
diff src/3deng/3dengine.h @ 0:1cffe3409164

initial commit
author John Tsiombikas <nuclear@member.fsf.org>
date Thu, 23 Oct 2014 01:46:07 +0300
line diff
     1.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/src/3deng/3dengine.h	Thu Oct 23 01:46:07 2014 +0300
     1.3 @@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
     1.4 +#ifndef _3DENGINE_H_
     1.5 +#define _3DENGINE_H_
     1.6 +
     1.7 +// standard includes
     1.8 +#include <vector>
     1.9 +// system includes
    1.10 +#include "d3d8.h"
    1.11 +// includes from my codebase
    1.12 +#include "typedefs.h"
    1.13 +#include "linkedlist.h"
    1.14 +#include "color.h"
    1.15 +// 3d engine includes
    1.16 +#include "n3dmath.h"
    1.17 +#include "switches.h"
    1.18 +#include "3dengtypes.h"
    1.19 +#include "material.h"
    1.20 +#include "textureman.h"
    1.21 +#include "3dgeom.h"
    1.22 +
    1.23 +enum DeviceType {DeviceHardware = D3DDEVTYPE_HAL, DeviceReference = D3DDEVTYPE_REF};
    1.25 +enum BufferChainMode {DoubleBuffering = 1, TripleBuffering = 2};
    1.26 +enum UsageFlags {UsageStatic = 0, UsageDynamic = D3DUSAGE_DYNAMIC};
    1.27 +enum ShadeMode {FlatShading = D3DSHADE_FLAT, GouraudShading = D3DSHADE_GOURAUD};
    1.28 +enum FaceOrder {Clockwise = D3DCULL_CW, CounterClockwise = D3DCULL_CCW};
    1.29 +
    1.30 +enum PhongComponent {Ambient, Diffuse, Specular};
    1.31 +
    1.32 +enum PrimitiveType {
    1.33 +	TriangleList	= D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST,
    1.34 +	TriangleStrip	= D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP,
    1.35 +	TriangleFan		= D3DPT_TRIANGLEFAN,
    1.36 +	LineList		= D3DPT_LINELIST,
    1.37 +	LineStrip		= D3DPT_LINESTRIP,
    1.38 +	PointList		= D3DPT_POINTLIST
    1.39 +};
    1.40 +
    1.41 +enum BlendingFactor {
    1.42 +	BLEND_ZERO			= D3DBLEND_ZERO,
    1.43 +	BLEND_ONE			= D3DBLEND_ONE,
    1.53 +};
    1.54 +
    1.55 +enum CmpFunc {
    1.56 +	CMP_NEVER		= D3DCMP_NEVER,
    1.57 +    CMP_LESS		= D3DCMP_LESS,
    1.58 +    CMP_EQUAL		= D3DCMP_EQUAL,
    1.60 +    CMP_GREATER		= D3DCMP_GREATER,
    1.63 +    CMP_ALWAYS		= D3DCMP_ALWAYS
    1.64 +};
    1.65 +
    1.66 +enum StencilOp {
    1.68 +    SOP_ZERO		= D3DSTENCILOP_ZERO,
    1.73 +    SOP_INC			= D3DSTENCILOP_INCR,
    1.74 +    SOP_DEC			= D3DSTENCILOP_DECR
    1.75 +};
    1.76 +
    1.77 +enum TextureBlendFunction {
    1.78 +	TexBlendSelectArg1			= D3DTOP_SELECTARG1,			// S[rgba] = Arg1
    1.79 +	TexBlendSelectArg2			= D3DTOP_SELECTARG2,			// S[rgba] = Arg2
    1.80 +	TexBlendAdd					= D3DTOP_ADD,					// S[rgba] = Arg1 + Arg2
    1.81 +	TexBlendAddSigned			= D3DTOP_ADDSIGNED,				// S[rgba] = Arg1 + Arg2 - 0.5
    1.82 +	TexBlendAddSigned2x			= D3DTOP_ADDSIGNED2X,			// S[rgba] = (Arg1 + Arg2 - 0.5) << 1
    1.83 +	TexBlendSubtract			= D3DTOP_SUBTRACT,				// S[rgba] = Arg1 - Arg2
