
diff goatview/src/goatview.cc @ 95:da100bf13f7f

[goat3d] implemented animation loading [goatview] working on the animation controls
author John Tsiombikas <nuclear@member.fsf.org>
date Mon, 19 May 2014 06:42:40 +0300
parents 21319e71117f
children 32dccb16678f b43d33f3ba69
line diff
     1.1 --- a/goatview/src/goatview.cc	Sun May 18 19:58:47 2014 +0300
     1.2 +++ b/goatview/src/goatview.cc	Mon May 19 06:42:40 2014 +0300
     1.3 @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
     1.4  #include <stdio.h>
     1.5 +#include <limits.h>
     1.6  #include <map>
     1.7  #include "opengl.h"
     1.8  #include <QtOpenGL/QtOpenGL>
     1.9 @@ -78,6 +79,7 @@
    1.10  		goat3d_free(scene);
    1.11  	}
    1.12  	if(!(scene = goat3d_create()) || goat3d_load(scene, fname) == -1) {
    1.13 +		QMessageBox::critical(this, "Error", "Failed to load scene file: " + QString(fname));
    1.14  		return false;
    1.15  	}
    1.17 @@ -97,6 +99,52 @@
    1.18  	return true;
    1.19  }
    1.21 +bool GoatView::load_anim(const char *fname)
    1.22 +{
    1.23 +	if(!scene) {
    1.24 +		QMessageBox::critical(this, "Error", "You must load a scene before loading any animations!");
    1.25 +		return false;
    1.26 +	}
    1.27 +
    1.28 +	if(goat3d_load_anim(scene, fname) == -1) {
    1.29 +		QMessageBox::critical(this, "Error", QString("Failed to load animation: ") + QString(fname));
    1.30 +		return false;
    1.31 +	}
    1.32 +
    1.33 +
    1.34 +	long tstart = LONG_MAX, tend = LONG_MIN;
    1.35 +	int num_nodes = goat3d_get_node_count(scene);
    1.36 +	for(int i=0; i<num_nodes; i++) {
    1.37 +		goat3d_node *node = goat3d_get_node(scene, i);
    1.38 +		if(goat3d_get_node_parent(node)) {
    1.39 +			continue;
    1.40 +		}
    1.41 +
    1.42 +		long t0, t1;
    1.43 +		if(goat3d_get_anim_timeline(node, &t0, &t1) != -1) {
    1.44 +			if(t0 < tstart) tstart = t0;
    1.45 +			if(t1 > tend) tend = t1;
    1.46 +		}
    1.47 +	}
    1.48 +
    1.49 +	if(tstart != LONG_MAX) {
    1.50 +		act_play->setDisabled(false);
    1.51 +		act_rewind->setDisabled(false);
    1.52 +		chk_loop->setDisabled(false);
    1.53 +
    1.54 +		slider_time->setDisabled(false);
    1.55 +		slider_time->setMinimum(tstart);
    1.56 +		slider_time->setMaximum(tend);
    1.57 +
    1.58 +		spin_time->setDisabled(false);
    1.59 +		spin_time->setMinimum(tstart);
    1.60 +		spin_time->setMaximum(tend);
    1.61 +	}
    1.62 +
    1.63 +	post_redisplay();
    1.64 +	return true;
    1.65 +}
    1.66 +
    1.67  bool GoatView::make_menu()
    1.68  {
    1.69  	// file menu
    1.70 @@ -177,34 +225,56 @@
    1.71  	dock_cont->setLayout(dock_hbox);
    1.73  	// animation control box
    1.74 -	QGridLayout *anim_ctl_box = new QGridLayout;
    1.75 -	dock_hbox->addLayout(anim_ctl_box);
    1.76 +	QGroupBox *grp_anim_ctl = new QGroupBox("Animation controls");
    1.77 +	// TODO figure out how these fucking stretching policies work...
