
changeset 35:1870c4ef8b76

added visual studio project moved the dosemu directory
author John Tsiombikas <>
date Mon, 23 Sep 2013 07:41:05 +0300 (2013-09-23)
parents c6406e4aa0fb
children e234f2a4b6fa
files .hgignore GNUmakefile README deepstone.sln deepstone.vcproj dosemu/conio.h dosemu/dosemu.c src/dosemu/conio.h src/dosemu/dosemu.c src/inttypes.h src/palman.c
diffstat 11 files changed, 732 insertions(+), 358 deletions(-) [+]
line diff
     1.1 --- a/.hgignore	Mon Sep 23 05:58:24 2013 +0300
     1.2 +++ b/.hgignore	Mon Sep 23 07:41:05 2013 +0300
     1.3 @@ -7,3 +7,10 @@
     1.4  \.exe$
     1.5  \.EXE$
     1.6  ^OBJECTS.LNK$
     1.7 +\.suo$
     1.8 +\.ncb$
     1.9 +\.user$
    1.10 +\.dll$
    1.11 +Debug/
    1.12 +Release/
    1.13 +dosbox/
     2.1 --- a/GNUmakefile	Mon Sep 23 05:58:24 2013 +0300
     2.2 +++ b/GNUmakefile	Mon Sep 23 07:41:05 2013 +0300
     2.3 @@ -2,13 +2,18 @@
     2.4  	  src/mingl.o src/mglrast.o src/mglclip.o src/mglgen.o \
     2.5  	  src/texture.o src/palman.o \
     2.6  	  src/scene.o src/cvec.o src/fixedp.o \
     2.7 -	  dosemu/dosemu.o
     2.8 +	  src/dosemu/dosemu.o
     2.9  dep = $(obj:.o=.d)
    2.10  bin = deepstone
    2.12 +dbg = -g
    2.13 +#opt = -O3 -ffast-math
    2.14 +
    2.15  CC = gcc
    2.16 -CFLAGS = -pedantic -Wall -g `pkg-config --cflags sdl` -Isrc -Idosemu $(add_cflags) -DRAST_FLOAT -DDBG_USE_FLOAT
    2.17 +CFLAGS = -pedantic -Wall $(dbg) $(opt) `pkg-config --cflags sdl` -Isrc -Idosemu $(add_cflags) -DRAST_FLOAT -DDBG_USE_FLOAT
    2.18  LDFLAGS = `pkg-config --libs sdl` -lm
    2.19 +#LDFLAGS = -Llib64 -Wl,-rpath=./lib64 -lSDL -lm
    2.20 +#LDFLAGS = -m32 -Llib32 -Wl,-rpath=./lib32 -lSDL-1.2 -lm
    2.22  ifeq ($(shell uname -s), Darwin)
    2.23  	add_cflags = -Dmain=SDL_main
     3.1 --- a/README	Mon Sep 23 05:58:24 2013 +0300
     3.2 +++ b/README	Mon Sep 23 07:41:05 2013 +0300
     3.3 @@ -1,17 +1,62 @@
     3.4 -A short trip back in time in the days of 16bit graphics programming for MS-DOS
     3.5 -in VGA mode 13h.
     3.6 +Deepstone (unfinished)
     3.7 +----------------------
     3.8 +This would/will be a dungeon crawler if I ever finish it.
    3.10 -Copyright (C) 2011 John Tsiombikas <>
    3.11 +Copyright (C) 2013 John Tsiombikas <>
    3.12  Feel free to use, modify and redistribute this code under the terms of the GNU
    3.13  General Public License version 3 (or at your option any later version published
    3.14  by the free software foundation). See COPYING for details.
    3.16 -interesting source code files:
    3.17 -- mingl.c: quick & dirty 256-color renderer with a vaguely GL-like interface.
    3.18 -- vga.c: denthoresque vga mode 13h driver.
    3.19 -- timer.c: DOS timer and 8254 code.
    3.20 +Usage
    3.21 +-----
    3.22 +Just start it, walk around with WASD and look around by moving the mouse.
    3.23 +Nothing else to do at the moment :)
    3.25 -To compile this you need Borland C, any version should do. Just type make.
    3.26 +Precompiled binaries included in the archive:
    3.27 + * deepston.exe          MS-DOS version (32bit, requires included dos4gw.exe)
    3.28 + * deepstone-win32.exe   32bit Windows version
    3.29 + * deepstone-linux32     32bit GNU/Linux version
    3.30 + * deepstone-linux64     64bit GNU/Linux version
    3.32 -Special thanks to the vim project for providing a DOS version of vim, without it
    3.33 -this would be much less enjoyable.
    3.34 +The GNU/Linux binaries require libSDL which depends on a shitload of libraries
    3.35 +on my system, so you probably won't be able to run it without first installing
    3.36 +all the dependencies. It might be easier to just compile it yourself, just type
    3.37 +make and run ./deepstone
    3.38 +
    3.39 +Running with DOSBOX
    3.40 +-------------------
    3.41 +I've included a dosbox.conf which automatically runs the "game", as well as a
    3.42 +copy of dosbox.exe for windows. So just change into the dosbox/ subdirectory and
    3.43 +run dosbox.