    1.84 +	TexBlendAddSmooth			= D3DTOP_ADDSMOOTH,				// S[rgba] = (Arg1 + Arg2) - (Arg1 * Arg2)
    1.85 +	TexBlendModulate			= D3DTOP_MODULATE,				// S[rgba] = Arg1 * Arg2
    1.86 +	TexBlendModulate2x			= D3DTOP_MODULATE2X,			// S[rgba] = (Arg1 * Arg2) << 1
    1.87 +	TexBlendModulate4x			= D3DTOP_MODULATE4X,			// S[rgba] = (Arg1 * Arg2) << 2
    1.88 +	TexBlendVertexAlpha			= D3DTOP_BLENDDIFFUSEALPHA,		// S[rgba] = Arg1*Alpha + Arg2*(1-Alpha)
    1.89 +	TexBlendTextureAlpha		= D3DTOP_BLENDTEXTUREALPHA,		// S[rgba] = Arg1*Alpha + Arg2*(1-Alpha)
    1.90 +	TexBlendFactorAlpha			= D3DTOP_BLENDFACTORALPHA,		// S[rgba] = Arg1*Alpha + Arg2*(1-Alpha)
    1.91 +	TexBlendPrevAlpha			= D3DTOP_BLENDFACTORALPHA,		// S[rgba] = Arg1*Alpha + Arg2*(1-Alpha)
    1.92 +	TexBlendPreMulAlpha			= D3DTOP_BLENDTEXTUREALPHAPM,	// S[rgba] = Arg1 + Arg2*(1-Alpha)
    1.93 +	TexBlendPreModulate			= D3DTOP_PREMODULATE,
    1.94 +	TexBlendModAlphaAddColor	= D3DTOP_MODULATEALPHA_ADDCOLOR,// S[rgba] = Arg1[rgb] + Arg1[a] * Arg2[rgb]
    1.95 +	TexBlendModulateAddAlpha	= D3DTOP_MODULATECOLOR_ADDALPHA,// S[rgba] = Arg1[rgb] * Arg2[rgb] + Arg1[a]
    1.96 +	TexBlendModInvAlphaAddColor	= D3DTOP_MODULATEINVALPHA_ADDCOLOR,	// S[rgba] = Arg1[rgb] + (1-Arg1[a]) * Arg2[rgb]
    1.97 +	TexBlendModulateInvAddAlpha	= D3DTOP_MODULATEINVCOLOR_ADDALPHA,	// S[rgba] = (1-Arg1[rgb]) * Arg2[rgb] + Arg1[a]
    1.98 +	TexBlendBumpEnv				= D3DTOP_BUMPENVMAP,			// bump mapping with next stage's env map
    1.99 +	TexBlendBumpEnvLuminance	= D3DTOP_BUMPENVMAPLUMINANCE,	// bump mapping with next stage's env map with luminance
   1.100 +	TexBlendDotProduct			= D3DTOP_DOTPRODUCT3,			// S[rgba] = Arg1[rgb] (dot) Arg2[rgb]
   1.101 +	TexBlendMultiplyAdd			= D3DTOP_MULTIPLYADD,			// S[rgba] = Arg1 + Arg2 * Arg3
   1.102 +	TexBlendLerp				= D3DTOP_LERP					// S[rgba] = Arg2 + (Arg3 - Arg2) * Arg1
   1.103 +};
   1.104 +
   1.105 +enum TextureBlendArgument {
   1.106 +	TexArgNone			= 0,	// valid only for arg3
   1.107 +	TexArgCurrent		= D3DTA_CURRENT,	// the color from the previous stage output (diffuse for 1st)
   1.108 +	TexArgDiffuseColor	= D3DTA_DIFFUSE,	// the diffuse interpolated color
   1.109 +	TexArgSpecularColor	= D3DTA_SPECULAR,	// the specular interpolated color
   1.110 +	TexArgTexture		= D3DTA_TEXTURE,	// the texture bound to this stage
   1.111 +	TexArgFactor		= D3DTA_TFACTOR,	// a user defined factor
   1.112 +	TexArgTemp			= D3DTA_TEMP		// temp register
   1.113 +};
   1.114 +
   1.115 +enum TextureFilteringType {
   1.116 +	PointSampling,
   1.117 +	BilinearFiltering, 
   1.118 +	TrilinearFiltering, 
   1.119 +	AnisotropicFiltering
   1.120 +};
   1.121 +
   1.122 +enum TextureAddressing {
   1.123 +    TexAddrWrap			= D3DTADDRESS_WRAP,
   1.124 +    TexAddrMirror		= D3DTADDRESS_MIRROR,
   1.125 +    TexAddrClamp		= D3DTADDRESS_CLAMP,
   1.126 +    TexAddrBorder		= D3DTADDRESS_BORDER,
   1.127 +    TexAddrMirrorOnce	= D3DTADDRESS_MIRRORONCE
   1.128 +};