    1.78 +	//grp_anim_ctl->sizePolicy().setHorizontalPolicy(QSizePolicy::Maximum);
    1.79 +	grp_anim_ctl->sizePolicy().setHorizontalStretch(1);
    1.80 +	dock_hbox->addWidget(grp_anim_ctl);
    1.82 -	anim_ctl_box->addWidget(new QLabel("Animation"), 0, 0);
    1.83 -	cbox_anims = new QComboBox;
    1.84 -	cbox_anims->setDisabled(true);
    1.85 -	anim_ctl_box->addWidget(cbox_anims, 0, 1);
    1.86 +	QVBoxLayout *anim_ctl_box = new QVBoxLayout;
    1.87 +	grp_anim_ctl->setLayout(anim_ctl_box);
    1.89  	chk_loop = new QCheckBox("loop");
    1.90 +	chk_loop->setDisabled(true);
    1.91  	chk_loop->setChecked(false);
    1.92 -	anim_ctl_box->addWidget(chk_loop, 1, 0);
    1.93 +	anim_ctl_box->addWidget(chk_loop);
    1.95  	QToolBar *toolbar_ctl = new QToolBar;
    1.96 -	anim_ctl_box->addWidget(toolbar_ctl, 1, 1);
    1.97 +	anim_ctl_box->addWidget(toolbar_ctl);
    1.99  	act_rewind = new QAction(style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_MediaSkipBackward), "Rewind", this);
   1.100  	act_rewind->setDisabled(true);
   1.101 +	connect(act_rewind, &QAction::triggered, [this](){ slider_time->setValue(slider_time->minimum()); });
   1.102  	toolbar_ctl->addAction(act_rewind);
   1.103 +
   1.104  	act_play = new QAction(style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_MediaPlay), "Play", this);
   1.105  	act_play->setDisabled(true);
   1.106  	toolbar_ctl->addAction(act_play);
   1.108 -	// timeline slider
   1.109 +	// slider and spinbox
   1.110 +	QWidget *ssgroup = new QWidget;
   1.111 +	ssgroup->sizePolicy().setHorizontalStretch(4);
   1.112 +	dock_hbox->addWidget(ssgroup);
   1.113 +
   1.114 +	QGridLayout *ssgrid = new QGridLayout;
   1.115 +	//dock_hbox->addLayout(ssgrid);
   1.116 +	ssgroup->setLayout(ssgrid);
   1.117 +
   1.118 +	ssgrid->addWidget(new QLabel("msec"), 0, 0);
   1.119 +	spin_time = new QSpinBox;
   1.120 +	spin_time->setDisabled(true);
   1.121 +	ssgrid->addWidget(spin_time, 0, 1);
   1.122 +
   1.123  	slider_time = new QSlider(Qt::Orientation::Horizontal);
   1.124  	slider_time->setDisabled(true);
   1.125 +	ssgrid->addWidget(slider_time, 1, 0, 1, 3);
   1.126 +
   1.127  	connect(slider_time, &QSlider::valueChanged,
   1.128 -		[&](){ anim_time = slider_time->value(); post_redisplay(); });
   1.129 -	dock_hbox->addWidget(slider_time);
   1.130 +		[&](){ anim_time = slider_time->value(); spin_time->setValue(anim_time); post_redisplay(); });
   1.131 +
   1.132 +	typedef void (QSpinBox::*ValueChangedIntFunc)(int);
   1.133 +	connect(spin_time, (ValueChangedIntFunc)&QSpinBox::valueChanged,
   1.134 +		[&](){ anim_time = spin_time->value(); slider_time->setValue(anim_time); post_redisplay(); });
   1.136  	dock = new QDockWidget(this);
   1.137  	dock->setAllowedAreas(Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea);
   1.138 @@ -235,7 +305,7 @@
   1.139  		statusBar()->showMessage("failed to load scene file");
   1.140  		return;
   1.141  	}
   1.142 -	statusBar()->showMessage("Successfully loaded scene: " + QString(fname));
   1.143 +	statusBar()->showMessage("Successfully loaded scene: " + QString(fname.c_str()));
   1.144  }
   1.146  void GoatView::open_anim()
   1.147 @@ -252,7 +322,7 @@
   1.148  		statusBar()->showMessage("failed to load animation file");
   1.149  		return;
   1.150  	}
   1.151 -	statusBar()->showMessage("Successfully loaded animation: " + QString(fname));
   1.152 +	statusBar()->showMessage("Successfully loaded animation: " + QString(fname.c_str()));
   1.153  }