416,7 @@
    5.14  static struct rbnode *find_min(struct rbnode *tree)
    5.15  {
    5.16 -	struct rbnode *node;
    5.17 +	struct rbnode *node = tree;
    5.19  	if(!tree)
    5.20  		return 0;
     6.1 --- a/src/resman.c	Wed Feb 12 22:32:30 2014 +0200
     6.2 +++ b/src/resman.c	Thu Feb 13 13:17:07 2014 +0200
     6.3 @@ -313,9 +313,7 @@
     6.4  			}
     6.5  		} else {
     6.6  			/* succeded, start a watch */
     6.7 -			if(res->nfd <= 0) {
     6.8 -				resman_start_watch(rman, res);
     6.9 -			}
    6.10 +			resman_start_watch(rman, res);
    6.11  		}
    6.12  	} else {
    6.13  		/* if we have a done_func, mark this resource as done */
     7.1 --- a/src/resman_impl.h	Wed Feb 12 22:32:30 2014 +0200
     7.2 +++ b/src/resman_impl.h	Thu Feb 13 13:17:07 2014 +0200
     7.3 @@ -10,6 +10,9 @@
     7.4  #include <fcntl.h>
     7.5  #include <sys/inotify.h>
     7.6  #endif
     7.7 +#ifdef WIN32
     7.8 +#include <windows.h>
     7.9 +#endif
    7.11  struct resource {
    7.12  	int id;
    7.13 @@ -24,8 +27,9 @@
    7.14  	int num_loads;		/* number of loads up to now */
    7.16  	/* file change monitoring */
    7.17 -#ifdef __WIN32__
    7.18 +#ifdef WIN32
    7.19  	HANDLE nhandle;
    7.20 +	char *watch_path;
    7.21  #endif
    7.22  #ifdef __linux__
    7.23  	int nfd;
    7.24 @@ -49,9 +53,13 @@
    7.26  	/* file change monitoring */
    7.27  	struct rbtree *nresmap;
    7.28 -	struct rbtree *modset;
    7.29  #ifdef __linux__
    7.30  	int inotify_fd;
    7.31 +	struct rbtree *modset;
    7.32 +#endif
    7.33 +#ifdef WIN32
    7.34 +	struct rbtree *watchdirs;
    7.35 +	HANDLE *watch_handles;	/* dynamic array of all the watch handles */
    7.36  #endif
    7.37  };