    3.44 +NOTE: you might need to click in the dosbox window first before you can use
    3.45 +mouse control.
    3.46 +
    3.47 +Running on actual MS-DOS
    3.48 +------------------------
    3.49 +Just copy deepston.exe, dos4gw.exe and the data directory to your DOS machine,
    3.50 +and run it. The mouse driver must be installed first! ( or whatever).
    3.51 +
    3.52 +Build on MS-DOS
    3.53 +---------------
    3.54 + * You need the Watcom 32bit compiler and assorted utilities.
    3.55 + * Type make
    3.56 + * Profit (run deepston.exe)
    3.57 +
    3.58 +Build on GNU/Linux
    3.59 +------------------
    3.60 + * Install SDL (libsdl-1.2-dev or whatever).
    3.61 + * Type make
    3.62 + * Profit (run ./deepstone)
    3.63 +
    3.64 +Build on MS-Windows
    3.65 +-------------------
    3.66 + * Install SDL
    3.67 + * Open deepstone.sln with visual studio >= 2008
    3.68 + * Make sure visual studio knows where to find your copy of SDL (so configure
    3.69 +   include and library paths... ugh, windows programming.. icky).
    3.70 + * Press build solution or whatever it's called this way.
    3.71 + * Profit (find the bloody thing and run it, or click the happy little play button).
    3.72 +
    3.73 +Contact
    3.74 +-------
    3.75 +Feel free to tell me how much I rule, by sending email to
     4.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     4.2 +++ b/deepstone.sln	Mon Sep 23 07:41:05 2013 +0300
     4.3 @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
     4.4 +
     4.5 +Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 10.00
     4.6 +# Visual Studio 2008
     4.7 +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "deepstone", "deepstone.vcproj", "{7CBC96FF-B324-4904-9FD5-A95075F292BB}"
     4.8 +EndProject
     4.9 +Global
    4.10 +	GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
    4.11 +		Debug|Win32 = Debug|Win32
    4.12 +		Release|Win32 = Release|Win32
    4.13 +	EndGlobalSection
    4.14 +	GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
    4.15 +		{7CBC96FF-B324-4904-9FD5-A95075F292BB}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
    4.16 +		{7CBC96FF-B324-4904-9FD5-A95075F292BB}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
    4.17 +		{7CBC96FF-B324-4904-9FD5-A95075F292BB}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
    4.18 +		{7CBC96FF-B324-4904-9FD5-A95075F292BB}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
    4.19 +	EndGlobalSection
    4.20 +	GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
    4.21 +		HideSolutionNode = FALSE
    4.22 +	EndGlobalSection
    4.23 +EndGlobal
     5.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     5.2 +++ b/deepstone.vcproj	Mon Sep 23 07:41:05 2013 +0300
     5.3 @@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
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    5.10 +	RootNamespace="deepstone"
    5.11 +	Keyword="Win32Proj"
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    5.13 +	>
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    5.30 +				Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
    5.31 +			/>
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    5.33 +				Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
    5.34 +			/>
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    5.37 +			/>
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    5.40 +			/>
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    5.43 +			/>
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    5.52 +				UsePrecompiledHeader="0"
    5.53 +				WarningLevel="3"
    5.54 +				DebugInformationFormat="4"
    5.55 +				DisableSpecificWarnings="4305;4244;4996"
    5.56 +			/>
    5.57 +			<Tool
    5.58 +				Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
    5.59 +			/>
    5.60 +			<Tool
    5.61 +				Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
    5.62 +			/>
    5.63 +			<Tool
    5.64 +				Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
    5.65 +			/>
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    5.79 +			/>
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    5.82 +			/>
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    5.85 +			/>
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    5.88 +			/>
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    5.91 +			/>