   1.129 +
   1.130 +enum TexTransformState {
   1.131 +	TexTransformDisable		= D3DTTFF_DISABLE,
   1.132 +	TexTransform1D			= D3DTTFF_COUNT1,
   1.133 +	TexTransform2D			= D3DTTFF_COUNT2,
   1.134 +	TexTransform3D			= D3DTTFF_COUNT3,
   1.135 +	TexTransform4D			= D3DTTFF_COUNT4,
   1.136 +	TexTransformProjected	= D3DTTFF_PROJECTED
   1.137 +};
   1.138 +
   1.139 +// don't care flags for context creation
   1.140 +const unsigned short GCPDONTCARE_NONE		= 0;	// 0000000000000000
   1.141 +const unsigned short GCPDONTCARE_BPP		= 1;	// 0000000000000001
   1.142 +const unsigned short GCPDONTCARE_REFRESH	= 2;	// 0000000000000010
   1.143 +const unsigned short GCPDONTCARE_ALPHA		= 4;	// 0000000000000100
   1.144 +const unsigned short GCPDONTCARE_DEPTH		= 8;	// 0000000000001000
   1.145 +const unsigned short GCPDONTCARE_TNL		= 16;	// 0000000000010000
   1.146 +const unsigned short GCPDONTCARE_BUFFERS	= 32;	// 0000000000100000
   1.147 +const unsigned short GCPDONTCARE_AA			= 64;	// 0000000001000000
   1.148 +const unsigned short GCPDONTCARE_VSYNC		= 128;	// 0000000010000000
   1.149 +
   1.150 +// fullscreen / windowed flags
   1.151 +const unsigned short GCCREATE_WINDOWED		= 0;
   1.152 +const unsigned short GCCREATE_FULLSCREEN	= 1;
   1.153 +
   1.154 +
   1.155 +
   1.156 +class Vertex;
   1.157 +
   1.158 +struct ColorDepth {
   1.159 +	int bpp, colorbits, alpha;
   1.160 +
   1.161 +	ColorDepth(int bits=0, int c=0, int a=0) {colorbits = c; alpha = a; bpp = bits; }
   1.162 +};
   1.163 +
   1.164 +struct DisplayMode {
   1.165 +	unsigned int XRes, YRes, RefreshRate;
   1.166 +	ColorDepth ColorFormat;
   1.167 +};
   1.168 +
   1.169 +enum DisplayModeItem {ModeItemSize, ModeItemBpp, ModeItemAlpha, ModeItemRefresh};
   1.170 +
   1.171 +struct Adapter {
   1.172 +	char *Driver, *Description;	
   1.173 +	int64 DriverVersion;
   1.174 +	dword VentorID, DeviceID, SubSysID, Revision;
   1.175 +	GUID DeviceGUID;
   1.176 +
   1.177 +	unsigned int ModeCount;
   1.178 +	DisplayMode *Modes;
   1.179 +	D3DCAPS8 Capabilities;
   1.180 +};
   1.181 +
   1.182 +struct RenderTarget {
   1.183 +	Surface *ColorSurface, *DepthStencilSurface;
   1.184 +};
   1.185 +
   1.186 +struct RenderParams {
   1.187 +	ShadeMode Shading;
   1.188 +	bool Billboarded;
   1.189 +	dword VertexProgram;
   1.190 +	dword PixelProgram;
   1.191 +	bool ZWrite;
   1.192 +	BlendingFactor SourceBlendFactor, DestBlendFactor;
   1.193 +};
   1.194 +
   1.195 +struct ContextInitParameters {
   1.196 +	int x, y;
   1.197 +	int bpp;
   1.198 +	int RefreshRate;
   1.199 +	bool AlphaChannel;
   1.200 +	int DepthBits;
   1.201 +	DeviceType DevType;
   1.202 +	bool HardwareTnL;
   1.203 +	bool FullScreen;
   1.204 +	bool Antialiasing;
   1.205 +	bool BestAA;
   1.206 +	bool VSync;
   1.207 +	BufferChainMode Buffers;
   1.208 +	unsigned short DontCareFlags;
   1.209 +};
   1.210 +
   1.211 +
   1.212 +class GraphicsContext {
