nuclear@22: #!/bin/sh nuclear@22: nuclear@22: if [ -z "$1" ]; then nuclear@22: name=shot nuclear@22: else nuclear@22: name=$1 nuclear@22: fi nuclear@22: nuclear@22: echo "Capturing iOS applestore shots for: $name" nuclear@22: nuclear@22: echo 'hit enter to capture 3.5" iphone shot (960x640)' nuclear@22: read foo nuclear@22: import ${name}_sz35.jpg nuclear@22: echo 'hit enter to capture 4.0" iphone shot (1136x640)' nuclear@22: read foo nuclear@22: import ${name}_sz40.jpg nuclear@22: echo 'hit enter to capture 4.7" iphone shot (1134x750)' nuclear@22: read foo nuclear@22: import ${name}_sz47.jpg nuclear@22: echo 'hit enter to capture half-res 5.5" iphone shot (1104x621)' nuclear@22: read foo nuclear@22: import ${name}_sz55.jpg && mogrify -resize 2208 ${name}_sz55.jpg nuclear@22: echo 'hit enter to capture half-res ipad shot (1024x748)' nuclear@22: read foo nuclear@22: import ${name}_ipad.jpg && mogrify -resize 2048 ${name}_ipad.jpg