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   5.175 +	</References>
   5.176 +	<Files>
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   5.181 +			>
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   5.183 +				RelativePath=".\src\cvec.c"
   5.184 +				>
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   5.186 +			<File
   5.187 +				RelativePath=".\src\cvec.h"
   5.188 +				>
   5.189 +			</File>
   5.190 +			<File
   5.191 +				RelativePath=".\src\fixedp.c"
   5.192 +				>
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   5.194 +			<File
   5.195 +				RelativePath=".\src\fixedp.h"
   5.196 +				>
   5.197 +			</File>
   5.198 +			<File
   5.199 +				RelativePath=".\src\inttypes.h"
   5.200 +				>
   5.201 +			</File>
   5.202 +			<File
   5.203 +				RelativePath=".\src\keyb.h"
   5.204 +				>
   5.205 +			</File>
   5.206 +			<File
   5.207 +				RelativePath=".\src\main.c"
   5.208 +				>
   5.209 +			</File>
   5.210 +			<File
   5.211 +				RelativePath=".\src\mglclip.c"
   5.212 +				>
   5.213 +			</File>
   5.214 +			<File
   5.215 +				RelativePath=".\src\mglgen.c"
   5.216 +				>
   5.217 +			</File>
   5.218 +			<File
   5.219 +				RelativePath=".\src\mglimpl.h"
   5.220 +				>
   5.221 +			</File>
   5.222 +			<File
   5.223 +				RelativePath=".\src\mglrast.c"
   5.224 +				>
   5.225 +			</File>
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   5.227 +				RelativePath=".\src\mingl.c"
   5.228 +				>
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   5.232 +				>
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   5.234 +			<File
   5.235 +				RelativePath=".\src\mouse.h"
   5.236 +				>
   5.237 +			</File>
   5.238 +			<File
   5.239 +				RelativePath=".\src\palman.c"
   5.240 +				>
   5.241 +			</File>
   5.242 +			<File
   5.243 +				RelativePath=".\src\palman.h"
   5.244 +				>
   5.245 +			</File>
   5.246 +			<File
   5.247 +				RelativePath=".\src\scantmpl.h"
   5.248 +				>
   5.249 +			</File>
   5.250 +			<File
   5.251 +				RelativePath=".\src\scene.c"
   5.252 +				>
   5.253 +			</File>
   5.254 +			<File
   5.255 +				RelativePath=".\src\scene.h"
   5.256 +				>
   5.257 +			</File>
   5.258 +			<File
   5.259 +				RelativePath=".\src\texture.c"
   5.260 +				>
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   5.262 +			<File
   5.263 +				RelativePath=".\src\texture.h"
   5.264 +				>
   5.265 +			</File>
   5.266 +			<File
   5.267 +				RelativePath=".\src\timer.h"
   5.268 +				>
   5.269 +			</File>
   5.270 +			<File
   5.271 +				RelativePath=".\src\vmath.h"
   5.272 +				>
   5.273 +			</File>
   5.274 +			<File
   5.275 +				RelativePath=".\src\wvga.h"
   5.276 +				>
   5.277 +			</File>
   5.278 +			<Filter
   5.279 +				Name="dosemu"
   5.280 +				>
   5.281 +				<File
   5.282 +					RelativePath=".\src\dosemu\conio.h"
   5.283 +					>
   5.284 +				</File>
   5.285 +				<File
   5.286 +					RelativePath=".\src\dosemu\dosemu.c"
   5.287 +					>
   5.288 +				</File>
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   5.294 +</VisualStudioProject>
     6.1 --- a/dosemu/conio.h	Mon Sep 23 05:58:24 2013 +0300
     6.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     6.3 @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
     6.4 -#ifndef CONIO_H_
     6.5 -#define CONIO_H_
     6.6 -
     6.7 -int kbhit(void);
     6.8 -int getch(void);
     6.9 -
    6.10 -#endif	/* CONIO_H_ */
     7.1 --- a/dosemu/dosemu.c	Mon Sep 23 05:58:24 2013 +0300
     7.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     7.3 @@ -1,336 +0,0 @@
     7.4 -/* This file implements all calls made to dos-specific code using SDL
     7.5 - * Don't ask why ...
     7.6 - */
     7.7 -
     7.8 -#include <stdlib.h>
     7.9 -#include <assert.h>
    7.10 -#include <SDL.h>
    7.11 -#include "wvga.h"
    7.12 -#include "conio.h"
    7.13 -#include "mouse.h"
    7.14 -#include "keyb.h"
    7.15 -#include "timer.h"
    7.16 -
    7.17 -static void proc_events(void);
    7.18 -
    7.19 -static void init_sdl()
    7.20 -{
    7.21 -	if(!SDL_WasInit(SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING)) {
    7.23 -	}
    7.24 -}
    7.25 -
    7.26 -/* ----- graphics (wvga.c implementation) ----- */
    7.27 -static SDL_Surface *fbsurf;
    7.28 -static int scale = 1;
    7.29 -
    7.30 -int set_video_mode(int mode)