   1.213 +private:
   1.214 +	PrimitiveType ptype;
   1.215 +	FaceOrder CullOrder;
   1.216 +	bool BackfaceCulling;
   1.217 +	bool MipMapEnabled;
   1.218 +	bool BillBoardingEnabled;
   1.219 +	dword MipFilter;
   1.220 +	
   1.221 +	// cache of current transformation matrices
   1.222 +	Matrix4x4 WorldMat[256], ViewMat, ProjMat, TexMat[8];
   1.223 +
   1.224 +	// disable copying contexts by making copy constructor and assignment private
   1.225 +	GraphicsContext(const GraphicsContext &gc);
   1.226 +	const GraphicsContext &operator =(const GraphicsContext &gc);
   1.227 +
   1.228 +public:
   1.229 +	HWND WindowHandle;
   1.230 +	RenderTarget MainRenderTarget;
   1.231 +	IDirect3DDevice8 *D3DDevice;
   1.232 +	ContextInitParameters ContextParams;
   1.233 +	D3DFORMAT ColorFormat, ZFormat;
   1.234 +	int AASamples;
   1.235 +	int MaxTextureStages;
   1.236 +
   1.237 +	TextureManager *texman;		// texture manager
   1.238 +	
   1.239 +	GraphicsContext();
   1.240 +
   1.241 +	void SetDefaultStates();
   1.242 +
   1.243 +	bool CreateVertexBuffer(uint32 VertexCount, UsageFlags usage, VertexBuffer **vb) const;
   1.244 +	bool CreateIndexBuffer(uint32 IndexCount, UsageFlags usage, IndexBuffer **ib) const;
   1.245 +
   1.246 +	bool CreateSurface(uint32 Width, uint32 Height, Surface **surf) const;
   1.247 +	bool CreateDepthStencil(uint32 Width, uint32 Height, Surface **zsurf) const;
   1.248 +
   1.249 +	void Clear(dword color) const;
   1.250 +	void ClearZBuffer(float zval) const;
   1.251 +	void ClearStencil(byte sval) const;
   1.252 +	void ClearZBufferStencil(float zval, byte sval) const;
   1.253 +
   1.254 +	void Flip() const;
   1.255 +
   1.256 +	bool Draw(VertexBuffer *vb);
   1.257 +	bool Draw(Vertex *varray, unsigned int VertexCount);
   1.258 +	bool Draw(VertexBuffer *vb, IndexBuffer *ib);
   1.259 +	bool Draw(Vertex *varray, Index *iarray, unsigned int VertexCount, unsigned int IndexCount);
   1.260 +	bool Draw(Vertex *varray, Triangle *triarray, unsigned int VertexCount, unsigned int TriCount);
   1.261 +
   1.262 +	IDirect3DDevice8 *GetDevice() const;
   1.263 +	int GetTextureStageNumber() const {return MaxTextureStages;}
   1.264 +
   1.265 +	////// render states //////
   1.266 +	void SetPrimitiveType(PrimitiveType pt);
   1.267 +	void SetBackfaceCulling(bool enable);
   1.268 +	void SetFrontFace(FaceOrder order);
   1.269 +	void SetAutoNormalize(bool enable);
   1.270 +	void SetBillboarding(bool enable);
   1.271 +	void SetColorWrite(bool red, bool green, bool blue, bool alpha);
   1.272 +
   1.273 +	// blending states
   1.274 +	void SetAlphaBlending(bool enable);
   1.275 +	void SetBlendFunc(BlendingFactor src, BlendingFactor dest);
   1.276 +
   1.277 +	// zbuffer states
   1.278 +	void SetZBuffering(bool enable);
   1.279 +	void SetZWrite(bool enable);
   1.280 +	void SetZFunc(CmpFunc func);
   1.281 +
   1.282 +	// set stencil buffer states