    7.31 -{
    7.32 -	int resx = 320, resy = 200;
    7.33 -	unsigned int sdl_flags = SDL_HWPALETTE;
    7.34 -	char *env;
    7.35 -
    7.36 -	if(getenv("DOSEMU_DOUBLESIZE")) {
    7.37 -		scale = 2;
    7.38 -	}
    7.39 -
    7.40 -	if((env = getenv("DOSEMU_SCALE"))) {
    7.41 -		int n = atoi(env);
    7.42 -		if(n > 0) {
    7.43 -			scale = n;
    7.44 -		}
    7.45 -	}
    7.46 -	resx *= scale;
    7.47 -	resy *= scale;
    7.48 -
    7.49 -	if(getenv("DOSEMU_FULLSCREEN")) {
    7.50 -		sdl_flags |= SDL_FULLSCREEN;
    7.51 -	}
    7.52 -
    7.53 -	init_sdl();
    7.54 -
    7.55 -	switch(mode) {
    7.56 -	case 0x13:
    7.57 -		if(!(fbsurf = SDL_SetVideoMode(resx, resy, 8, sdl_flags))) {
    7.58 -			fprintf(stderr, "failed to set video mode\n");
    7.59 -			abort();
    7.60 -		}
    7.61 -		SDL_WM_SetCaption("Deepstone", 0);
    7.62 -		/*SDL_ShowCursor(0);*/
    7.64 -		break;
    7.65 -
    7.66 -	case 3:
    7.67 -		SDL_ShowCursor(1);
    7.68 -		SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(0, 0);
    7.69 -		SDL_Quit();
    7.70 -		break;
    7.71 -
    7.72 -	default:
    7.73 -		break;
    7.74 -	}
    7.75 -
    7.76 -	return 0;
    7.77 -}
    7.78 -
    7.79 -void set_palette(int idx, int *col, int count)
    7.80 -{
    7.81 -	int i;
    7.82 -
    7.83 -	for(i=0; i<count; i++) {
    7.84 -		set_pal_entry(idx + i, col[0], col[1], col[2]);
    7.85 -		col += 3;
    7.86 -	}
    7.87 -}
    7.88 -
    7.89 -void set_pal_entry(int idx, int r, int g, int b)
    7.90 -{
    7.91 -	SDL_Color col;
    7.92 -	col.r = r;
    7.93 -	col.g = g;
    7.94 -	col.b = b;
    7.95 -
    7.96 -	if(SDL_SetPalette(fbsurf, SDL_LOGPAL | SDL_PHYSPAL, &col, idx, 1) != 1) {
    7.97 -		fprintf(stderr, "set_palette failed to set the required color\n");
    7.98 -	}
    7.99 -}
   7.100 -
   7.101 -void copy_frame(void *pixels)
   7.102 -{
   7.103 -	unsigned char *frame = (unsigned char*)pixels;
   7.104 -
   7.105 -	if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(fbsurf)) {
   7.106 -		SDL_LockSurface(fbsurf);
   7.107 -	}
   7.108 -
   7.109 -	if(scale > 1) {
   7.110 -		int i, j, xsz, ysz;
   7.111 -		unsigned char *dest = fbsurf->pixels;
   7.112 -
   7.113 -		xsz = 320 * scale;
   7.114 -		ysz = 200 * scale;
   7.115 -
   7.116 -		for(i=0; i<ysz; i++) {
   7.117 -			for(j=0; j<xsz; j++) {
   7.118 -				*dest++ = frame[(i / scale) * 320 + (j / scale)];
   7.119 -			}
   7.120 -		}
   7.121 -	} else {
   7.122 -		memcpy(fbsurf->pixels, frame, 64000);
   7.123 -	}
   7.124 -
   7.125 -	if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(fbsurf)) {
   7.126 -		SDL_UnlockSurface(fbsurf);
   7.127 -	}
   7.128 -	SDL_Flip(fbsurf);
   7.129 -
   7.130 -
   7.131 -	/* also print fps every second ... */
   7.132 -	{
   7.133 -		static long prev_fps, num_frames;
   7.134 -		long msec, dt;
   7.135 -
   7.136 -		msec = get_msec();
   7.137 -		dt = msec - prev_fps;
   7.138 -		if(dt >= 1000) {
   7.139 -			float fps = (float)num_frames / ((float)dt / 1000.0f);
   7.140 -			printf("framerate: %.1f      \r", fps);
   7.141 -			fflush(stdout);
   7.142 -			num_frames = 0;
   7.143 -			prev_fps = msec;
   7.144 -		} else {
   7.145 -			num_frames++;
   7.146 -		}
   7.147 -	}
   7.148 -}
   7.149 -
   7.150 -void wait_vsync(void)
   7.151 -{
   7.152 -}
   7.153 -
   7.154 -/* ----- event handling (conio.h) ----- */
   7.155 -static SDL_Event *keybev;
   7.156 -static int mousex, mousey, bnmask;
   7.157 -
   7.158 -static int keystate[256];
   7.159 -static int num_pressed;
   7.160 -
   7.161 -int kbhit(void)
   7.162 -{
   7.163 -	if(!keybev) {
   7.164 -		proc_events();
   7.165 -	}
   7.166 -	return keybev != 0;
   7.167 -}
   7.168 -
   7.169 -int getch(void)
   7.170 -{
   7.171 -	int res;
   7.172 -
   7.173 -	while(!keybev) {
   7.174 -		SDL_Event ev;
   7.175 -		SDL_WaitEvent(&ev);
   7.176 -		SDL_PushEvent(&ev);
   7.177 -		proc_events();
   7.178 -	}
   7.179 -	res = keybev->key.keysym.sym;
   7.180 -	keybev = 0;
   7.181 -	return res;
   7.182 -}
   7.183 -
   7.184 -/* ----- improved event handling (keyb.h) ---- */
   7.185 -
   7.186 -int kb_init(int bufsz)
   7.187 -{
   7.188 -	init_sdl();
   7.189 -
   7.190 -	return 0;
   7.191 -}
   7.192 -
   7.193 -void kb_shutdown(void)
   7.194 -{
   7.195 -}
   7.196 -
   7.197 -int kb_getkey(void)
   7.198 -{
   7.199 -	int res = -1;
   7.200 -
   7.201 -	proc_events();
   7.202 -	if(keybev) {
   7.203 -		res = keybev->key.keysym.sym;
   7.204 -		keybev = 0;
   7.205 -	}
   7.206 -	return res;
   7.207 -}
   7.208 -
   7.209 -int kb_isdown(int key)
   7.210 -{
   7.211 -	if(key == KB_ANY) {
   7.212 -		return num_pressed;
   7.213 -	}
   7.214 -	return keystate[key];
   7.215 -}
   7.216 -
   7.217 -/* mouse handling (mouse.c implementation) */
   7.218 -static unsigned long last_mouse_hide_time;
   7.219 -
   7.220 -int have_mouse(void)
   7.221 -{
   7.222 -	return 1;
   7.223 -}
   7.224 -
   7.225 -void set_mouse(int x, int y)
   7.226 -{
   7.227 -	SDL_ShowCursor(0);
   7.228 -	last_mouse_hide_time = get_msec();
   7.229 -
   7.230 -	SDL_WarpMouse(x * scale, y * scale);
   7.231 -	mousex = x;
   7.232 -	mousey = y;
   7.233 -}
   7.234 -
   7.235 -int read_mouse(int *xp, int *yp)
   7.236 -{
   7.237 -	if(xp) *xp = mousex;
   7.238 -	if(yp) *yp = mousey;
   7.239 -	return bnmask;
   7.240 -}
   7.241 -
   7.242 -static void proc_events(void)
   7.243 -{
   7.244 -	static SDL_Event ev;
   7.245 -
   7.246 -	if(last_mouse_hide_time > 0 && get_msec() - last_mouse_hide_time > 3000) {
   7.247 -		last_mouse_hide_time = 0;
   7.248 -		SDL_ShowCursor(1);
   7.249 -	}
   7.250 -
   7.251 -	while(SDL_PollEvent(&ev)) {
   7.252 -		switch(ev.type) {
   7.253 -		case SDL_KEYDOWN:
   7.254 -			{
   7.255 -				int key = ev.key.keysym.sym;
   7.256 -
   7.257 -				if(!keybev) {
   7.258 -					keybev = &ev;
   7.259 -				}
   7.260 -
   7.261 -				if(!keystate[key]) {
   7.262 -					keystate[key] = 1;
   7.263 -					num_pressed++;
   7.264 -				}
   7.265 -			}
   7.266 -			break;
   7.267 -
   7.268 -		case SDL_KEYUP:
   7.269 -			{
   7.270 -				int key = ev.key.keysym.sym;
   7.271 -
   7.272 -				if(keystate[key]) {
   7.273 -					keystate[key] = 0;
   7.274 -					if(--num_pressed < 0) {
   7.275 -						num_pressed = 0;
   7.276 -					}
   7.277 -				}
   7.278 -			}
   7.279 -			break;
   7.280 -
   7.281 -		case SDL_MOUSEMOTION:
   7.282 -			mousex = ev.motion.x / scale;
   7.283 -			mousey = ev.motion.y / scale;
   7.284 -			break;
   7.285 -
   7.286 -		case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
   7.287 -		case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP:
   7.288 -			{
   7.289 -				int mask = 0;
   7.290 -				switch(ev.button.button) {
   7.291 -				case SDL_BUTTON_LEFT:
   7.292 -					mask = MOUSE_LEFT;
   7.293 -					break;
   7.294 -				case SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE:
   7.295 -					mask = MOUSE_MIDDLE;
   7.296 -					break;
   7.297 -				case SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT:
   7.298 -					mask = MOUSE_RIGHT;
   7.299 -				default:
   7.300 -					break;
   7.301 -				}
   7.302 -				if(!mask) {
   7.303 -					break;
   7.304 -				}
   7.305 -
   7.306 -				if(ev.button.state == SDL_PRESSED) {
   7.307 -					bnmask |= mask;
   7.308 -				} else {
   7.309 -					bnmask &= ~mask;
   7.310 -				}
   7.311 -			}
   7.312 -			break;
   7.313 -
   7.314 -		default:
   7.315 -			break;
   7.316 -		}
   7.317 -	}
   7.318 -}
   7.319 -
   7.320 -/* ---- timer.c implementation ---- */
   7.321 -static Uint32 start_time;
   7.322 -
   7.323 -void init_timer(int res_hz)
   7.324 -{
   7.325 -	init_sdl();
   7.326 -	reset_timer();
   7.327 -}
   7.328 -
   7.329 -void reset_timer(void)
   7.330 -{
   7.331 -	start_time = SDL_GetTicks();
   7.332 -	printf("resetting timer: %u, %lu\n", start_time, get_msec());
   7.333 -}
   7.334 -
   7.335 -unsigned long get_msec(void)
   7.336 -{
   7.337 -	Uint32 ticks = SDL_GetTicks();
   7.338 -	return (unsigned long)(ticks - start_time);
   7.339 -}
     8.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     8.2 +++ b/src/dosemu/conio.h	Mon Sep 23 07:41:05 2013 +0300
     8.3 @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
     8.4 +#ifndef CONIO_H_
     8.5 +#define CONIO_H_
     8.6 +
     8.7 +int kbhit(void);
     8.8 +int getch(void);
     8.9 +
    8.10 +#endif	/* CONIO_H_ */
     9.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     9.2 +++ b/src/dosemu/dosemu.c	Mon Sep 23 07:41:05 2013 +0300
     9.3 @@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
     9.4 +/* This file implements all calls made to dos-specific code using SDL
     9.5 + * Don't ask why ...