   1.283 +	void SetStencilBuffering(bool enable);
   1.284 +	void SetStencilPassOp(StencilOp sop);
   1.285 +	void SetStencilFailOp(StencilOp sop);
   1.286 +	void SetStencilPassZFailOp(StencilOp sop);
   1.287 +	void SetStencilOp(StencilOp Fail, StencilOp StencilPassZFail, StencilOp Pass);
   1.288 +	void SetStencilFunc(CmpFunc func);
   1.289 +	void SetStencilReference(dword value);
   1.290 +
   1.291 +	// texture & material states
   1.292 +	void SetTextureFiltering(TextureFilteringType texfilter, int TextureStage = 0xa11);
   1.293 +	void SetTextureAddressing(TextureAddressing uaddr, TextureAddressing vaddr, int TextureStage = 0xa11);
   1.294 +	void SetTextureBorderColor(dword color, int TextureStage = 0xa11);
   1.295 +	void SetTexture(int index, Texture *tex);
   1.296 +	void SetTextureFactor(dword factor);
   1.297 +	void SetMipMapping(bool enable, int TextureStage = 0xa11);
   1.298 +	void SetMaterial(const Material &mat);
   1.299 +
   1.300 +	void BlitTexture(const Texture *texture, RECT *rect, const Color &col = Color(1.0f));
   1.301 +	
   1.302 +	// multitexturing interface
   1.303 +	void EnableTextureStage(int stage);
   1.304 +	void DisableTextureStage(int stage);
   1.305 +	void SetTextureStageColor(int stage, TextureBlendFunction op, TextureBlendArgument arg1, TextureBlendArgument arg2, TextureBlendArgument arg3 = TexArgNone);
   1.306 +	void SetTextureStageAlpha(int stage, TextureBlendFunction op, TextureBlendArgument arg1, TextureBlendArgument arg2, TextureBlendArgument arg3 = TexArgNone);
   1.307 +	void SetTextureCoordIndex(int stage, int index);
   1.308 +	void SetTextureTransformState(int stage, TexTransformState TexXForm);
   1.309 +	//void SetTextureCoordGenerator(int stage, TexGen tgen);
   1.310 +
   1.311 +	// programmable interface
   1.312 +	void SetVertexProgram(dword vs);
   1.313 +	void SetPixelProgram(dword ps);
   1.314 +
   1.315 +	dword CreateVertexProgram(const char *fname);
   1.316 +	void DestroyVertexProgram(dword vprog);
   1.317 +	void SetVertexProgramConstant(dword creg, float val);
   1.318 +	void SetVertexProgramConstant(dword creg, const Vector3 &val);
   1.319 +	void SetVertexProgramConstant(dword creg, const Vector4 &val);
   1.320 +	void SetVertexProgramConstant(dword creg, const Color &val);
   1.321 +	void SetVertexProgramConstant(dword creg, const Matrix4x4 &val);
   1.322 +	void SetVertexProgramConstant(dword creg, const void *data, dword size);
   1.323 +
   1.324 +
   1.325 +	// lighting states
   1.326 +	void SetLighting(bool enable);
   1.327 +	void SetColorVertex(bool enable);
   1.328 +	void SetAmbientLight(Color AmbientColor);
   1.329 +	void SetShadingMode(ShadeMode mode);
   1.330 +	void SetSpecular(bool enable);
   1.331 +
   1.332 +	// Transformation Matrices
   1.333 +	void SetWorldMatrix(const Matrix4x4 &WorldMat, unsigned int BlendIndex = 0);
   1.334 +	void SetViewMatrix(const Matrix4x4 &ViewMat);