     9.6 + */
     9.7 +
     9.8 +#include <stdlib.h>
     9.9 +#include <assert.h>
    9.10 +#include <SDL.h>
    9.11 +#include "wvga.h"
    9.12 +#include "conio.h"
    9.13 +#include "mouse.h"
    9.14 +#include "keyb.h"
    9.15 +#include "timer.h"
    9.16 +
    9.17 +static void proc_events(void);
    9.18 +
    9.19 +static void init_sdl()
    9.20 +{
    9.21 +	const SDL_version *ver;
    9.22 +
    9.23 +	if(!SDL_WasInit(SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING)) {
    9.25 +
    9.26 +		if((ver = SDL_Linked_Version())) {
    9.27 +			printf("SDL %d.%d.%d initialized\n", ver->major, ver->minor, ver->patch);
    9.28 +		}
    9.29 +	}
    9.30 +}
    9.31 +
    9.32 +/* ----- graphics (wvga.c implementation) ----- */
    9.33 +static SDL_Surface *fbsurf;
    9.34 +static int scale = 3;
    9.35 +
    9.36 +int set_video_mode(int mode)
    9.37 +{
    9.38 +	int resx = 320, resy = 200;
    9.39 +	unsigned int sdl_flags = SDL_HWPALETTE;
    9.40 +	char *env;
    9.41 +
    9.42 +	if(getenv("DOSEMU_DOUBLESIZE")) {
    9.43 +		scale = 2;
    9.44 +	}
    9.45 +
    9.46 +	if((env = getenv("DOSEMU_SCALE"))) {
    9.47 +		int n = atoi(env);
    9.48 +		if(n > 0) {
    9.49 +			scale = n;
    9.50 +		}
    9.51 +	}
    9.52 +	resx *= scale;
    9.53 +	resy *= scale;
    9.54 +
    9.55 +	if(getenv("DOSEMU_FULLSCREEN")) {
    9.56 +		sdl_flags |= SDL_FULLSCREEN;
    9.57 +	}
    9.58 +
    9.59 +	init_sdl();
    9.60 +
    9.61 +	switch(mode) {
    9.62 +	case 0x13:
    9.63 +		if(!(fbsurf = SDL_SetVideoMode(resx, resy, 8, sdl_flags))) {
    9.64 +			fprintf(stderr, "failed to set video mode\n");
    9.65 +			abort();
    9.66 +		}
    9.67 +		SDL_WM_SetCaption("Deepstone", 0);
    9.68 +		/*SDL_ShowCursor(0);*/
    9.70 +		break;
    9.71 +
    9.72 +	case 3:
    9.73 +		SDL_ShowCursor(1);
    9.74 +		SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(0, 0);
    9.75 +		SDL_Quit();
    9.76 +		break;
    9.77 +
    9.78 +	default:
    9.79 +		break;
    9.80 +	}
    9.81 +
    9.82 +	return 0;
    9.83 +}
    9.84 +
    9.85 +void set_palette(int idx, int *col, int count)
    9.86 +{
    9.87 +	int i;
    9.88 +
    9.89 +	for(i=0; i<count; i++) {
    9.90 +		set_pal_entry(idx + i, col[0], col[1], col[2]);
    9.91 +		col += 3;
    9.92 +	}
    9.93 +}
    9.94 +
    9.95 +void set_pal_entry(int idx, int r, int g, int b)
    9.96 +{
    9.97 +	SDL_Color col;
    9.98 +	col.r = r;
    9.99 +	col.g = g;
   9.100 +	col.b = b;
   9.101 +
   9.102 +	if(SDL_SetPalette(fbsurf, SDL_LOGPAL | SDL_PHYSPAL, &col, idx, 1) != 1) {
   9.103 +		fprintf(stderr, "set_palette failed to set the required color\n");
   9.104 +	}
   9.105 +}
   9.106 +
   9.107 +void copy_frame(void *pixels)
   9.108 +{
   9.109 +	unsigned char *frame = (unsigned char*)pixels;
   9.110 +
   9.111 +	if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(fbsurf)) {
   9.112 +		SDL_LockSurface(fbsurf);
   9.113 +	}
   9.114 +
   9.115 +	if(scale > 1) {
   9.116 +		int i, j, xsz, ysz;
   9.117 +		unsigned char *dest = fbsurf->pixels;
   9.118 +
   9.119 +		xsz = 320 * scale;
   9.120 +		ysz = 200 * scale;
   9.121 +
   9.122 +		for(i=0; i<ysz; i++) {
   9.123 +			for(j=0; j<xsz; j++) {
   9.124 +				*dest++ = frame[(i / scale) * 320 + (j / scale)];
   9.125 +			}
   9.126 +		}
   9.127 +	} else {
   9.128 +		memcpy(fbsurf->pixels, frame, 64000);
   9.129 +	}
   9.130 +
   9.131 +	if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(fbsurf)) {
   9.132 +		SDL_UnlockSurface(fbsurf);
   9.133 +	}
   9.134 +	SDL_Flip(fbsurf);
   9.135 +
   9.136 +
   9.137 +	/* also print fps every second ... */
   9.138 +	{
   9.139 +		static long prev_fps, num_frames;
   9.140 +		long msec, dt;
   9.141 +
   9.142 +		msec = get_msec();
   9.143 +		dt = msec - prev_fps;
   9.144 +		if(dt >= 1000) {
   9.145 +			float fps = (float)num_frames / ((float)dt / 1000.0f);
   9.146 +			printf("framerate: %.1f      \r", fps);
   9.147 +			fflush(stdout);
   9.148 +			num_frames = 0;
   9.149 +			prev_fps = msec;
   9.150 +		} else {
   9.151 +			num_frames++;
   9.152 +		}
   9.153 +	}
   9.154 +}
   9.155 +
   9.156 +void wait_vsync(void)
   9.157 +{
   9.158 +}
   9.159 +
   9.160 +/* ----- event handling (conio.h) ----- */
   9.161 +static SDL_Event *keybev;
   9.162 +static int mousex, mousey, bnmask;
   9.163 +
   9.164 +static int keystate[256];
   9.165 +static int num_pressed;
   9.166 +
   9.167 +int kbhit(void)
   9.168 +{
   9.169 +	if(!keybev) {
   9.170 +		proc_events();
   9.171 +	}
   9.172 +	return keybev != 0;
   9.173 +}
   9.174 +
   9.175 +int getch(void)
   9.176 +{
   9.177 +	int res;
   9.178 +
   9.179 +	while(!keybev) {
   9.180 +		SDL_Event ev;
   9.181 +		SDL_WaitEvent(&ev);
   9.182 +		SDL_PushEvent(&ev);
   9.183 +		proc_events();
   9.184 +	}
   9.185 +	res = keybev->key.keysym.sym;
   9.186 +	keybev = 0;
   9.187 +	return res;
   9.188 +}
   9.189 +
   9.190 +/* ----- improved event handling (keyb.h) ---- */
   9.191 +
   9.192 +int kb_init(int bufsz)
   9.193 +{
   9.194 +	init_sdl();
   9.195 +
   9.196 +	return 0;
   9.197 +}
   9.198 +
   9.199 +void kb_shutdown(void)
   9.200 +{
   9.201 +}
   9.202 +
   9.203 +int kb_getkey(void)
   9.204 +{
   9.205 +	int res = -1;
   9.206 +
   9.207 +	proc_events();
   9.208 +	if(keybev) {
   9.209 +		res = keybev->key.keysym.sym;
   9.210 +		keybev = 0;
   9.211 +	}
   9.212 +	return res;
   9.213 +}
   9.214 +
   9.215 +int kb_isdown(int key)
   9.216 +{
   9.217 +	if(key == KB_ANY) {
   9.218 +		return num_pressed;
   9.219 +	}
   9.220 +	return keystate[key];
   9.221 +}
   9.222 +
   9.223 +/* mouse handling (mouse.c implementation) */
   9.224 +static unsigned long last_mouse_hide_time;
   9.225 +
   9.226 +int have_mouse(void)
   9.227 +{
   9.228 +	return 1;
   9.229 +}
   9.230 +
   9.231 +void set_mouse(int x, int y)
   9.232 +{
   9.233 +	/*SDL_ShowCursor(0);
   9.234 +	last_mouse_hide_time = get_msec();*/
   9.235 +
   9.236 +	SDL_WarpMouse(x * scale, y * scale);
   9.237 +	mousex = x;
   9.238 +	mousey = y;
   9.239 +}
   9.240 +
   9.241 +int read_mouse(int *xp, int *yp)
   9.242 +{
   9.243 +	if(xp) *xp = mousex;
   9.244 +	if(yp) *yp = mousey;
   9.245 +	return bnmask;
   9.246 +}
   9.247 +
   9.248 +static void proc_events(void)
   9.249 +{
   9.250 +	static SDL_Event ev;
   9.251 +
   9.252 +	if(last_mouse_hide_time > 0 && get_msec() - last_mouse_hide_time > 3000) {
   9.253 +		last_mouse_hide_time = 0;
   9.254 +		SDL_ShowCursor(1);
   9.255 +	}
   9.256 +
   9.257 +	while(SDL_PollEvent(&ev)) {
   9.258 +		switch(ev.type) {
   9.259 +		case SDL_KEYDOWN:
   9.260 +			{
   9.261 +				int key = ev.key.keysym.sym;