   1.335 +	void SetProjectionMatrix(const Matrix4x4 &ProjMat);
   1.336 +	void SetTextureMatrix(const Matrix4x4 &TexMat, unsigned int TextureStage = 0);
   1.337 +	void SetViewport(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int xsize, unsigned int ysize, float MinZ = 0.0f, float MaxZ = 1.0f);
   1.338 +
   1.339 +	const Matrix4x4 &GetWorldMatrix(unsigned int BlendIndex = 0);
   1.340 +	const Matrix4x4 &GetViewMatrix();
   1.341 +	const Matrix4x4 &GetProjectionMatrix();
   1.342 +	const Matrix4x4 &GetTextureMatrix(unsigned int TextureStage = 0);
   1.343 +
   1.344 +	// render target
   1.345 +	void ResetRenderTarget();
   1.346 +	void SetRenderTarget(RenderTarget &rtarg);
   1.347 +	void SetRenderTarget(Texture *rtarg, Texture *ztarg);
   1.348 +	void SetRenderTarget(Texture *rtarg, Surface *ztarg);
   1.349 +	//RenderTarget GetRenderTarget() const;
   1.350 +};
   1.351 +
   1.352 +
   1.353 +
   1.354 +class Engine3D {
   1.355 +private:
   1.356 +	IDirect3D8 *d3d;
   1.357 +	unsigned int AdapterCount;
   1.358 +	Adapter *adapters;	// array of adapters (filled in at the constructor)
   1.359 +	std::vector<GraphicsContext*> GraphicsContexts;	// a list of active graphics contexts
   1.360 +	
   1.361 +	void RetrieveAdapterInfo();
   1.362 +	LinkedList<DisplayMode> *CreateModesList(unsigned int AdapterID) const;
   1.363 +	void NarrowModesList(LinkedList<DisplayMode> *list, DisplayModeItem item, long value, long value2=0) const;
   1.364 +	DisplayMode ChooseBestMode(LinkedList<DisplayMode> *modes) const;
   1.365 +	int MaxAntialiasingSamples() const;
   1.366 +	
   1.367 +public:
   1.368 +
   1.369 +	Engine3D();
   1.370 +	~Engine3D();
   1.371 +
   1.372 +	int GetAdapterCount() const;
   1.373 +	const Adapter *GetAdapterInfo(int adapter) const;
   1.374 +
   1.375 +	GraphicsContext *CreateGraphicsContext(HWND WindowHandle, int x, int y, int bpp, word flags);
   1.376 +	GraphicsContext *CreateGraphicsContext(HWND WindowHandle, unsigned int AdapterID, ContextInitParameters *GCParams);
   1.377 +	ContextInitParameters LoadContextParamsConfigFile(const char *cfgfilename);
   1.378 +
   1.379 +	void DestroyGraphicsContext(GraphicsContext *gc);
   1.380 +};
   1.381 +
   1.382 +class Light;
   1.383 +
   1.384 +// helper functions
   1.385 +bool Lock(VertexBuffer *vb, Vertex **data);
   1.386 +bool Lock(IndexBuffer *ib, Index **data);
   1.387 +void Unlock(VertexBuffer *vb);
   1.388 +void Unlock(IndexBuffer *ib);
   1.389 +void CreateProjectionMatrix(Matrix4x4 *mat, float yFOV, float Aspect, float NearClip, float FarClip);
   1.390 +void NormalMapFromHeightField(Texture *tex);
   1.391 +void UpdateMipmapChain(Texture *tex);
   1.392 +TriMesh *CreateShadowVolume(const TriMesh &mesh, const Light *light, const Matrix4x4 &MeshXForm, bool WorldCoords = false);
   1.393 +
   1.394 +#endif	// _3DENGINE_H_
   1.395 \ No newline at end of file