   9.262 +
   9.263 +				if(!keybev) {
   9.264 +					keybev = &ev;
   9.265 +				}
   9.266 +
   9.267 +				if(!keystate[key]) {
   9.268 +					keystate[key] = 1;
   9.269 +					num_pressed++;
   9.270 +				}
   9.271 +			}
   9.272 +			break;
   9.273 +
   9.274 +		case SDL_KEYUP:
   9.275 +			{
   9.276 +				int key = ev.key.keysym.sym;
   9.277 +
   9.278 +				if(keystate[key]) {
   9.279 +					keystate[key] = 0;
   9.280 +					if(--num_pressed < 0) {
   9.281 +						num_pressed = 0;
   9.282 +					}
   9.283 +				}
   9.284 +			}
   9.285 +			break;
   9.286 +
   9.287 +		case SDL_MOUSEMOTION:
   9.288 +			mousex = ev.motion.x / scale;
   9.289 +			mousey = ev.motion.y / scale;
   9.290 +			break;
   9.291 +
   9.292 +		case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
   9.293 +		case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP:
   9.294 +			{
   9.295 +				int mask = 0;
   9.296 +				switch(ev.button.button) {
   9.297 +				case SDL_BUTTON_LEFT:
   9.298 +					mask = MOUSE_LEFT;
   9.299 +					break;
   9.300 +				case SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE:
   9.301 +					mask = MOUSE_MIDDLE;
   9.302 +					break;
   9.303 +				case SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT:
   9.304 +					mask = MOUSE_RIGHT;
   9.305 +				default:
   9.306 +					break;
   9.307 +				}
   9.308 +				if(!mask) {
   9.309 +					break;
   9.310 +				}
   9.311 +
   9.312 +				if(ev.button.state == SDL_PRESSED) {
   9.313 +					bnmask |= mask;
   9.314 +				} else {
   9.315 +					bnmask &= ~mask;
   9.316 +				}
   9.317 +			}
   9.318 +			break;
   9.319 +
   9.320 +		default:
   9.321 +			break;
   9.322 +		}
   9.323 +	}
   9.324 +}
   9.325 +
   9.326 +/* ---- timer.c implementation ---- */
   9.327 +static Uint32 start_time;
   9.328 +
   9.329 +void init_timer(int res_hz)
   9.330 +{
   9.331 +	init_sdl();
   9.332 +	reset_timer();
   9.333 +}
   9.334 +
   9.335 +void reset_timer(void)
   9.336 +{
   9.337 +	start_time = SDL_GetTicks();
   9.338 +	printf("resetting timer: %u, %lu\n", start_time, get_msec());
   9.339 +}
   9.340 +
   9.341 +unsigned long get_msec(void)
   9.342 +{
   9.343 +	Uint32 ticks = SDL_GetTicks();
   9.344 +	return (unsigned long)(ticks - start_time);
   9.345 +}
    10.1 --- a/src/inttypes.h	Mon Sep 23 05:58:24 2013 +0300
    10.2 +++ b/src/inttypes.h	Mon Sep 23 07:41:05 2013 +0300
    10.3 @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
    10.4  #ifndef INT_TYPES_H_
    10.5  #define INT_TYPES_H_
    10.7 -#ifdef __DOS__
    10.8 +#if defined(__DOS__) || defined(WIN32)
    10.9  typedef char int8_t;
   10.10  typedef short int16_t;
   10.11  typedef long int32_t;
    11.1 --- a/src/palman.c	Mon Sep 23 05:58:24 2013 +0300
    11.2 +++ b/src/palman.c	Mon Sep 23 07:41:05 2013 +0300
    11.3 @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
    11.4  {
    11.5  	int i;
    11.7 -	for(i=0; i<ncol; i++) {
    11.8 +	for(i=0; i<(int)ncol; i++) {
    11.9  		if(colors[i].r == r && colors[i].g == g && colors[i].b == b) {
   11.10  			return i;
   11.11  		}
   11.12 @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
   11.13  	}
   11.14  	pcol = 0;
   11.16 -	for(i=0; i<ncol; i++) {
   11.17 +	for(i=0; i<(int)ncol; i++) {
   11.18  		unsigned short r, g, b, dr, dg, db;
   11.20  		base_index[i] = pcol;